Must stop Smoking and and cut down Boozing!!!

I have chosen to give up smoking AGAIN!!!!! Like weight loss its very hard to do and commit to. I chose to loose weight this time for the last time, seen as though I have now lost 36lb and a 3rd of the way through my weight loss journey I have decided to make Saturday next 29th October 2011 the day I start.....

I would start today but have a night out to the dog racing tomorrow night with friends who smoke and I think if I am going cold turkey, then I had better be away from those that also smoke.

Its not that I smoke much, but with alcohol I am a mad woman and could smoke more than a chimney hence the reason I need to quit the booze too................or at least not drink alcohol during the week.

If there is anyone that can off any great support then this will be truley welcomed. Just like my weight loss journey, this smoke free journey and not drinking through the week will be a great effort but I WILL DO THIS THIS TIME!

Thanks for listening,

Luvs Lisa x


  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Im willing to help if i can... its easier when you do it together!
  • my husband quit by using SNUSS. Look into it. research says it is not bad for you.
  • I'm looking to do the same, it is so hard but why eat healthy and lose weight and then pollute our lungs right? I would love to quit cold turkey Saturday with you if you would like. It would be great to have someone to quit with me. Send me a friend request if you are interested :)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    You'll definitely have to cut down on the boozin' least at first until you have better control over not smoking.

    I'm great at quitting - I've done it lots of times! I'm currently at week 3 without them and I'm using the patch. Cold turkey is just too cruel for my liking.

    Good luck! I know how tough it is.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    The two hardest things are quitting smoking and saving for retirement. The good news is that if you don't quit smoking, you don't have to save for retirement.
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Woohoo go you! Cold turkey makes the nicotine withdrawl go by quicker... It's like taking off a bandaid! Gets all of that junk out of your system in the first two days and then just deal with the habit part!

    Good luck!
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    i quit by reading The Easy Way To Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. Its been 1 year and 7 months since i have smoked and it does not pain me whatsoever, and really never did.

    I had to read the book 1 and 1/2 times before it clicked, but when it did, i was done. and never looked back.

    buy it on ebay for $6, what do you have to lose? except the price of one pack of smokes. buy it, im serious.
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    its so hard to quit smoking, i dont have enough money to buy them so i end up going crazy during school craving one and i completely lose my focus. they are destroying my life.
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    The two hardest things are quitting smoking and saving for retirement. The good news is that if you don't quit smoking, you don't have to save for retirement.

    Wow that couldn't be said any better!
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    I quit cold turkey and it sucked for me but also what I learned (after a few failed attempts) that after the first week I needed to put myself back in temptation and hang out with my smoker friends I went 7 or 8 days with out seeing any of them and then starting going out and even drinking with them again. Every time I kept myself secluded I had to deal with it weeks later but when I hung out with them despite the desire to smoke I was successful and it has now been about 2 and a half years. Just my 2 cents :D
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    Loving the reasoning for this.......I could save the cigs money for my retirement or for the kids for university.....the list is endless..thanks.x
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    its so hard to quit smoking, i dont have enough money to buy them so i end up going crazy during school craving one and i completely lose my focus. they are destroying my life.

    so quit with me we can support each other! xx
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    i quit by reading The Easy Way To Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. Its been 1 year and 7 months since i have smoked and it does not pain me whatsoever, and really never did.

    I had to read the book 1 and 1/2 times before it clicked, but when it did, i was done. and never looked back.

    buy it on ebay for $6, what do you have to lose? except the price of one pack of smokes. buy it, im serious.

    I am gonna do that on ebay on another tab....soon be winging its way to me. thanks.x
  • I've never smoked, so I have no idea how difficult it must be to quit, but I sincerely applaud you for trying!!! From past friends who don't smoke, they say it made a world of difference in their health, appearance, scent :laugh: , and wallet. Good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    I quit cold turkey and it sucked for me but also what I learned (after a few failed attempts) that after the first week I needed to put myself back in temptation and hang out with my smoker friends I went 7 or 8 days with out seeing any of them and then starting going out and even drinking with them again. Every time I kept myself secluded I had to deal with it weeks later but when I hung out with them despite the desire to smoke I was successful and it has now been about 2 and a half years. Just my 2 cents :D
    well done that is will power will be collected in bucket fulls come saturday........i think i will need to cut up lots of healthy carrot sticks to help me x
  • melbasc
    melbasc Posts: 32 Member
    I stopped smoking August 1 of this year. I am using an e-cig now. Mine is called Joye eGo-t. It gives the satisfaction of having something in your hand, actually produces a "vapor" so you get the effect of smoking without inhaling all of the "junk". The liquids that you use in them come in various strengths of nicotine and I am down to the lowest level now. There are all types of flavors to try and it has worked beautifully for me. No more smelly clothes or ashtrays....I was smoking about a pack a day but noticing that I was moving closer and closer to opening that second pack a day and finally said "enough"!
    Good luck, and feel free to send a friend request!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I would start today but have a night out to the dog racing tomorrow night with friends who smoke and I think if I am going cold turkey, then I had better be away from those that also smoke.

    If there is anyone that can off any great support then this will be truley welcomed. Just like my weight loss journey, this smoke free journey and not drinking through the week will be a great effort but I WILL DO THIS THIS TIME!

    I am now about 2 years smoke free, going cold turkey and having my OH smoke the entire time,
    I hate to sound rude, but it's meant with the best intentions
    Your first line quoted it sounds/reads like your looking for an excuse to keep smoking for a while yet. Nothing wrong with this if you're building up the willpower/momentum to quit. Just wanted to warn about being careful to not look for excuses :)

    Your second line quoted, If you truly mean it, then you will succeed, you might suffer setbacks, but keep pushing forward.

    Wishing you all the best in kicking the dirty habit of smoking, I wish my OH would find the right motivation to quit.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 340 Member
    I will be smoke free for a year as of Nov 22 :D you can do it!! I didn't do anything special, I had just had enough. My husband still smokes, so it was a little difficult at first, but I think once a person is really ready, then it happens. Getting past the first three days is the hardest, then it gets easier!! Good luck, you can do it!!!
  • I'm doing LivingLean - an on line wt management course. I'm maybe 20 lbs above where i want to be, but I'm "addicted" to chocolate/candy. This program doesn't help me diet, although it does have me eating better. It's more about the emotional addiction to our "main munch". This can be candy/sugar, carbs, alcohol, smoking - whatever. It's an on-line program I get
    thru work, and I never realized how my hiding candy EVERYWHERE was part of my emotional tie to it. It's the same principals
    for drinking/smoking/eating/sex.
    I can tell you some of the basics - and when you say you HAVE to do something - or IF I DON'T, IT"LL KILL ME. Well, it's
    all still the same bottomline: your choice to do it. Once you realize that unless you're on an island in the middle of the pacific - you really DON'T have to do anything. It's your CHOICE. 72 hours is what it takes to break an addiction. It's uncomfortable as hell. Once you KNOW that, you're prepared for it. Keep those cigarettes on your desk, in plain site. (We do this with our main munch - so I have my candybar 6 inches from my hand all day long). When I want it, I pick up my creed card and read it, then I make my choice NOT to eat it. One second, one minute, one day at a time.

    "I'd like to eat/drink/smoke. The choice is up to me. But I WANT and DESERVE ______ (you fill in the blank - mine is to be in my size 12's). That's important to me, so for right now, I choose to continue to train myself to live a life of healthy and Living Lean. "
    "I'm a bite away from a life of lardy days". Or - "I'm one smoke away from a life of clean lungs and better health".
    Good luck.
    Oh - they tell us DO NOT AVOID your main munch. Avoidance does NOT get rid of the desire. Confront it. On YOUR terms. Overpower it. Look at it all day long. You make your choice, again, one minute at a time. Power comes from that choice.
    YOU CAN DO IT! Positive - because you WANT to and you DESERVE it, not because you have to.
  • Kamsmom23
    Kamsmom23 Posts: 17 Member
    I quit smoking cold turkey on June 29th, 2011. You can do it!! I have tried a few times before but somehow this time I was just motivated and didn't have many problems. Hopefully I can carry this motivation over to becoming more healthy & lose this weight. You CAN do it!!