hi girls, i have a question regarding TOM!

does ur weight go up lots when its TOM as im due to weigh sunday after what i call a pretty dam good week food and exersize wise.
just wondering is it going to be shock horror when i jump on lol as im due tommorow :sad:

cheers in advance


  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    hi girls, i have a question regarding TOM!

    does ur weight go up lots when its TOM as im due to weigh sunday after what i call a pretty dam good week food and exersize wise.
    just wondering is it going to be shock horror when i jump on lol as im due tommorow :sad:

    cheers in advance

    there are a TON of topics on this already.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    It goes up, but by how much depends on you. Mine goes up by about 5lb
  • Normally I do gain anywhere from 1-2lbs because of water but, I am on my TOM now and my weigh in was today and I lost 2lbs from my last weigh in. So, you just never know.
  • for me, yes, due to retaining lots of water...
    i just got a new scale by weight watchers that calculates body water percentage so when i see that my body water is high, my weight gain could be due to that... (there's debate as to whether it is accurate, but i use it as a reference point :)
    hope that helps!
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    Yes always. And I always turn into a junk food junkie and am lethargic. BAD BAD combo
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    My weight either stays the same when I should be expecting a loss or goes up a pound
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    The one time I weighed during TOM, I was up 6lbs. It went after around 3-4 days.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    My weight flucuates alot about 4 days before tom then goes down steadly through tom and dramatically after tom.
  • hi girls, i have a question regarding TOM!

    does ur weight go up lots when its TOM as im due to weigh sunday after what i call a pretty dam good week food and exersize wise.
    just wondering is it going to be shock horror when i jump on lol as im due tommorow :sad:

    cheers in advance

    there are a TON of topics on this already.

    There are a TON of topics on almost everything already.... so what?
  • I don't notice that TOM makes much of a difference, if anything I just make sure to watch my sodium intake around then to avoid bloating and I make sure to drink lots of water, this could be a cause of seeing a gain on the scale. I know of women who have said that they have to consume an additional 100-200 calories per day during TOM in order to lose. It would be a matter of knowing how much you would lose during a good week to compare. I think if you are making the effort, you will see the numbers on the scale, no matter what. I think everyone woman is so different in their approach or what happens to their body then. If your numbers are not as good as you thought they would be, have a really good week next week and I am sure your body will all catch up with itself. Keep up the good work!
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    I just ended mine yesterday and i gained 9 lbs while on it , its been slowly coming back off but I am still plus since my last weigh in , very depressing . I told hubby last night i give up on this , he told me HE will not let me give up and we need to expect this every month , see the 1st month of trying to loss the weight I lost 15 pounds then i got TOM and gained 9 back now I feel like I am double working at getting it off again . Advice i got was to drink tons of water and don't get on the scale for a couple of days after its over , well i still get on the scale but i drink tons of water!!!
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Generally speaking, expect a gain! 2-5lbs. Do not let that discourage you! Primarily due to water retention! It will go back down very quickly.
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    I knew that I was getting close this week so I started drinking lots of water and just watched what I ate more closely and I lost 1.6 this week.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 920 Member
    cheers ladies....
    im off to top up my water bottle lol