Excuses because of christmas

Over and over again I have heard people saying that they are unhappy with their bodies and want to do something about it but see no point in starting because of Christmas. I find myself getting frustrated and tuning out their moaning because I just don't see Christmas as that big of an issue.

Yes, we all let go a little over Christmas, it is to be expected. I am looking forward to getting together with friends and family over lovely dinners etc.

I am losing patience and want to advise these people but I am not sure how!!! Does anyone else get annoyed at this and managed to get through to anyone? One of my pet hates is people who constantly moan about themselves and don't do anything about it. Then look at me and my weight loss and assume I have taken some miracle pill or starved myself to get this way....


  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I gave up on that. A person's actions need to match their words for me to believe...

    Have to add, you're rocking that dress! HOT HOT HOT! :flowerforyou:
  • Scoobies87
    I gave up on that. A person's actions need to match their words for me to believe...

    Have to add, you're rocking that dress! HOT HOT HOT! :flowerforyou:

    Awww thankyou :smile:
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    The way I see it is there's 8 weeks 'til Christmas. There's still a long way to go until then in terms of weight loss, they just don't really want to do it.

    My mum goes on about how she wishes she looked better and how she's at risk of heart problems etc. but when she comes to me for help she just constantly moans and makes excuses for the types of food she chooses to eat despite the advice I give her. She just thinks if she doesn't put milk in her coffee then she'll drop 20lbs in a week. It's hard to get through to some people about how to lose weight, they need something that will push them to do it themselves.

    Like you said, people just think you've swallowed a magic pill and it fell off overnight.
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    If they are using Christmas as an excuse, they're not ready. Christmas is 2 months away - a lot of progress can be made in 8 weeks, even with Thanksgiving in the middle.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Yes! Just today this girl asked me what I was doing to lose weight. I said eating better and working out she said "I want to do that too but I am waiting till after christmas." I felt like telling her why not start now that way if she loses some now and she ends up gaining at xmas she'll be right where she started and she can start forming a routine but I didn't. I wanted to tell her start NOW not "next week" like many of us say or would say in the past. the time is NOW!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I just say it is all about prtions and listening to when your full, even thought you may be distracted try to pay attention to what your body tells you!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Oh, I feel you. I have MANY friends, family, & acquaintances that talk about doing something weight-wise and always find an excuse to do NADA.
  • mrsfoose
    It's like 2 maybe 3 big eating days at the most. Just because you bake holiday treats doesn't mean that you have to eat them all! a couple of big meals even with a few holiday splurges does not mean that you have to gain weight. In fact I fail to see how eating sensibly and working out as usual would result in extra weight gain. They may not lose as much but that's no reason to throw in the towel. That's what I would say, but I tend to speak my mind with nosy people that make lame-o excuses.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Over and over again I have heard people saying that they are unhappy with their bodies and want to do something about it but see no point in starting because of Christmas. I find myself getting frustrated and tuning out their moaning because I just don't see Christmas as that big of an issue.

    Yes, we all let go a little over Christmas, it is to be expected. I am looking forward to getting together with friends and family over lovely dinners etc.

    I am losing patience and want to advise these people but I am not sure how!!! Does anyone else get annoyed at this and managed to get through to anyone? One of my pet hates is people who constantly moan about themselves and don't do anything about it. Then look at me and my weight loss and assume I have taken some miracle pill or starved myself to get this way....

    I'll tell you a secret or maybe it isn't...LEAVE the complainers ALONE!!! They will drain you of Your motivation, desire and feel good spirit. You will find yourself frustrated (Just like NOW) and before you know it you will be drained and let down! I do them like I do My little niece who is a "Chatter Box," I let her chatter away, NEVER focusing on what she is saying and now and then smile and nod to pretend I'm interested. If someone asks for your advice, tell them what You are doing and what works for you...if they then complain, doubt that they can do it...DO NOT try to motivate or encourage them (That is their job!), just say "Well, YOU asked what works for ME," then MOVE ON! If you say or do more, you deserve the Frustration that comes from people who are always downers or need external motivation or "vampires" (people who DRAIN all the Life out of Others!"
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Yep. Especially when it is still so far away. Realistically - the whole 'Ill start tomorrow... next week... after Christmas... when I retire' thing really means the person is just not ready to change. It's also one of the main drivers of obesity! Many overweight people have been dieting their whole lives but forever telling themselves 'I'll just let it slide for the rest of the week then next week I'll start my mission to lose 100lbs'. Of course, we all have days where we struggle, maybe eat something we shouldn't have or don't feel like the gym but it's so important to get back on that wagon as quickly as possible rather than writing off a certain period of time.

    Christmas day however, I shall eat whatever I like - it's just one day of the year :)
  • Scoobies87
    It's like 2 maybe 3 big eating days at the most. Just because you bake holiday treats doesn't mean that you have to eat them all! a couple of big meals even with a few holiday splurges does not mean that you have to gain weight. In fact I fail to see how eating sensibly and working out as usual would result in extra weight gain. They may not lose as much but that's no reason to throw in the towel. That's what I would say, but I tend to speak my mind with nosy people that make lame-o excuses.

    I agree. I used to work at tesco over the Christmas period and I used to see people spend £500 on xmas food and alcohol. I think some people see it as an excuse to go overboard for weeks instead of the few days the Christmas period is!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I give them my two cents, and then if they don't change their habits I stop listening. I generally don't worry about other peoples choices. They either want to change or they don't, and if they really wanted to they'd make it happen. Changing the subject is a really good habit to develop.
  • Sweet_Southern_Tea
    Sweet_Southern_Tea Posts: 63 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more! The most annoying thing I get tired of people asking me is "tell me your diet plan." I never went on a diet and I HATE diets. I tell them about MFP, cutting back on calories, and cutting certain food out! There reply is "oh that is not enough calories for me." Well it's point less to walk on a treadmill in the gym for 30 minites and think you are going to lose weight. Or go walking but still eating over 2000 calories a day. People want your results but don't want to put in the work!
  • judkinsjenny
    yeah "im waiting till after the holidays before i take care of myself" i think that stupid. if you lose a little and gain it back who cares? at least you wont have gained from your starting point? i see it as a head start on the holidays.
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    i have beign overweight all my life, going between 13stone up to almost 17 stone over the years, Last month i went away for a weekend with a big bunch of friends.(60 all female bikers). on the sunday we went to a hotel for dinner, i must say the food was wonderful and i ate the lot, i should have stopped when i was getting full.. but old school, you eat everything on your plate,

    on the ride back, i felt so ill, i was stuffed (just like at xmas) and sitting in bike leathers is not good.. i honestly made myself ill and vowed never to do that again.. i think this was the turning point for me,

    I had been dreading xmas, but i know if i log everything and plan what i want to cook, i should survive,

    Oh and if any of my kids get me any chocs they will get them back for there birthday..
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    There's so much you can achieve in 8 weeks... I lost 20lbs in 8 weeks :happy:

    But I guess for a lot of folks we're coming up to party season, so it's not just Christmas Day and Boxing Day but you'll probably have a couple of parties to attend in the run up to the Festive Feast itself.

    I used to be one of those folks that always put things off, but it's true... you've got to be ready to make the commitment to lose weight and it's no use starting if you're setting yourself up to fail with excuses and obstacles.

    We all make excuses but maybe gentle encouragement is all that is needed... and then be supportive when they are ready to make the change :happy:
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    I agree with the above comment! HOT!! :) But yes there is no reason you can't eat small portions of what you like with christmas and thanksgiving even halloween in the near future...you dont have to pig out and even if you do its one day and then you control yourself again.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    For my house it isn't just Christmas- it's "birthday month" (OCT), Halloween (with three kids), thanksgiving then Christmas. We tend to eat out for NYE as well. And we have soooo much cookie making between t-day and Christmas!

    But I always try to shed weight before it. This time I just have a little (lot) extra to shed. As has been said, hopefully I end up no worse than square 1! That's nothing to sneeze at :)
  • theroadto100
    theroadto100 Posts: 209 Member
    Those people will always find an excuse. "Oh Thanksgivings coming up soon, I'll do it after that." "But now Christmas is in a month! After that." "Easter is in a few months! I should wait until after that." They'll always have a reason to put it off.
  • Snacky_Onassis
    Snacky_Onassis Posts: 9 Member
    My response to the old "there are always cookies and treats at work!!" is pretty much ... do you know what your co-worker's kitchens look like? How clean their mixer is? If they licked that spoon and put it back in the cookie dough?

    The germ factor alone is enough to squick me out of wanting to eat homemade treats around the holidays!