Just joined its Fab!

car57x Posts: 1
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, have just joined today after listening to members of my family raving about it, thought at 54yrs of age I knew all about what I was eating but OMG day 1 and I'm shocked at what's gone into my mouth, I would have said today was a good day but now I know I'm delusional! no wonder I'm not changing weight! even if I walk my poor dog 10 more times I will not break even, so here's to a fresh start tomorrow :)


  • StacyStewart1977
    StacyStewart1977 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome... I am newer also and it was amazing when I tracked what I actually ate. Good luck to you!
  • hi i joined on wednesday it is brilliant and makes you so motivated just burned over 600 calories on a walk with toddler in backpack felt brilliant adding that i want to do it again. best of luck on your journey to success add me as a friend for support if you want
  • auntgracie
    auntgracie Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just starting day 3. I'm also surprised at what I was eating that I didn't see as 'counting'. I LOVE this site. I've already begun to exercise more because I can see why I should.....it is translated into numbers. Good health to you.....
  • When I joined a couple of months ago I was exactly the same, you just don't realise how many calories etc is in the stuff you eat!!
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Welcoming you all to MFP. It really is an eye-opening experience. Make many friends while you are here because they make the experience so much more enjoyable. Your friends will cheer you on when you are doing great but they are also there to pick you up and motivate you when you are having a bad day/ week etc. I know personally that just logging the calories burnt is a major boost for me and is made so much nicer when my friends acknowledge it too. Also I have been known to get the motivation and get up and go exercise when I didn't want to just because I saw the numbers my friends burnt and were logging...lol.

    Enjoy your MFP experience. I am always open to more friends so you can add me if you desire.
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