sad, discouraged, sick, venting

Okay I’m back:indifferent: I guess I gave up for awhile. I did great for 3 months lost 30lb then nothing and more nothing for over a month then got down with the flue and gained 4 lb and still nothing. I joined a gym last week and was able to go 4 out of 6 days and worked 30 min. each time. and now have gained another 4 lb. so now my loss is only 22 lb and I feel like it might at well be a big 0.:sad: I have not logged my food in awhile because I was so discouraged, but this morning I am going to start again, :ohwell: I am not feeling well – a lot of dizziness :sick: - and have a doctor’s appointment at 11:30. I need to get to feeling better or I may never get back on track. Also I wish I could find a “buddy” to help me with all this, I can’t find anyone local and I’ve been on this site sense October and have barley gotten responses when I post, for sure not made any friends. No I don’t post and ask for help often but I have responded to several other posts and felt like I was talking to myself. :embarassed: Oh well I guess someone is thinking “what a crybaby” but right now that what I want to do is cry. :cry: I badly want and feel I need to loose and after 2 months with no results and now only gaining I just wanted to vent. Oh and what makes it worse is my Husband eats like a horse and never worries about what he is eating and he has lost more than 20 lb in the last 2 months:noway: , I had to get out his old cloths cause everything was getting baggy. OK ill stop now like I said just wanted to vent.


  • babiecuddles
    babiecuddles Posts: 47 Member
    Okay I’m back:indifferent: I guess I gave up for awhile. I did great for 3 months lost 30lb then nothing and more nothing for over a month then got down with the flue and gained 4 lb and still nothing. I joined a gym last week and was able to go 4 out of 6 days and worked 30 min. each time. and now have gained another 4 lb. so now my loss is only 22 lb and I feel like it might at well be a big 0.:sad: I have not logged my food in awhile because I was so discouraged, but this morning I am going to start again, :ohwell: I am not feeling well – a lot of dizziness :sick: - and have a doctor’s appointment at 11:30. I need to get to feeling better or I may never get back on track. Also I wish I could find a “buddy” to help me with all this, I can’t find anyone local and I’ve been on this site sense October and have barley gotten responses when I post, for sure not made any friends. No I don’t post and ask for help often but I have responded to several other posts and felt like I was talking to myself. :embarassed: Oh well I guess someone is thinking “what a crybaby” but right now that what I want to do is cry. :cry: I badly want and feel I need to loose and after 2 months with no results and now only gaining I just wanted to vent. Oh and what makes it worse is my Husband eats like a horse and never worries about what he is eating and he has lost more than 20 lb in the last 2 months:noway: , I had to get out his old cloths cause everything was getting baggy. OK ill stop now like I said just wanted to vent.
  • wiesk1
    wiesk1 Posts: 26
    vent all you want :) Thats what the posts are for. Read my posts on another discouraged user....Its called Help I need motivation stat! or something like that. Hope everything goes well for you today!
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Ok first thing glad your back that's the most important thing that your willing and able to get back to your life style change:drinker:
    Glad you joined the gym you probably didn't lose cause you may have been eating more calories then you were burning off. So now that you are tracking your calories and exercising you will no exactly what's going wrong. Forget the past month or so and just start fresh have a positive attitude and you will see results soon.
    It's not easy coming back and feeling like you have to start over but everyday is a new day to start over. Keep me posted on your progress cause I know you'll do great:smile:
    Welcome back:flowerforyou:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    :flowerforyou: Your not alone, I have just started a week ago and I don't think I would have gotten this far without mfp and the people on here talking to me :happy: I am learning as I go and everyone is so patient with me. :blushing: I hope the doctor has a good report for you......I hear that the flu is just awful. Contact me any time you wish....I see you can get mail on here. :smile:
  • wendyce
    wendyce Posts: 5
    Last year i joined a women's gym, and worked out 3 times a week like i should, and even though i didn't gain any weight, I didn't lose any either, but I did lose inches. I only went for 4 months, but it seemed like i hit my plateau really early. because i had lost 12 lbs in the month before starting the gym. Now, i've gained back half of that over the last year. I know it doesn't seem like a lot compaired to yours, but we all have set backs. don't get discouraged and give up. every day is a new day!
    I also know what you are saying about your husband. My husband weighs 25lbs less than myself and everytime that i try to lose weight he loses more than me, and he isn't trying. It is very upsetting. But I decided a couple weeks ago, I don't care anymore. I'm in this for me. I want to be healthier, and I will be!
  • happygrumpalump
    happygrumpalump Posts: 28 Member
    I feel like you do too sometimes. I barely lost any weight and I started in January. I eat the way I should, I excersize and in 2 months have lost only 5 pounds. After the third week I started taking measurements and that is where I am seeing POSITIVE results! Don't rely on the scale, it calculates everything from fat, to muscle, and water gain. Try taking measurements and see if you are losing inches. I lost 4 inches around my thighs, 5 inches around my waist, and there were weeks that I hadn't lost any pounds, so had I not measured, I would have given up thinking nothing was working!

    March is a new month, and I hope great things happen for you!
  • happygrumpalump
    happygrumpalump Posts: 28 Member
    I just re-read your post and noticed what you said about your husband, lol! My husband eats a lot of food, and eats a lot of snack foods, pretty much whatever he wants in large portions and COMPLAINS that he he is 144lbs because he thinks he's too skinny, lmao! I find that so frustrating because I look at junk food and will gain weight, and I haven't seen my scale go to 144 in years, lol! I understand completely the frustration.
  • babiecuddles
    babiecuddles Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I am about to head to the doctor and find out why im so dizzy I will check back this afternoon
  • babiecuddles
    babiecuddles Posts: 47 Member
    Okay so I went to the doctor and the only thing he could say about my dizziness is that it may be something viral and he gave me some pills that are suppose to stop the dizziness. So I hope they work. And as for my weight according his scales I have gained 10 lb sense mid January. Then my husband being the sweet thoughtful man that he is brought me a burger for lunch soooo that is almost 200 calories me than I had planned for lunch. Good thing I kept breakfast low. So I have 750 left for the day. If this pill works and I can stop being so dizzy maybe I can burn some.
  • happygrumpalump
    happygrumpalump Posts: 28 Member
    I hope that the medication works and you are feeling better soon!
  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    I hope you are feeling better. I was also experiencing dizziness back in Oct/Nov and I was diagnosed with a sinus infection. The doctor gave me an antibiotic and a decongestant. I hope your med works quickly, because it's an awful feeling!
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Don't give up! Knuckle head you aren't gaining weight you are gaining MUSCLE. If you are working out (which by the way is to be applauded) then your body is getting rid of the fat and muscles are expanding. Muscle weighs more than fat!!!!! I used to be 11% body fat and was training to compete in Miss Fitness-and guess what I weighed at a size 3/4??? Come on guess???? I weighed 170 lbs!!! My waist was like 21 inches. Like a child's. What you need to do is throw out the scale! Yep toss it (o.k. well donate it) and then buy you like 7 outfits at the weight goals you want over the next say 7 months. You try on the outfits to measure your loss plus you get a new wardobe. The higher up those new jeans go, the more you know you have lost and you don't have to be a slave to the scale. Just a suggestion. Good luck and you are doing so GOOD. As for the hubby isn't that always the way it works? Men loose faster than women. But hey we get to live longer and rarely go bald tee-hee!:smile:
  • babyhippo
    babyhippo Posts: 247
    Remember, when our loved ones so thoughtfully give us things like hamburgers, we can choose to cut it in 1/2. :wink:
  • tiangelah
    tiangelah Posts: 144
    I know how you feel. I have been on working out hard for almost 2 months now and I have only lost 1 pound. lol 1 crack head pound. But hey I am going to keep at it simply because I have more engery and my skin is clearing up like crazy. Look more at the positive then the negative. I also know that me getting inshape will help me in my military career. I want to be an officer and I have to get into real good physical fitness shape in order to do that. Good blessings and keep on pushing. Remember the little engine that could. I think I can, I think I can. Besides I am go be fine like this lady on my picture no matter what it takes.
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    encouraging words from all....they are so suppotive...hang in there!

  • babiecuddles
    babiecuddles Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys, I am felling much better, both the dizziness and the emotions. :smile: I have not gotten on the scales at all this week I refuse to until Sunday and I am prepared for it to show nothing in either direction first because Phatmomma is right about the working out thing and second because my friend is in town this week, :blushing: anyone else thinking that is why I got so emotional.:embarassed: But today I am in a lot better mood and all the post and private messages I have gotten this week have really lifted my spirits. :happy:
    I took some measurements some time back maybe in November or December I need to find what I did with them and measure again maybe I will find a surprise. Okay I only work 3 hours today and I have spent 1 of them on here and on email so I better get with it. I will be back on Monday hope everyone has an awesome weekend. :flowerforyou:
    God Bless
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Good luck Peggy! And I'm sure your "friend" won't mind :blushing:
  • Families_R_Forever
    I feel your pain!! I have been feeling the same. HH
  • Anise6789
    Anise6789 Posts: 100 Member
    sorry for your blues. Its not easy. I had to have surgury in the middle of my plans,and it took me forever to show a loss. I had an abdominal surgury,and could barely work out.I was very disappointed also. As I got better I showed a fourteen lb. loss after two months of nothing.
    The four lbs. you gained could well be muscle from working out more. What is your calorie allowance. Love to be your friend, sincerely Anise
  • babiecuddles
    babiecuddles Posts: 47 Member
    I posted this on another post but decided to put it on here to sence it is in reference to this topic. so here ya go. :happy: :happy:
    I lost the 4 lb that had found me in the last month. So maybe that means I am back on track. I’m going to work hard this week and see if I can see at least part of that other 4 lb I gained back in January go away.
    Thank for the support