Raw Spooky Treats!!! [Recipe and picture!]


Raw Spooky Treats!

I made these last night for my friends - 2 of which are really picky, and 2 that love everything I make.

The picky ones only liked the apples, but the other 2 along with myself loved everything!

They are all so healthy, delicious, cute, nutritious, raw, easy to make...not to mention, they were all really fun to make too!

Calories (roughly):
Coco-Banana Ghosts: 92 calories each
Apple-Nut Monsters: 117 calories each
Choco-Date Halloween Cookies: 56 calories each

Here's where I got the recipes!: http://thehappyrawkitchen.blogspot.com/2009/10/raw-halloween-recipes.html

Happy Halloween (almost!)


  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    They are just hilarious!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    i think i may make these with my son this weekend. THANKS!!!!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Your apple nut monsters.......GENIOUS!!!! My boys don't like coconut. Awesome pic BTW.
  • These are perfect to make with your kids! So easy, tasty and healthy!!

    And thanks :) I like to make my food pictures look pretty haha
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    bump very cute
  • cherylaclark
    cherylaclark Posts: 119 Member
  • They're so cute! They look delicious too!
  • LOVE these kinds of things! I could have October year-round and make these kinds of goodies. Did you ever see the Kitty Litter Cake recipe? What fun! Also, I used to make a cemetery pudding with ghosts (Cool Whip) and tombstones (Pepperridge Farm cookies).
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    hahahahah oh cuteoverload
  • LOVE these kinds of things! I could have October year-round and make these kinds of goodies. Did you ever see the Kitty Litter Cake recipe? What fun! Also, I used to make a cemetery pudding with ghosts (Cool Whip) and tombstones (Pepperridge Farm cookies).

    Omg I just looked up the kitty litter cake! So awesome! And the cemetery pudding soundings so yummy!
  • Here's a YouTube of Ghosts in the Graveyard to show you how to make it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mCtvkGlS7o

    But you can find it on several sites if you just search Oreo cemetery pudding cake or something like that.