
Hi I've been religiously logging everything I eat for the past 30 days and have generally been under my calories for the day but I seem to be putting on weight :noway:

So confused and was wondering if you nice people could look at my diary entries and tell me what I'm doing wrong??

I will be joining a gym once my fella starts his new job :happy: but I really thought if I eat under my calorie limit I'd lose a little bit?


  • I've put 1.6lbs ON this week and was under cals, don't understand it either so disappointing but DO NOT give up hun x
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    I have the same problem, but it is because of my thyroid the doctor says. Maybe you should get yours checked out too.
  • ok putting on weight but are you putting on fat or building muscle?? did you do measurements when you started?? if so, now might be the time to do them again....
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    Mine fluctuates all the time but it's started to steadily drop within the last 2 weeks. Hang in there, it'll happen :)
  • tsimmons1974
    tsimmons1974 Posts: 10 Member
    I think it is natual to gain a pound or two...also remember it is not that you were under calories but what you ate...I too have been under my calories but have ate alot of fried food and eating out...also it goes by how much fat, protien and carbs that you eat...if you are in the green on calories and in the red with the rest it is not going to help loss weight......also are you exercising? Even going for a walk will help...go to walmart and just walk around for 20 or 30 minutes...
    I do not look at this as a diet...I have my mind set to getting healthier and it seems to help me....All of us are going to gain a pound or two...some around ur periods...some this thanksgiving and worry we will loss it again :o)
    Good luck on ur jouney....
    Remember stay positive..even when you do gain....being positive is healthly too
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Try eating sets you up for the day :-))

    Also, what's your water intake like??

    p.s. I'm from Southampton too :-))
  • tsimmons1974
    tsimmons1974 Posts: 10 Member
    Also make sure you do ur too is important....remember have fun with weight loss.
  • looking at your log; i noticed that you only ate two meals. you should eat at least 3 meals a day. whole grains are better for you than white bread. i am not sure what the fizzy is,but i would watch those. if you like fruits and vegetable then start eating those,because they are a natural calorie instead of an artificial calorie. small meals are the key to a healthy diet.:smile: i hope this was a little helpfull.:happy: