Can you see the change?

meex Posts: 135 Member
My story thus far; I have been overweight since as long as i remember. in 2009 September i had my first baby, after that i ballooned out to around 98kgs which is my heaviest, i then got down to around 80kgs right before falling pregnant again. I gave birth 5 weeks ago and am sitting at around 84 kgs (lost around 7kgs since his birth) Below (hopefully if i did this right) Is a picture of me that i hate more then any other photo every taken of me at my fattest and one i took about 15 minutes ago. I'm probably around 15 kgs lighter, but when i look at myself i still see no difference! Does anyone else still feel fat after losing weight?

(i'm in the middle)



  • lulukan
    lulukan Posts: 76 Member
    I think you look great!!! :)
  • JillM135
    I can see the change! Congrats on the loss! You do look great:) Keep up the good work!
  • LBlake12
    I can definitely see the difference. Especially in the arms. I think you look great! I have the same feelings a lot of times after I've lost some, but then when I got heavy again, I wished SO MUCH that I'd just been more content with myself at the lower weight. Try to think of it as, Even if you're not so happy with what you think you see, 15kg less on your joints makes a huge difference, and you're definitely much healthier without it! Keep up the good work. :)
  • jiggs31
    jiggs31 Posts: 117
    That is a huge change!!!

    Look at how much slimmer your face looks, and your arms and shoulders are more defined too.

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • koo_kiki
    I can definately see the difference, you look awesome in the 2nd pic. The first pic isnt a very flattering position anyway, so it is prob hard to compare but you can really notice the loss in your face and arms. :)
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I see a big difference. Congratulations and keep up the good work. You look fantastic!
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    You look great! I know what you mean though. I have lost about 30 lbs. and have gone from a size 11-13 US to a size 3. At first when I lost the weight about 2-3 months ago I would look at myself in the mirror and still look the same as I did. People called me skinny and I would just look at them and laugh. I just didn't see it. Now though I do see that I have lost a lot of weight and I actually feel more comfortable with my body. I will never have a six pack or anything, but I do feel better about myself now. You will too - just give it time.
  • seal6kill
    seal6kill Posts: 5 Member
    I definitely think you look great!! I totally understand where you are coming from though. I have lost 58 lbs and something like 4 pants sizes but I really do not feel like I have lost that much weight. I also look at myself in the mirror and don't see any loss at all (which is really messed up). Obviously I have shrunk, but I think it must be some mental image of ourselves that keeps creeping in. I am happy with where

    I am today and I consider what I am doing a life change because I want to be a healthier person. I also definitely feel better, but I just wish my mental image of myself would shrink too. I think it does just take time.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    First off, There is a big difference, in your face and what I can see in your before pic ...Way To Go ! I have lost weight a few times in my life and this is what happens.....You lose weight but because it is so gradual YOU cant tell the difference, in fact I usually feel even fatter because then I realize how much work I actually had to do?! Right now I lost about 10 pounds in 3 months and 12 inches.....but when I look in the mirror I see someone who has a lot of work to do, I do notice more so when wearing certain clothes, holding my baby(can see the bicep!) etc. but the more you lose the more you will want to lose..get it if not you will, keep it up you'll be a skinny minny in no time!
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I agree with the others, you can definitely see a change in your face, and your arms look slimmer too!

    I know where you're coming from - I have a comparison picture in my profile, but I don't see much of a difference, even after 69lbs lost. We're so used to our mental image it's hard to imagine ourselves as others see us!

    You're looking good, keep up the great work!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Yes!!! Keep up the great work!
  • TheDaniProject
    looking good girl keep up your hard work =D
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