Weight Changes as we age...question.

Hi...I have stayed the same height (5 11) but used to weigh around 150 in HS (43 years ago)...I have hovered between 175-200 ever since...now at 185...So my question is, should I push for 150? Or does the body put on weight (outside us eating too much) naturally as we age...I don't think that is the case...Let me know what you all think? Thanks!


  • cutiepie2628
    cutiepie2628 Posts: 415 Member
    the metabolism naturally slows down with age.... ur goal is reachable... but i really dont know about maintaining it... ur pretty tall...so ... good luck.... to u on ur journey.....:wink:
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    I would aim for that goal. But when you get closer just watch. You may be fine at a higher weight or maybe at a lower weight.
  • JohnnyCalvin
    JohnnyCalvin Posts: 20 Member
    thanks to you both...

    JustEllieK...is there a way to know that I am at the optimal weight (and should not go below?)...
  • LosingIt2WIN
    LosingIt2WIN Posts: 63 Member
    I don't know your body type but I would think 150 would be way too low. My XH was only 5"8" and he looked best around 165. My current husband is 6' 4" and looks good at 185-190.
  • JohnnyCalvin
    JohnnyCalvin Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks....I am not sure of body type, but I used to wrestle between 141 and 148 as a freshman in HS...I was probably close to my 5 11 at that time...that was in 1968!!! Maybe you are right and I grew an inch my sophomore year, but not sure...
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    sure it does...doesnt mean its healthy.
    as we age our hormones change, we lose muscle and gain more fat..our metabolisms slow a little bit..so its important to make sure you eat right and exercise..especially to maintain that muscle.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    For a 5''11" male, 150 sounds awfully skinny to me. You could go for some muscle and keep enough meat to round out the hard edges. That's my personal opinion. I don't think anyone looks that great when they're bony.