Feeling frustrated and wishing I had more support.

Just completed my first time doing Yoga. Good feelings of stretching. Bad feelings of wow "I am really out of shape". More incentive to stay focused. It is hard though to stay motivated. My first weight loss it was so easy. No kids, worked full time, and had oodles of support. This time I have my last of 5 still home, I have the house to take care of daily, but I just feel that this round is so much more difficult especially when hubby works full time and I am the cook, chauffeur, activity coordinator, maid, nurse, secretary and moral support for everyone else. My oldest is in college and then my other 4 are 8 and under and have social and sport calendars that are all over the place. Need time for me and it just bites that the only time I can ebb out is either pre-dawn or after 9 PM. Then I am just too tired. Any suggestions? I know there are others out there with similar issues. Please help.



  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Just get your kids involved, encourage them to do things with you.. or when you're doing some of your many chores just involve a lot more movement.. dance while you're washing up, scrub things that little bit harder, jog upstairs when you're collecting/putting away washing.. just squeeze in extra things when you can :)

    Feel free to add me if you want a little more support, i know its difficult but think of how good you'd feel when you've lost so much weight as well as running a household.. Good luck!!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    The job of the household CEO.. I know that job very well.. Finding time for US is so difficult.. I'm a mother of two very active kids.. I work shift work .. It is so very hard to find time for myself.. Unfortunately that time usually comes when everyone has gone to sleep or has not got up yet.. I know the tired feeling believe me.. I feel your pain.. If you need support please feel free to add me as a friend..

  • You can do it....i have 3 at home out of 7 and work full time. I go to the gym and 530 and have made friends there...it is the only way I can do it!!!!!
  • Alachofra15
    Alachofra15 Posts: 117 Member
    Working out pre-dawn is not the end of the world! In fact it's the best way to start your day and the best motivation you can have for the rest of the day.

    I've learnt I just can't exercise in the evening - it's just too tempting to crash on the couch or read a book and relax. Plus it's harder to keep a schedule, we're more likely to do different things in the evening, and if you have a family you'll have more demands on your time in that part of the day, right?

    So just tell yourself you can get up an hour earlier, certain days of the week. Set an alarm and even set another 5 minutes later (that's what I have to do, haha).

    Once you're awake - as yourself "Ok I'm awake now, what's the point of staying in bed?"
    Get your workout clothes on and start whatever your workout is, once you've started, you'll get into it, and want to finish.
    And when you do, endorphins will be be pumping, you'll be proud of yourself for having put that effort in already, and you can get on with your day in a more positive frame of mind!
    Once you get in the habit of scheduling your workouts, telling yourself before you go to bed 'can't wait to do this tomorrow morning', it'll be easy
    You'll probably even find you have more energy the rest of the day!
  • gipperakh
    gipperakh Posts: 102 Member
    When no one is looking, i stop what Im doing for a full minute and crank out some jumping jacks, or hit the floor to do some crunches. Do that a few times a day! = ) I even do some lunges in the bathroom as I'm drying my hands lol
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I did a lecture on exercise for breast cancer survivors the other day, and we talked about some of the same issues. I was joking and said the first tool you should get when you start changing your life style is a course in time management. I think - as someone else - this may be a good time to involve the kids at some levels. Do things as a team - in that way it is a family project and everyone benefit.

    This should not be looked at as a diet. Diets are more than frequently a failure to begin with. Make it a life style adjustment - because what you do now you will be doing for years to come. One place I have learned a lot is the podcast (webcast) fat2fitradio.com - lots of good information and motivation.

    Remeber - as Chris McCormack says - you are the CEO of your own one person company.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    You have one of the toughest but at times most rewarding jobs on the planet. If I can help, do the friend thing and we'll get there together, cause I don't leave troops behind. Thanks for all your hard work. You can do this.
  • I completely understand where you are coming from. I leave for work at 5:30 am and by the time I get my 4 kids settled in the evening, the last thing I have energy for is exercise. 3 of my 4 children are in sports and I love to work out, but with their schedule I have fallen back drastically on exercising, which is the one thing that I really feel I need. I am learning though to sneak in little ways to get exercise daily. My youngest daughter and I walk around the soccer fields while my other children are at practice. I also park my car towards the back of parking lots so I have to walk farther. It is also good for the kids to get a little extra movement. I figure if I can organize a bit more and get help from the kids, then I shoudl be able to sneak in a 20 minute Zumba workout at least 3 days a week to start off with. As moms, our lives are so hectic, but I have learned that if we need to make time for ourselves. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help support each other.
  • asaber13
    asaber13 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone. I will definitely try the early morning workouts and see how that works. I will keep you posted. Thank you also to all my new friends. :)