On my way down in weight!!!!!

I am so excited to now have help controling what I eat, and figuring out what is best for me, my body, and health. Can't wait for the end result. I have already lost 2 lbs so far this week. Not even a full week yet. Probably is water weight, lol, but it is still weight. Hehehe! I hope to make new friends who can support me in my weight loss. Was 227lbs in August 2011, stopped some meds that were contributing to the Weight gain, and was able to get down to 210, and have been fluctuating between 207-210. Saw my Nutricianist on Tuesday, and she gave me all the tools I needed. Got on the scal this morning and I was 204.6. Oh I hope I can stick with this! Please pray for me! Thank you!



  • Good Luck!!!!
  • 2297
    2297 Posts: 3
    You can do this!! Trust me, I didn't think I could - but this is the best plan ever!!! I am praying for you and remember - there is alot of support here. Good Luck

  • 227 was my highest weight too!! congrats and keep up the good work. you can do it!
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Sending prayers, positive thoughts and a friend request your way!!!
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    You can stick with this. MFP has so many tools to help you on your way, a great community of people just like us to cheer you on, recipes, ideas, exercise suggestions, heck, the phone app food diary alone is worth my weight in gold! Good luck on losing!
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    Yes you can do it, as you have made the first step in joining good luck :wink: