Organic Doedorant

Organic Deodorant - Anyone know how to correct your Topic if you misspell??

Anyway...back to the post...

Hello all! In an effort to slowly reduce all the lab created products in my life, in addition to less processed foods, I've been moving towards all-natural soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc etc. The one thing that I'd like to change, but am really apprehensive, about is my deodorant. I've been researching it, but I seem to be finding a lot of stuff that is expensive, but doesn't work well. I get pretty sweaty when I work out and want something with the power to save my coworkers (and husband) from my pits. Is there anyone out there using organic deodorant that you like? Any good links for reviews that I haven't located yet? Please let me know!


  • momma_kathleen
    I really like Tom's deodorant. It isnt an antiperspirant, which is unhealthy...we NEED to sweat to free ourselves of toxins! It comes in different scents, I like the honeysuckle. =) It's a stick, not a spray.
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    I've heard really good things about Tom's of Maine, but I haven't tried the deoderant. I've been using some deodorant from NYR Organics, LOVE IT.
  • maleva720
    maleva720 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm still looking too. I've been trying different kinds from Whole Foods. So far I havent found one that I love yet but at least I'm not putting chemicals onto my body anymore.
  • littlemount
    I let my daughters use only toms deodarant, I make sure that there should be no aluminium in the deodarant.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    i use tom's of maine or arm and hammer natural deodorant. Actually after you eat healthier and less processed foods for a while you may not even need a deodorant.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Because they don't have antiperspirant in them, my sister uses them and stinks an hour or two after using it! (Good thing she doesn't read MFP lol) It just has deodorant in it which is basically swabbing your armpits in perfume. I wish there was a natural way to make antiperspirant.... I would totally switch if there was!