Ticker Not Moving

Hey guys,

I am 5'3", 156.5, and about to give up. I have been trying to loose weight for three years now. I can't seem to make an impact on the scale. I eat properly for what I know. I work out at least four times a week. I really need some help. Will weight loss supplements help?


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    1. may we see your diet and exercise diary?

    2. have you spoken to your doctor?
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member
    I've had the same exact problem and have finally had a breakthough. I stopped any and all hormonal influences (IUD) and have gone to more of a live whole foods diet. One that is plant based with fruits, veggies, grains, legumes, nuts & seeds. I minimize animal proteins, dairy, and wheat. It's made a huge difference. Check out this site with tons of info (she also has a book): www.greensmoothiegirl.com

    Good luck!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    "Will weight loss supplements help?" i don't think so no

    Are you eating your exersise calories?



    Go to the tools section and figure out your BMI:

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle building, and reducing fat. This means it is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode).

    This is just a part of it! please read the link above
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Answer is yes, but only temporarily. Then you will gain it all back and more. How much are you eating? How much do you work out? Do you switch out your workouts, or are you doing the same thing daily? Have you spoken to your doctor to see if there is something else going on hormonally that may be hindering you. One sure way not to get the ticker moving is to give up. Don't do that, and keep on perservering. Change has to come. Also watch your sodium intake and your carbs.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Don't give up!!!! We need you! :)
    Maybe open your diary to the public so others can give helpful advice. :)
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    From the picture it says that you just joined MFP. Try tracking calories and exercise honestly and see if you notice anything. Also hormones and steroids can play a big part in weightloss, so talk to your doctor.
  • RashmiNaik
    Don't give up. I too am 5.3 and was a 151.5 lbs when I started five months agao. I have lost 10-12 lbs in 5 months. I say that because my weight varies due to water retention and on good days it is 12 lbs and on not so good days, it is 10 lbs! My goal was to reach 127 lbs. I consulted a nutritionist and she has suggested some changes and they seem to be working. I confess I hardly exercise - my only form of exercise is walking my dog so I know that diet changes help because it's not the exercise that enableed me to lose the weight. Yes it is slow, but that is better than not losing any at all. She broke up my protein and carbohydrates. One day it is protein and the other it is carbs. Lots of fruits, veggies and snacking. In fact one of the first thing she tod me that I wasn't eating enough and had increased my food intake to 3 whole meals with 2 mini meals during the day. there are days when I eat 2-3 slices of whole grain bread per meal!

    So don't give up. Consult a dietician or nutritionist - I am also in the peri-menopausal state and had gained 25 lbs in two years.

    Best of luck!
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    It's hard to pin point where the problem lies, unless we have an idea of what you're eating. Remember calories are different, its not about quantity, it is about quality, and that does with exercise. You can exercise until you drop, but if you never use proper form, you are doing just the minimum. Make your dairy public for all to see, then we can better assess your micronutrients. How are you calculating calories burned during exercise?
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    where'd she go?:ohwell:
    I can't believe I put loose in that sentence. The embarrassing thing is love grammar, and I correct people all the time. Well, what can I say; I was in a rush to get to the gym. Thanks for all the feedback everyone.