Will my body gets used to this??

I'm on week 4, day 20 something. I was feeling better earlier in the week, better than last. But tonight, after dinner, I'm VERY hungry. I know I've lost weight and I'm afraid when I log it my calorie in take will go down!? Then I'm VERY afriad I will be starving all the time.


  • Are you eating your calories? Make sure you do ! :) I would think you would have to lose a BMI level to get into a different calorie bracket-but I could be wrong..does anyone else know?
    Eat some protein as a snack !
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    are you just eating lower calories or are you exercising too? if you are, you should eat your exercise calories. my daily ntake set by mfp is 1370...on some of my exercise days that changes to closer to 2000.. i dont eat all of them but i eat a good chunk and never feel hungry.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    Welcome and your body has finally caught onto your game. It's natural. Even now that I have been here 100 days and I just reassessed my calorie intake, it lowered by 50. That doesn't seem like a lot to most people, HOWEVER my brain is in freak out mode. How I cope with that is by exercising more on days I eat more. I make sure I balance it. Today I didn't WANT to be on the elliptical for an hour, but when three others were open and I had plenty of time before I had to pick my son up, I didn't have a real excuse otherwise, so I stayed on and burned 740 calories. This provides me the opportunity to have plenty of whole wheat pasta and turkey spaghetti sauce.

    You probably need to reassess what you are eating so that you are getting enough of what it takes to fill you up. Your body will get used to it. It took me about two months to really feel okay with the lower calorie count and get into the routine. If it takes another two months for me to get used to the 50 calorie reduction, then I will learn a lot about myself in the process!
  • What kind of foods are you eating? Veggies, fruit, and protein help keep me full :D
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    When I'm hungry, I drink water and exercise. It gives me more calories to eat and makes me less hungry at the same time. Good luck!
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    It does take some time. Just try and use what calories you have for more filling foods (proteins, good carbs, etc) and that will help. I have learned to listen very carefully to my body and learn when it really is hungry, and when I'm just bored and "want" to eat. You can do it! And remember, if you're over on cals by a little bit every once in a while, it's not going to set you back to where you started. :) If your body is truly hungry, listen to it! But give it good fuel. That makes all the difference.
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    drink water when you are feeling hungry, make sure that you are eating all your cals.
  • How many times are you eating per day? And what kind of foods? I eat 6-7 times per day (small meals) so that I won't get really hungry...I eat lots of protein and have increased fiber intake as well. Also with exercising I eat back SOME of my calories, if I don't...I feel like I'm starving!! Also, evaluate your fluid intake, you might not be drinking enough! Hope this helps and good luck!
  • Lefeh99
    Lefeh99 Posts: 19 Member
    I eat close to all my calories. I try to do some sort of excerise everyday, doesn't always happen though. We are approaching cold weather in Indiana and my husband doesn't like me to walk alone after dark (I would be alone). I will miss that greatly. I try to get my outside walk in as much as possible as I love it.

    I'm trying to still figure out the whole calorie/per food thing. It's been a great learning curve and sort of fun. Thank goodness I have my husband joining me on this venture so we are doing it together.

    I eat fruits and veggies as much as possible but as soon as they are gone it's hard to get back to get more. We are also finding out just how expensive it is to eat the good foods all the time! UGH!