hello I am new and this is my 3rd try in a year

punkadore Posts: 3
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
3rd try in a year, I get on a good roll and loose and keep logging my food and exercise but once I skip a few days then a few more well that's how it goes.

Anyhow I just wanted to say hello to every one and introduce my self.

I am a female 33 and I have a 12 year old son. After my son I lost all my weight not a problem once I turned 30 was another story. I am 75 over weight and short so that don't help. I like a quick fix but after falling off the horse a few times I thought I say hi and see what everyone else does when this happens.


  • luv4SFO
    luv4SFO Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Punkadore,

    I've only been using MFP for a little over a month now I think, so I'm pretty new.

    Good for you for continuing to try. That really is what it is all about I think.

    I'm also 33, not kids but maybe in a few years. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, then I turned 25. I was still able to eat pretty much what I wanted with some added exercise, then 30 hit...

    I hit my high weight last year around my birthday, and really did not like the way I feel or looked.

    I have lost 16 pounds in the last year, and am just trying to maintain. I find that logging my food certainly helps. If I go too long without tracking, then I go too long w/o thinking about it, and it's hard to get back on. I find that it helps to log the bad days too. Sometimes when I eat WAY too much or skip exercise completely for a few days, I want to skip logging, and pretend that those days didn't exist. The problem is that I end up in a pattern.

    I have the MFP app on my android, which is really great!

    I hope that you are able to continue to find the motivation to log and loose. If you want some added accountability, you can add me as a friend and I can remind you to log, if it helps. If not no worries :)

    Welcome to the community, and welcome back.
  • Thank you luv4SFO, yeah pattern effect oh I know that well. I like the phone app and I can scan foods to.
  • I accidentally had two one on my phone and one here I was wondering why I was not syncing up when I log food from my phone so feel free to add this one as I delete the other since my food logs are here.
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