Struggling at Dinner/Evening



  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    Eat a snack between 3 and 4 o'clock! If you're not eating between lunch and dinner time (5-6 hours), you're going to slow down your metabolism. Your body needs protein every 3 hours.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    You may be eating too many carbs and not enough protein. Maybe start eating smaller meals (eat 5-6 times a day - every 2-3 hours) and food that are higher in fibre. Try eating more nuts, eggs, chicken, cottage cheese... might help.
  • moonshadows72
    moonshadows72 Posts: 180 Member
    the best advice I can offer you is, eat 5-6 times a day, spread them out every 2-3 hrs. Definately stay away from anything "sugar free" or "0 calories" they use artificial sweeteners that only make your body want more (also for me they leave a sickly sweet taste in my mouth that takes forever to get rid of...) not so guilt free anymore... Also eat more protein or raw veggies. Protein especialy will help keep you from being hungry a LOT longer than processed foods or some carbs.
  • Eat more during the day - you have all day to burn it off and at night for sweet tooth you can make the fat free sugar pudding pies (graham craker crust) for a sweet attack. Protein keeps you full longer as well so some sliced turkey before bed is not a bad idea. My coworker is a body builder and she gave me the tip about the protein.
  • SaucyPeas
    SaucyPeas Posts: 52 Member
    Yeah Im trying to eat a few snacks and literally I can eat a snack at 3 and the switch flips at 3:30 or 4 regardless of what I do and makes me want to binge. I'll see if I can lower my carbs some more in the afternoon and see if that helps any. Thank you all for the suggestions I really appreciate it.

    I'm also trying hard to cut out the sodas even the diet ones. I was/am really addicted to the drinks and before i started this journey I was drinking 4 to 5 regular cokes a day. I am now driking a ton of water and 2 to 3 Dr Pepper Ten's a day which is a HUGE difference not only in calories but in caffiene as well. Im trying to wing myself off them, but its so hard. I know eventually I have to get rid of the soda's too. Baby steps :)
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 992 Member
    Well, I can only say what I've been doing. I take what I used to have for breakfast and I cut it in half. I have my morning tea and two scrambled eggs and when I get hungry again, I have a yogurt and some berries. I found that if I had all of that at once for breakfast, I'd still get hungry before lunch. So I'm just spreading out my calories. I do that a bit with lunch too, smaller something, and a snack around 4pm.

    Also, as people have mentioned, drink water! Even flavoured water. Just something. I also have some granola bars that are like 110 cal that take the edge off so I'm not scarfing down everything... they have chocolate chips too so I get a bit of a sweet fix.

    Oh and I heard that drinking something hot makes you feel full, so herbal teas maybe?

    Good luck!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    For me I have to limit carbs even in the morning to keep my blood sugar stable, that way I don't jump into a bag of chips mid afternoon. Also Iike someone else suggested I would increase your protein & good fat. Make sure you get a little at each meal. Nuts, cheese, avocado, lean meat, eggs, hummus, nut butter on an apple or celery.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I had this issue my first week - I started snacking on items with protein and fiber. Try grabbing a snack with protein or fiber at around 2:30 to push you through. Also, it could be thirst, not hunger - drink cold water first, then grab the snack.

    I'm basically agreeing with everyone else... :)
  • I have the same problem when I don't eat every hour or two. What I do is eat a moderate breakfast (Oatmeal with a banana and orange juice), and snack till lunch (I eat lunch late because I am forced to eat dinner late because of school and work).

    So I will eat breakfast, and 1.5 hours later I have a low fat cheese stick, then 1 hour later I have an apple, Then 1.5 hours late I have a greek yogurt. So say I eat breakfast at 10, that brings me to around 3 o 4 o'clock for lunch! Then I'll have like a half a sandwich, some kind of veggie, and another small snack. The i'll have another small snack at 6 and and dinner at 7 or 8. This way I ALWAYS have food in my stomach and never get super hungry. (So that I don't binge. Because when I am super hungry I get the urge to GO CRAZY.)

    Just eat eat eat eat EAT!
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    Some have posted what they try and what is in common are carbs. There good carbs and bad carbs. Good carbs are from fruit/veggies/ grains like whole wheat and etc. They are good for the body and fill you up because of the fiber and water content. If you are snacking or eating up on other types of carbs...there is your problem.

    Carbs release a chemical in our brains that makes us crave more carbs so you get hungry quicker. It's the same process as when one is addicted to something. Switch to complex carbs and you will do better. Another poster commented about sodas. Bad, and bad for you. As well as diet sodas. The phosphoric acid can actually cause you get osteoporosis sooner because of what it does to the bones. If you can't cut them out at least do it in moderation. Moderation, not deprivation.

    Hope that helps. Oh, and I agree with the processed foods statement too. It is recommended to drink at least half your body weight in water. I at least get in 80oz a day though.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    This is a great article about why even diet soda can make you fat.

    It's not as tasty as Dr. Pepper but when I get bored with water I drink sparkling mineral water with a splash of juice.
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    Same problem... As some other have stated, since I'm at work during the day I only eat what I bring so it's kind of a forced diet. It's when I get home that I have the issue.

    What I found helps me:
    - Drink water not sodas during the day, then if I'm craving something around 3 or 4 that nothing satiates I go ahead and have my diet DP
    - Snack on something right before I leave work, fruit/nuts/small portion of chips/etc... That way I have the entire drive home for that snack to help curb my appetite
    - Plan my calories so when I eat extra at night I don't go over my calories for the day

    Hope that helps... You're doing great and will figure out what works best for you!
  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
    I find that if I don't eat enough protein for breakfast or lunch I am starving and do the same thing as you.
    Not sure what you are eating, but maybe try adding some more protein and carbs that take longer to digest - in turn making you feel fuller longer
  • myshell26
    myshell26 Posts: 113
    Make sure to eat foods high in fiber and protein for breakfast and lunch. Cutting out the soda at the beginning of the day will definitely help. I found that I can beat my after dinner sweet tooth with a cup of fat free milk and 2 tbs of sugar free hershey's syrup (I like strawberry, but most prefer chocolate). I make sure to take just a little gulp every few minutes to make it last as long as possible. I also take care to eat all my meals very slowly and drink 8 cups of water each day. This helps me feel full. Yogurt, nuts (especially pistachios and almonds) and fruit make great snacks.
  • myshell26
    myshell26 Posts: 113
    Also when do you typically work out?
  • myshell26
    myshell26 Posts: 113
    I have the same type of problem but with my dinner portion... Its so hard when there is just more there...
    When there is more food and no one to eat it, try waiting 3 hours. If you still want it then it eat. Most of the time you'll find that you won't want it and you can save it for lunch the next day.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours so I am never hungry and just plan out all my meals
  • SaucyPeas
    SaucyPeas Posts: 52 Member
    My schedule changes so my work out times change but its mostly in the morning and in the evening. I try and walk the dogs in the morning for a 35 minute walk and sometimes do cardio then too. In the evenings its back to another dog walk and either some cycling or wii fitness.