Bikini Body Challenge!

allie5199 Posts: 240
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys! I realized today that bikini/bathing suit season starts in approx 2 months...kind of a scary thought! I need all the motivation and encouragement I can get if I want to be beach ready in a couple months.

Anyone interested in trying to get toned for summer, please join!

Post your current weight/measurements and what you would like to be in two months. Also, include how you're going to get there (i.e. no more late night snacking, sticking to a work out plan, not going over calories, cutting down on alcoholic drinks, etc)
Throughout the next couple months post all achievements you make and how you've accomplished these goals.
If you find yourself in need of motivation let us know and we'll try our best to keep you on track!

Good Luck everyone!!!!


  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Hey guys! I realized today that bikini/bathing suit season starts in approx 2 months...kind of a scary thought! I need all the motivation and encouragement I can get if I want to be beach ready in a couple months.

    Anyone interested in trying to get toned for summer, please join!

    Post your current weight/measurements and what you would like to be in two months. Also, include how you're going to get there (i.e. no more late night snacking, sticking to a work out plan, not going over calories, cutting down on alcoholic drinks, etc)
    Throughout the next couple months post all achievements you make and how you've accomplished these goals.
    If you find yourself in need of motivation let us know and we'll try our best to keep you on track!

    Good Luck everyone!!!!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Yay!! I'm in! My birthday is June 1st.........just in time for bikini season!

    Current Weight :164
    Goal Weight by June 1st: 155

    I plan to try the "Couch to 5K" plan to be able to run 3 miles straight! I hope this helps me drop some pounds as well as tone and build up my endurance. :flowerforyou:
  • chantybear
    chantybear Posts: 343
    2 months ahh!:tongue:

    I am in as well!

    Current: 132
    Goal: 125
    It is more about toning for me then losing weight though...

    I run 3x/wk + elliptical and weights 3x/wk, and try to not eat to much junk, drink alcohol (other then wine), and try not to late night munch, or munch any time when I am really not hungry!
  • amccarville
    amccarville Posts: 185
    Current 168
    Goal June 1st 155

    Workout 7 days a week, running or eliptical, 30 day shred, taebo!!! Continuing to eat good and no beer!!!!!!!!! Cant wait, havent been in a bikini since I had my 3 gorgous daughters!!!
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    im in!

    current weight: 125
    goal weight: 115

    2 months to do it! im going to plan on at least 30 min of exercise per day: my favorite running and biking! im going to stick to my 1200 calorie plan and continue being vegan! im loving the lifestyle! and NO alcohol!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I just enrolled in a Bikini Bootcamp at the Y.

    I've been doing their "mild" version of it and it is already kicking my @$$.

    This is sounds fun!! :drinker:
  • Hey this is an awesome idea!

    Currently: 128lbs
    goal weight: 118lbs

    Im sooo going to do this! right...less snacking between meals, so sticking to calories...more exericse, its already getting sunny so exercise is more fun! ummn annnnd i shall reduce my alcohol intake too =]

    good luck to everyone else joining in!!!

    Amber xxx
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    5'6 1/2
    Current weight: 133
    Goal weight: 125

    I will stick to my goal calories, looking up anything that might tempt me before I eat it, stick to whole foods, workout AT LEAST 3x a week, do more cardio, and LESS ALCOHOL!!

    I really want to get into shape so it is much easier to stay in shape. You know what I mean?
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    I'm in too!! My B-Day is June 2nd!!

    I have already been doing this!! why do you think i'm here!! LOL

    I'm 5' 0" short
    CW this morning 115.6
    GW 105

    I will continue what i have been doing, my treadmill, eating right and trying to stay away from the alcohol, but with 4 of our B-days including mine between now and June 2nd, going to be hard on 4 of those days!! LOL:drinker:

    I also just started the 30 day shred, need to tone mostly!!

    Going to have to see if there is a bikini bootcamp at my Y as well

    Is there going to be any kind of weigh in's?

    Good Luck Everyone!!!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Crud. 2 months!
    I am now 157, and would LOVE to be 139 by June... this requires a steady 2 pound a week loss with no slip-ups. Finals always cause slip-ups!

    But I'm game... i guess I'd settle with 145 so as to not beat myself up on bad weeks.

    I'm going to keep up the gym, log in my food BEFORE eating it to avoid oopsie-daisies, and take advantage of lovely weather to take long walks on top of gym time.
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Okay...this is just what I am looking for...count me in!!

    Not too concerned about losing weight as a goal...just need to tone, tone, tone.

    As of today:
    CW: 110
    GW: 105-108

    I am only 5' tall - measurements are c-35/w 25.5/h-35.5/thighs-20.5 (just want everything to not wiggle and get my butt back up to where it was 15 years ago!!)

    Plan to keep going to the gym to workout on the arc trainer for 40mins, then strength train 4-5 times per week, off days at home - workout dvd's or hiking if weather permits. Have already been making much better food choices (bye bye poptarts lol) thanks to a nutritionist and want to continue to make smart choices and build lean muscle!!! Eating 5-6 times a day really has helped me. Your body is an amazing thing when you feed it well.....IT LOVES YOU!!!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    Created by - Free Food Diary

    current weight=140 lbs.
    goal weight=105 lbs.
    i'm about 5'1 and 19 so i'm hoping this is a realistic goal for me!

    i don't need to be super skinny this summer, but i want to be at least 125 lbs.! i just want to look toned and healthy, and i will make a better goal for next summer when it is more realistic. so far i'm going to cut down on ALL snacking, because it seems like all i ever do is eat! .. i'm going to do lots of core work outs so i can lose my belly fat, along with lots of cardio to try to boost my metabolism. i'm really determined to lose this weight! .. i just joined yesterday, but i already feel a lot better about myself because i know i'm going to do this so that i can look & feel great!
  • dskline1
    dskline1 Posts: 123
    Created by - Free Food Diary

    current weight=140 lbs.
    goal weight=105 lbs.
    i'm about 5'1 and 19 so i'm hoping this is a realistic goal for me!

    i don't need to be super skinny this summer, but i want to be at least 125 lbs.! i just want to look toned and healthy, and i will make a better goal for next summer when it is more realistic. so far i'm going to cut down on ALL snacking, because it seems like all i ever do is eat! .. i'm going to do lots of core work outs so i can lose my belly fat, along with lots of cardio to try to boost my metabolism. i'm really determined to lose this weight! .. i just joined yesterday, but i already feel a lot better about myself because i know i'm going to do this so that i can look & feel great!

    Congrats on starting your "healthy you" journey!! Looks like you are off to a great start and hold onto that feeling of feeling great about yourself....

    Good Luck! You will find an awful lot of support and motivation throughout this site....anytime I felt like not working out, I would read through these threads and I would never be able to come up with a viable excuse not to just do it...and I have always felt 150% better after I did!!!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I'm soo excited to see other people are interested in this Challenge!!

    My goal is to drop 10 lbs and at least 1.5 inch off my waist. My plan is to work out at least 6 times a week and do at least 100 crunches a day! I'm also doing the Couch to 5k to get ready for a half marathon in September! I'm going to try not to snack at night, cut back on alcohol (which should limit my drunken binges lol), and eat a more balanced diet! Wish me luck!

    I was thinking any time you guys do weigh ins just post your need to check in weekly, I know I dont get on the scale or take measurements more than once a month .. but people who do are more than welcome to share as often as they would like!
  • I'm in too!!!!
    I had a baby 7 months ago and quit smoking 5 months ago. I've been trying to loose weight for 7 months and it's been a real big struggle.
    I'm 156 lbs :drinker: GW 130
    I'm 5'7" c-39 w-34 h-41
    I'm going to do the 30 day shred and really really watch my portions with no snaking unless it's veggies. If the snow and ice would ever melt I would start walking too :(
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Current 168
    Goal June 1st 155

    Workout 7 days a week, running or eliptical, 30 day shred, taebo!!! Continuing to eat good and no beer!!!!!!!!! Cant wait, havent been in a bikini since I had my 3 gorgous daughters!!!

    Ha I know what you mean there!! I have 3 girls also and well just face it, havent been GOOD at all!! lol..Look foward to the challenge!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    How is everyone doing after week 1???
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I lost 1 lb this week! :happy: Since I have been watching my calories and eating 5-6 times a day, my tummy is flatter. I started my running routine for my goal of a tone butt and thighs, I tried Zumba last night (actually didnt like it much), but I got 3 out of 4 workouts in so far this week, with the 4th being tomorrow! I will be going over my calories today though due to beers with the girls. But that's okay!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Hey guys! How is everyone doing?? 34 more days until June 1st.
    I worked out a little too much and hard...ended up hurting my foot, so no cardio for me for a little while. I figure Ill tone up in the meantime.
    anyone reaching goals? I'd love to hear about it!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    doing okay..

    i had slipped up for a few weeks last month due to our move... to much pizza haha, but i'm back on and getting back on track!
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