Daily Goals

jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi I was wondering who sets daily goals? I did for yesterday ( to drink more then 8-8oz of water, which was a huge goal) but not usually do I do that. I want to know who does set daily goals, if it works for you and what kind of goals you set?

And if you don't can you tell me why as well? Thanks!


  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i do my best to set daily goals...they are usually pretty much the same everyday but it works best for me to write them down/post here to my thread so others help keep me on track.....

    here's what i posted this am....
    "Today is on: lunch & snacks as packed, 13+ water, nrolfw and spin class tonight, Chinese takeout while watching survivor with hubby after the runts go to bed. Hope you all have a great Thursday. "

    i think having a plan and sticking to it is the key to success in anything....i have my workouts already on my calendar so i know i have that "appointment" with myself each workout day...there is not question what i'm supposed to do....i try to prelog food for the day and if i get our family's dinner menu done on the weekend i do my best to log my dinners for the week on mfp too.....for november i'm going to attempt to plan out the entire month for dinners so it will help take the guess work out of my busy working mom life....

    planning and setting goals is absolutely been my saving grace during this journey.....

    ps - i'm originally from downeast maine - moved to florida in 1996...still visit boothbay harbor each summer to see my dad's family...
    good luck...
  • I do, mine are mostly little ones. For instance, I used to take 2 sugars with my coffee, I have limited myself to 2 cups per day and have gone to one sugar for my second cup, still not able to give up the morning one :-) Baby steps for me. I think that most ppl set goals of one sort or another just signing up and checking in is a daily goal :-)))
  • I set daily goals (sort of like a checklist since I do better with lists).

    Today's list is:
    ~Drink 64 oz of water or more
    ~Workout (Yoga and weights)
    ~Clean house (company coming on Saturday)
    ~Log all food
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I love and live by daily goals. You just have to know what works for you and I think that keeps me motivated to stay focused. Eating is bascially the same with some mixes, but as long as I hit my daily macros I know my work outs will mean some thing thus keeping me on track twards my long term goals. So as long as I keep my daily goals constant I find it all works out well in the future.
  • Jen,

    I try to drink 2 glasses of water before lunch and dinner. I drink alot of coffee every day, it seems to curb my appetite.

  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I try to walk or exercise 2xs per day and I try to get all my 8 glasses of water in... I also try hard to drink green tea with each meal and drink a warm 8oz glass of lemon water in the morning before my coffee. Just a few 'little I CAN" things :)
  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    I try to walk or exercise 2xs per day and I try to get all my 8 glasses of water in... I also try hard to drink green tea with each meal and drink a warm 8oz glass of lemon water in the morning before my coffee. Just a few 'little I CAN" things :)
    Just out of curiosity why the green tea with meals, and is it plain green tea or just something with green tea in it? and Why the warm water with lemon? Any reason or just because?
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