Personal Integrity vs. Working

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
I hope I word this right. I am getting ready to get out of the military and currently applying for a lot of jobs. I am in Japan so all of my job search and applying is done online. I just came by a position for a Sales Manager at Krispy Kreme. I will preface my discussion question by saying that obviously most people will do what they have to do to earn a pay check. I understand that. I have 2 kids and believe me, I will most certainly do what is necessary to keep them clothed, fed, a roof over their heads....

My discussion question is, given the choice, would you work in a place that you didn't agree with, i.e, a company that sells food that is terrible for you, a cigarette company, or companies like those if it meant you could make more money. If you had a choice between that and a job for less money, but you could live comfortable off of the salary.

Does that make sense? If so, discuss please. I am genuienly curious.


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Where can you make less than at Krispy Kreme?

    While I know, and you know, that there are very few things on this earth more delicious than a "Hot Donut Now" from Krispy Kreme, I wouldn't work there becauseI don't like those little paper hats :)

    Seriously though, I wouldn't work in a place that would endanger my health and well-being, or in a place that I found to have unethical business practices.

    If I could get $150k at Krispy Kreme, though, I'd wear the hat.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I would take a job making less every day of the week if I could avoid compromising my principles to do it. I think that's what you're asking. For instance, I'd never work for Wal-Mart. I'd rather dig latrines.
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    For me, I know that I can't be fussy. So I'd rather take the better paid job and put my personal views aside, as that's what being a professional and acting with integrity is.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    I would keep it as an option, but you will never be happy working at a job you think is unethical. Since 80% of our waking hours are spent at work, it makes sense to try to find a job you could love first, and settle only if you have to. Get yourself on It's a GREAT job hunting resource. And consider a placement agency if need be. Robert Half Technology put me in my current contract job - and it has the potential to be a permanent job. You can specify that you only want jobs with potential to become permanent.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    for would depend on the company. I think I'd have a hard time working for a ciggy company. Krispy Kreme or Micky D's etc I probably wouldn't be as wouldn't be first choice...but hey, you gotta make some cheddar and provide for your family.

    yea...donuts are just sickeningly fattening, but everything in moderation (well....that should hopefully be the key).

    go with your gut feel - and do what YOU think is right for YOU and YOUR family. You are gonna get a lot of cr#p on here is my bet.

    good luck and thank you for your service!!
  • MidwestGirlz
    MidwestGirlz Posts: 78 Member
    I would work for Krispy Kreme - eating it is free choice. I can think of several other places that have more questionable ethics that don't allow free choice.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I would take a job making less every day of the week if I could avoid compromising my principles to do it. I think that's what you're asking. For instance, I'd never work for Wal-Mart. I'd rather dig latrines.


    I'd be more morally opposed to Wal-Mart than I would a donut shop.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    My son is stationed in Japan…, well…, he is out to sea right now on the USS George Washington.

    About your question, I couldn’t work at Krispy Kreme, the smell of that much sugar would be too much for me. I don’t think I would want to eat a donut everyday or anything like that; I’m pretty balanced in what I eat. I’m sure not everyone who works there eats crud all the time. It can be about principle or it can just be about discipline. It’s a personal choice in the end. Don’t sweat it.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    no. many people - including my boss - have told me I could make more money at a bigger, less ethical company. I earn a decent living and would prefer to live within my means and sleep at night.
    I do not now, never have and never will worship the almighty dollar.
    I don't judge people based on income and that includes myself. I don't get a new car every 2 years. Never had a new car, don't want the ridiculous payments when my used cars get me to the exact same place just as well.
    Everyone else can chase money and THINGS - I do not. I value my family, my pets, my friends - nature, peace & serenity. What I have, money can't buy
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It's not something where is you take the job you'll be stuck there the rest of your life. Having an income is better than not having an income. If its what is available and what you can get, take the job but just keep looking. Something else will come up and you can make the switch to a more fulfilling job. I'm sure Krispy Kreme has a fairly high turnover rate and aren't expecting careers to be built in their stores.

    Besides, donuts make people happy, so while you're working there, you'll be making people happy all day. I love watching the kids staring through the glass at the donuts cooking when my hubby and I stop in for a treat. Though, admittedly, the last time we were in there I was probably more excited and bouncy than any of the kids. lol
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I would keep it as an option, but you will never be happy working at a job you think is unethical. Since 80% of our waking hours are spent at work, it makes sense to try to find a job you could love first, and settle only if you have to. Get yourself on It's a GREAT job hunting resource. And consider a placement agency if need be. Robert Half Technology put me in my current contract job - and it has the potential to be a permanent job. You can specify that you only want jobs with potential to become permanent.

    Thank you very much for the info!