Wondering about running

I want to start running but I am having trouble with being winded after only jogging for 1 min. I have tried doing intervals of jog for 2 min then walk for 5 min and so on. But after about 4 intervals for a total of only 8 min of jogging I am so winded that I can not do any more. Any one out there have any advice for me. I would really appreciate it as one of my goals is to do a half marathon. :smile:


  • KimertRuns13_1
    First go slow. Don't try to go too fast, build up speed gradually. If you are winded you are probably going too fast. Best way to gauge that is to get to a pace where you can still speak. That should be your comfortable pace.
    A good place to start is Couch to 5k.

    Good luck!

    Feel free to add me. I am a runner. I started 2 years ago w/C25K and have worked my way up to half marathons.
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    I suggest checking out Couch to 5K program. It is interval training, and starts out very easy. I went from no running at all in June, to running my first 5K in October. Good luck!! I find running to be addictive :-)
  • Yary2931
    Yary2931 Posts: 44 Member
    Wow, your story sounds just like mine. I feel so embarrased because I leave the house all encouraged and determined to run / jog and I can't even do it for 1 minute :-( I am determined to get in shape and run so maybe we can keep each other motivated.

    Feel free to add me as your friend if you like.

    Good Luck!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Walk the distance you are gong to run, then pick up the pace each week.
    Be sure to warm up, and cool down.
    Avoid inclines both uphill and downhill to avoid injuries in the beginning.
    Lots of programs, but generally they all do walk run intervals. IE: Run 1 minute, walk 2, increasing 3 weeks a month.
    Do some strength training for your legs (upper body is great too). Knees and heals can take a beating without proper support.
    I worked up from 0 to 5K, you can do it, and probably more!
  • kaffkaff
    kaffkaff Posts: 22 Member
    Find out if there are any local running groups, it's really helpful to start running with other beginners and see that you're not the only one struggling! If you can't find any running groups, stick to doing the intervals of jogging for one minute, then walking for one (or longer if you really need it) Though remember you can jog as slowly as you need to. It will get easier as your body gets more used to it. Best of luck.
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    i agree w/ the first person that started...start out running slower...i started w/ intervals...and also--you'll get the breathing down...you just have to get used to it...and once you hit that runner high, you'll never go back!

    i started out doing 2:2's and it hought my heart was going to pound outta my chest! 3 years later, i'm about to run my 6th half marathon and start training for my first full marathon.

    feel free to add me -- i know alllll about starting from nothing, building up, working around injuries, etc. don't give up! you'll love it :)
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Couch to 5 K program and go slow. I ran for the first time about 9 months ago. Yesterday I went out for 5 miles. I didn't run the whole way but I ran a lot of it. Even if I am slow, I'm still faster than me sitting on the couch. Good luck!
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Intervals are the right idea, but as was mentioned previously, you might be pacing yourself to fast! Try slowing your pace and see how your intervals go after that. The couch to 5k program is great, as it helps you increase the amount of time running. Also, perhaps try running for 1 min and walking for 4 mins, and then as your breathing gets easier, work up your speed and your running intervals!
    Feel free to add me if you would like! I love running and just did an 8K this past weekend! It is addicting!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Yep. Try the C25K program. It's a great starting point. It's a nine week program (you can download it on your iPod). Repeat weeks if necessary.

    Good luck. But please be warned ... you may run into an addiction problem. :wink:
  • pocomama
    pocomama Posts: 93 Member
    I started the couch to 5k back in June. It is supposed to take 9 weeks. I am still on week 4, lol. I just do it until I am comfortable with it. It will likely take me at least a month to get comfortable with week 4 because the 5 minute segments make me feel like I am going to die. And I probably jog slower than I walk, but that's ok...I am not in a race. In the beginning my lungs couldnt keep up with the rest of me. I just chalk it up to the lungs being like any other part of you, they need exercise. They weren't used to working like that. It does get better and you might find that you actually get addicted to it. I dont take a rest day in between. I do it every morning, 6 days a week. I have one day off from everything but walking one day each week. I just find that I really enjoy it. I crank up my ipod and zone out to the music until the little voice tells me when it is time to run and when it is time to walk. Oh, and I have to do it first thing in the morning otherwise I struggle with it later.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Hi, Here's a link through my site that has a couple of running articles that may help. I also was getting email from a site called runnersworld. you could check that out to. http://foxborofitclub.com/category/fitness/

    Before I started running (which I only do once a week) i built up my cardio by doing interval cardio training and then I ventured out into actual running. I wanted to help my 10 year old train for a 3 mile 30 min test he needed to do.
    the first time I ran, it had been 20 plus years, It took me over 40 minutes! How was I going to help my son if I couldn't do it.

    I decided to concentrate on getting my cardio up. I started slow but built it up over time. Now I can do 3 miles in 24 minutes.

    Good luck
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292
    im the perfect example...i was in your situation when i started. i just started walking uphill treadmill, to build endurance. after about 10min. of this, i would start to run at a slow place say 4.5. i did this for about a week or so and went from there....im not the best runner, but i do run a 5k 6days a week and my avg speed is around 6.2. i dont get winded, unless i try to push my limits, but after backing my speed down, im good to go and my lungs always catch up.

    i also started a lot of str training as well...i first concentrated on my legs, so that it could help me with my runs...and this my sound weird, but i realized i was running wrong and didnt realize it till i did some research on the net....had no idea there was a correct way and a incorrect way to run. once i found out how to run, it made all the difference.
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    Couch to 5k. this program helped me out soo much and i was not a runnder at all!!! its a great system!
  • lmifflin
    Thanks for all the good advice will definetly try all of it.:smile::smile: