My first "failure" day. :(



  • frycase
    frycase Posts: 43
    You and I seriously had the same freaking day, except that instead of donuts I had Harvey's for lunch. Don't stress it, love. Tomorrow is another day. Look at it this way: that donut (or donuts, if you're like me and sometimes have trouble stopping at one) is going to be a great motivator. Tomorrow you're going to kick the hell out of your calorie count. <3 I'm so proud of you for the progress you've made so far!
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you, everyone. I KNOW, deep down, that I shouldn't be as upset or beating myself up as much as I am about this...but if you asked me, at any point in my life, what my biggest detriment to being as healthy as I should be is, I would always point to my willpower--or lack thereof. It's tough to sit down and say to myself that I need to be more willful where food is concerned...and then to succeed, so well, for the first few weeks, only to just suddenly come up short so suddenly.

    I know I can come back from this, and I want to, but it's just frustrating to know exactly what the problem is yet somehow lack the conviction to follow through...

    If any of you read Hyperbole and a Half, if you read her latest post, that describes pretty accurately the way I feel about my lack of willpower. (And if you don't you should, it's a BRILLIANT blog :happy:)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    A day with a calorie surplus will actually stimulate your metabolism & keep your weight loss moving along, assuming you don't do it more than once a week. Works great for me.

    Agree that the willpower thing is much more of an issue...good luck getting that worked out. But rest assured that having a day where you're way over on your calories is a GOOD thing. Don't weigh yourself for at least 3-4 days post though, you'll see some artificial weight gain from the excess carbs & sodium. It'll flush itself after a few days back on plan.
  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    You gained new knowlage. Nothing wrong with that. You know where you went wrong and you know your weaknesses. One day is a grain of sand in the sahara.:flowerforyou:
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    Didn't have time to read others' responses, so maybe someon already said this, but you have to remember: even if you go over your calories on MFP, you still have about 500 calories before you get to maintenance (sp?) or even calorie surplus (depending on your settings). Keeping this in mind always makes me feel better. So even if you're "over" by 200 cal, you're actually still under by 300. So you are actually still doing well!!

    Keep your head up. One day won't make that much difference. It is not a failure, just a challange. And there WILL be many more. You just have to learn not to let them break you.
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    Well, I feel a little bit better still--I just input the actual recipe for the lasagna I had for lunch, rather than going by an estimate based on the food database here...and what I thought was a 581 calorie portion is actually more like 230! I'm still over because of that damn donut and the Hallowe'en candy, but at least not by as much, and I can at least offset the 200 overage with the elliptical tonight--it won't save me from dinner, but I can still EAT dinner and not feel like a total lump.

    Phew. That's a load off of my mind, at least.