Starting chaLEAN EXTREM nov 1st...any takers???

Hey There MFP,

I am starting chaLEAN EXTREME on nov 1st and looking for others who are planning on doing this program. I started once before but was not consistent....I think if I can do the program along with others I will be more successful. So if you are planning on doing the program lets do it together and motivate eachother. Any one in??



  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I'm on my second week, but I tend to skip a little, so I would happily restart it with you.
  • Good luck! Keep at it and the results are awesome!
  • nowgirl2004
    nowgirl2004 Posts: 46 Member
    I start the 2nd month on Nov. 2nd, so I could be support. Not exactly what you were looking for, but close :)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I might join in with you..
  • What is the chaLEAN EXTREM?
  • I'm in!!

    And if I dont lose these love handles by the end of having lipo......end of HA

    STUBBORN is not the word!
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    I start the PUSH phase on Nov 1st. I am completing BURN right now. We can totally motivate eachother...!
  • damzie
    damzie Posts: 6 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Push Phase, so I would like to at least go along for the ride with you, and maybe I can help some since I'm further down the road on the plan than you will be.

    I will tell you that when I began the program I had 15 pounds to lose. Almost 6 weeks in, I have lost 6 pounds. But, I didn't lose anything the first week or two, it's just started picking up to where I'm losing almost a pound and a half a week. So, I think if you're like me and you're sorely in need of building some muscle, your loss might pick up once you've had the time to build a little muscle.

    Also, while I'm doing the 3 weight training circuits every week, I don't always do her cardio videos. I do plenty of cardio, but I run on my own and swap in other interval videos some times (like Jillian Michaels). I'm also doing Jillian Michaels Yoga (which has little in common with yoga) once a week.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!

  • fabur1
    fabur1 Posts: 2 Member
    I will do CX with you on Nov 1st... This will be my second time doing CX the first time I completed 2 months. This time I would like to do all 90 days.
  • nancyl36
    nancyl36 Posts: 5 Member
    what is CX ??
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    This looks amazing- I can't wait until A) Christmas so i can ask for it from santa :wink: or B) I have enough extra money to splurge on it! Would love to see some before and after pics of you folks who are already doing this! keep it up!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Just ordered it so will join you as soon as it arrives.
  • nmg8
    nmg8 Posts: 73 Member
    I am in week 1 of the Push Phase, and would love to join you guys! All I can say is, push through the first week of extreme soreness, and you will LOVE this program!!
  • I just got started a few days ago and am on week 1of burn phase -- I think I'm supposed to do burn circuit 3 tonight. I'd love to join all of you as well! :)
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I started the first time at the beginning of August. Then at the end of September, I had a horrible bout with vertigo and got stopped cold. I am feeling much better now and I just started back over with Burn Circuit 1 this morning. I would love to have some support!
  • I just started on Nov 1st - just completed Burn Phase 2! So far, it's not bad. I had previously completed the first 30 days of p90x, but then got sick and never got back into it. What do you log CX as in your journal?
  • january179
    january179 Posts: 23 Member
    I started CX on the 6th so I would love to join you guys.... I just completed burn intervals and ab burner yesterday and things are going well. I did this workout 2 years ago with amazing results but went through some major life changes and ended up gaining all my weight back. So I am back at the beginning with even more weight to lose but can't wait. These videos are awesome!!!!