Work out time, how to change it.. can you help?

Hello everyone,

I have a simple question but the answer seems to escape me. How do I change my routine so I work out early in the morning?

I've tried getting up early and then I get distracted. I've tried working out before even drinking my first coffee and then feel sick to my stomach as I've not eaten or drank anything.

I really need to work out in the mornings as my schedule is becoming more and more hectic and by the time I get home I simply don't have the energy and don't want to work out so close to bed time.


PS, feel free to friend me. (memro)


  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Honestly.. the answer is, just do it...
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    What about your break during work? or eat something in the morning before you workout
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    I run in the mornings sometimes and the only thing that gets me going is coffee
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Sorry, man, just suck it up and do it. i get up at 5 am to work out. eat half a banana right after you get up, pee, get in your workout gear and do it. do not turn on the tv, your computer, or check your phone. there is absolutely nothing going on that won't wait for 30 minutes. if it's important, you'll find a way to do it. this is a matter of will power only. exercise it.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Honestly.. the answer is, just do it...

    True dat. I get up at 4:00 or 4:30 to work out because it's too easy to find other reasons not to do it after work and I have to use the living room and don't want to kick the wife and kids out so I can exercise. It was really hard at first and some mornings are easier than others but I've been doing it for a couple months now and I've pretty much gotten used to it.
  • StressedChaos
    StressedChaos Posts: 86 Member
    You will just have to start making yourself get up 30 minutes earlier each morning. Eat something light like yogurt, banana, toast, etc. After a few days or a week it should become a habit and be ready to get up workout.

    I personally get up at 6:30 and get my son ready for school and workout after I get home from taking him. If I don't do it then I will keep putting it off all day until it is too late to get a workout in.
  • laz22girl
    No excuses!
  • laz22girl
    No excuses!
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I changed my workout time from my kids nap time(around 12pm) to working out when everyone is sleeping (between 11pm and midnight)..Gotta do, whatcha gotta do! :)
  • sinilau
    sinilau Posts: 20
    It can be a hard change but if it's a priority you will make it happen. Look at it this way, make it a priority and don't allow yourself to create justifications for not getting it done.

    As far as the sickness is concerned I would suggest drinking some protein or a banana, something light right when you wake up as your getting ready to head out to the gym. It's a good thing to have some fuel for your body that early in morning for your workout.

    I am in similar circumstances to you. I work graveyard shift and the only time I have available to workout is right after I get off which 99% of the time I am sooo tired from work. I am trying to make it a priority as well and just getting it done!

    Good Luck!
  • DannyA0130
    DannyA0130 Posts: 55 Member
    I wake up at 5am roll outta bed and start moving. I do some warm ups to get me going then i work out if you jump right into a hard work out you'll end up giving up. Get a nice warm up going, get the heart pumping. then do it. I work out an hour or so every mourning and 15 min is warm up. good luck.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Honestly.. the answer is, just do it...

    True dat. I get up at 4:00 or 4:30 to work out because it's too easy to find other reasons not to do it after work and I have to use the living room and don't want to kick the wife and kids out so I can exercise. It was really hard at first and some mornings are easier than others but I've been doing it for a couple months now and I've pretty much gotten used to it.

    Totally agree I get up at 415 to workout. Just put your mind to it and do it! :)
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    Honestly.. the answer is, just do it...


    One thing that helps me is sleeping in my workout clothes. Just get up and go.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Honestly.. the answer is, just do it...


    One thing that helps me is sleeping in my workout clothes. Just get up and go.

    Another benefit to working out at home. My workout clothes are my drawers so I also sleep in my workout clothes.
  • Sheriemae
    Sheriemae Posts: 248
    I started a new routine this week. I was having problems getting up in the morning. I kept turning my alarm clock off. Ugh! So now I set the alarm on my phone which I leave in the living room. Haha! No more pushing snooze or turing it off. I still set my alarm in my room, but I've turned it off everyday, so I don't know why I bother with it. Having to get up to turn my phone off seems to be working. Anyways, I get up, make a cup of coffee, get dressed, drink my coffee, then do 15 minutes of Pilates, then I'm motivated to run. I think the coffee and Pilates helps wake me up. I've been doing Everyday Pilates (book &DVD) It's four 15 minute workouts. Do one a day, or you can stack them. I find if I eat before working out I get sick, but I'm doing great with just coffee, then I eat when I'm done working out. Good luck! Hope this helps.
  • censu67
    censu67 Posts: 53 Member
    I too have tried setting alarms in different rooms and it gets me up, long enough to turn them off and go back to bed. I need to commit to myself to stay up.

    I like the idea of half a banana as I know that's going to take the edge off. Then I can have the other half with a protein shake after.

    I've been trying to get up 30 min earlier, having coffee and breakfast for 30 min, read for 30 min and then work out, but by the time the hours gone by I'm already busy working.

    I do agree with you all about just doing it, but when I first wake up, my resolve is most fragile.. crazy I know... I need to find a way to make it a habit for sure.

  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    I too have tried setting alarms in different rooms and it gets me up, long enough to turn them off and go back to bed. I need to commit to myself to stay up.

    I like the idea of half a banana as I know that's going to take the edge off. Then I can have the other half with a protein shake after.

    I've been trying to get up 30 min earlier, having coffee and breakfast for 30 min, read for 30 min and then work out, but by the time the hours gone by I'm already busy working.

    I do agree with you all about just doing it, but when I first wake up, my resolve is most fragile.. crazy I know... I need to find a way to make it a habit for sure.


    see, that's the problem. do not have breakfast and coffee for 30 mins. and what the heck are you reading for? it's not reading time, it's working out time. Don't deviate from your plans. Get up, walk into the kitchen, have half a banana, drink some water if you want. go pee. get changed. go work out. that's ten minutes at the most. you can have your coffee and your book when you're done. make it your reward. if you don't work out, you don't get to read. be firm with yourself. Make it more important than anything else. I don't even brush my teeth (which is kind of bad) I get up, i take my meds, i eat my banana, i get changed, i wet my hair to flatten it, i go out the door. i'm in the gym 3 minutes later, cause it's a block away. I kick *kitten*, then i go home. then i get to do all the stuff i want, like the rest of the banana, the protein shake. only then do i turn on the computer. I usually have about ten minutes of me time before i go to work.

    If you're going back to bed after you get up to turn the alarm off, you're not committed. Having said that, don't force it. it took me months before i could get to the gym in the morning. If you really can't do it, find another time to do it. if it becomes a stressful situation rather than soemthing you look forward to, you won't do it all and that sucks worse. You don't need to find hours either. see if you can carve 30 mins here and there throughout your day. As long as you're moving. For cardio you can do jumping jacks. For weights, do body weight exercises like pushups and variations of that, squats, lunges. So much you can do without even hitting the gym. You really don't need to do it all at once. Cumulative time is just as good. (as long as your cardio is 20 mins). I'll stop talking now. lol
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    you just got to do it.

    start your day with fuel.

    That means have a little something to eat, like some nuts or dried fruit, then do your workout.

    Then after your workout have your breakfast.

    make your workouts non negotiable.
  • Sheriemae
    Sheriemae Posts: 248
    You could always try clocky. It's an alarm clock that will roll off the night stand making obnoxious noise until you find it. It get's your heart pumping trying to get it out from under your bed. My husband got it for me a few Christmas' ago. I forgot I had it, the batteries died a long time ago and I didn't replace them until last night. So I used clocky and my cell to wake me up today. Both of them going off was a little annoying, but hey, I was up. My dog gets going too because clocky is rolling around the floor.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I made the switch over the summer. I set my alarm for 5. When it goes off, I get up. No negotiating for 5 more minutes. I also have all of my clothes laid out. I usually have a half a banana and a cup of coffee. I get dressed and then out the door. It is pretty routine and it takes me about 20-30 minutes. You just have to find a routine that works for you and also make sure you eat something.