i need help i cant lose any weight.

im 5' 3' and weight 160 i cant lose the baby weight i made it to my 7th month but lose the baby. I want to get back to 130 again. does anyone have any diet or workout plans i could try. i really need help!!!! thanks


  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss.

    My advice for losing weight would be to log everything you eat, and try to cut down on your portion sizes. Make small changes, like using whole grain pasta and bread instead of white. Eat more vegetables and cut down on sugar and sweets.

    If you don't already, go for a walk or a jog everyday. It will help you both mentally and physically.

    Good luck!
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    We are in the same "boat" :)

    Drink TONS and TONS of water........Exercise until you cant exercise anymore... work HARD, DRINK alot... and it will come off.

    Dont "barely" work out, if you think you just can't keep going...keep going until those endorphines kick in, once they kick in, you could go and go and go for hours............ I limit myself to 90min of CONTINUOUS working out.(fast pace, then gradually a slow paced, then gradually back to a fast pace),... push yourself... you'll get there... Get mad, and Kick some *kitten*!
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Hard work, watch what you eat and exercise.
  • JoAnn73
    JoAnn73 Posts: 161 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Hard work, watch what you eat and exercise.
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Sorry about the loss. That must have been painful.

    I wish I could help you but I am just wishing I could even be at the weight you are now. Hopefully someone else can give you some tips. Right now I am trying for at least 60 mins cardio 3-5 times per week and gradually easing into strength training too. I was not losing for a while and re-evaluated things, changed my weight loss goal from 2 lbs to 1 lb per week, got more calories to eat and lost after. Maybe you need to re-evaluate your goals too and maybe eat more.
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    What a painful experience. So sorry to hear about your loss.
    The above sounds like solid advice. Also, watch your sodium intake. What kind of exercise program are you on? Are you eating natural foods or mostly out of a package? Try clean eating.
    Also, make sure you're taking measurements other than via the "evil" scale. I have found when I get stuck in a plateau that actually my other measurements are changing drastically. Then suddenly the scale starts to budge again.
    And sometimes I've found what I need is a little bit more food. If you're at lose 2 pounds a week, try changing to 1.5 per week or only 1 pound per week.
    Best advice, don't get frustrated by no change. Keep pressing on. You're not going to gain weight, and any changes you are making are making a healthier you.
    Try also the 30 Day Shred. It's transformed my life!
    Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Diet is #1 priority.
    Exercise is #2.

    Find out how many calories you burn in a 24 hr period, and eat a deficit under that. Get sufficient protein and dietary fat intake. Do some sort of strength resistance training, and some cardiovascular training. Don't overdo it in the gym. Be patient. Weight will come off. Aim for 1-2 lbs per week loss.
  • Stutz77
    Stutz77 Posts: 113
    It's a combination of things that you need to do like everyone else is saying. You need to workout and stick to a workout, you maybe only get through 10 mins the first time but as you keep doing it you will be able to longer and longer. Your diet is also a huge factor, just because you worked out you can't eat what you want. You still have to work on your portions and eating right. Having people who will support you and support what you are trying to do. The most import thing of all is you really have to be commited to do it! It will not be easy, but you can dig down and find that inner strength and you will find a way! I have days when I cheat and will have a slice of pizza and give myself days also to due this when I reach certain goals and I love to help others reaching their goals! It keeps me focused and going. Feel free to add me as a friend or messeage me!
  • celinebean
    celinebean Posts: 4 Member
    thanks everyone sooo much!! i do tae bo for 45 min -60mins five days a week. i try to eat 1200-1300 calories. i do good all day but at night i get really hungry and go over my calories. Should i workout longer? is there a diet that keeps you full longer. thanks
  • celinebean
    celinebean Posts: 4 Member
    thanks everyone sooo much!! i do tae bo for 45 min -60mins five days a week. i try to eat 1200-1300 calories. i do good all day but at night i get really hungry and go over my calories. Should i workout longer? is there a diet that keeps you full longer. thanks
  • evergreen1959
    Because of Thyroid issues for 20 years I Found it very difficult to lose weight. If I lost any it would pop back on. You might want to read this. Pounds & Inches by Dr Simeon. (you can download the pages also) And Look into a face book page called Miracle Skinny Drops Support Page http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/miracleskinnydrops/

    My Daughter and I both have lost over 70 pounds in the last year. I love this diet, it worked so well for me. And we both have keep the weight off.

    If you decide to do this diet.. you will want this book. http://www.amazon.com/HCG-Weight-Loss-Cure-Guide/dp/0983112428/ref=tmm_pap_title_0

    If the 500 sounds too harsh for you, there is a 800 now... here is the support group for that. http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/100738906691037/

    Wishing you happy weight loss.. It is amazing when it finally works and you learn how to keep it off.
  • evergreen1959
    Because of Thyroid issues for 20 years I Found it very difficult to lose weight. If I lost any it would pop back on. You might want to read this. Pounds & Inches by Dr Simeon. (you can download the pages also) And Look into a face book page called Miracle Skinny Drops Support Page http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/miracleskinnydrops/

    My Daughter and I both have lost over 70 pounds in the last year. I love this diet, it worked so well for me. And we both have keep the weight off.

    If you decide to do this diet.. you will want this book. http://www.amazon.com/HCG-Weight-Loss-Cure-Guide/dp/0983112428/ref=tmm_pap_title_0

    If the 500 sounds too harsh for you, there is a 800 now... here is the support group for that. http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/100738906691037/

    Wishing you happy weight loss.. It is amazing when it finally works and you learn how to keep it off.
  • halamouaket
    it sounds like you are on the right track. i wouldn't up the exercise...i would try to find foods that are more filling. make sure you drink lots of water before and after every meal. that seems to be keeping me full these days. plus, i would try to find a different exercise method for a few days a week. perhaps your body is just getting used to the routine?
  • halamouaket
    That diet is supposed to go hand in hand with hormone therapy. Not such a great thing if you want to lose weight to have a baby..you really shouldn't use that unless you are seeing a doctor for therapy regularly. Sounds dangerous.
  • evergreen1959
    I also want to say that this has not been a full year of dieting that we lost the 70+ pounds. We did a 30 day round the first time, and 21 day rounds the next 4 times. All the time in between has been maintaining so that our bodies would remember each stop weight and reset its self.
    Mainly its like a plateau for a period of time, Then you loose more. It helps to have these stopping points for weigh especially if you suddenly have a reason for gaining, your body takes you back to the last stop point for a little while. It helps to give you a chance to get control again. That is what makes this diet totally different from all the rest and why so many people are finding very good success with this diet.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    you are welcome to check out my profile page (with my general weight loss guidelines) and see my workout blog below with ideas for short and efficient workouts. enjoy the journey.

    deeply, deeply sorry to hear about your loss.
  • evergreen1959
    ** not sure if you are talking to me** if so My Thyroid Dr is totally on board and is now suggesting the diet. I take my Thyroid meds. and it works great on the HCG homeopathic drops. I have had issues with Hypoglycemia and my regular doctor monitor me on this also.. Not one problem on the 500 with that either.

    Of course you should ask your dr to see if you are in good health. But sometimes you just have to do what you know is better for you! For me loosing the weight was more of a health benefit than trying and failing with diets all the time. This has been a 20 year battle. And for the first time Ive lost weight and keep it off.