Fooling myself!!!

Ok so tonight came hone starving. Knew i would be a liability if i went to the shops as i just wanted junk and chocolate so sent my man. Felt good that i did this. After tea had 400 calories left! Have sat and watched my man tuck into big fruit and nut bar and have not had any. Feel good for this. However i hav sat and eaten heaps of mini meringues at 21 cals each. I feel in a strange way like i am being good but know the amount of sugar is bad! Weird tech i am still binging on sugar! Only 5 cals over for the day.....again think i am fooling myself slightly that this is good as i was on the verge of a massive hunk binge. The mind works in mysterious ways.....guessingthe scales wont!!! Big sigh!!!


  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Hey girl-

    Don't be to hard on yourself. The first thing you did right is realize what you are doing. If you don't admit it to yourself it is much harder to conquer. Second everyone is a work in progress, just as you are. Take each day as a step at a time. We are here to support you and motivate you. Keep up the great work! :)
  • post191rickdye
    post191rickdye Posts: 23 Member
    "On the verge" is not the same as "there was a mass explosion of merangue." You resisted. You did good.
  • lindy1608
    Thanks guys that makes me feel better! Ur could hav been worse!! Avoided the crisps and the choc that my man was munching for the first time in ages!!!