Homemade Tuna taco's

I ate this yesterday for lunch with a water. And I was full and satisfied. Hope this helps someone

1 can lite tuna in water
1 tablesppon Newman Olive oil & vinegar dressing
1 teaspoon\ or to taste Lite Mayo
Sliced lettuce enough for 2 tacos
Sliced Tomatoe enough for 2 tacos
1 Tortilla (of your choice)

Drain can of tuna then pour in bowl along with Mayo. Stir and set aside. Chop up lettuce and tomatoe. Heat tortilla( I like mine a little black over the burner). Cut tortilla in half for 2 small tacos. Place tuna in the middle of each 2 pieces and put veggies on top. Measure the dressing then pour it on top of the veggies. Roll up and Enjoy! Make sure to wrap the bottom up well so dressing does not get everywhere =)
