Hello I'm new and need some support!!

Hello, I am 37 years old and have a major addiction to sugar!! I need to lose some weight and get better inside and out. Any advice on how to kick the sugar habbit? Thanks, looks like a great site!! Leah


  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    I have a HORRIBLE sweet tooth. I found that baking vegan deserts is the best way to have squash the cravings and still stay within your calories for the day. Good luck. Feel free to add me.
  • I like Weight watchers desserts....And fruit like strawberries, oranges, berries....
  • lovelar
    lovelar Posts: 12 Member
    I make up a batch of sugar free jelly every couple of days so that whenever I am craving something sweet, I have something "good for me" ready to scoff instead of reaching for the biscuits!!! Some fab flavours out there and they might be sugar free but they're not short of that tasty sugary feeling haha
  • Fresh vegetables which are sweet and crunchy, such as snap peas, are my anti-sugar. Also, I take Dymatize ISO-100 protein powder. It has a sugar-free sweetener, and is just a yummy protein boost.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I found the best thing to slowly wean off of them.. Cut a little more and a little more out each day till you're primarily just having natural sweets :) but I do allow myself one cheat day amonth to splurge on just about whatever :)
    Feel free to friend me and take it one day at a time.. Never just plunge in that is asking for failure.. You can do this if it's what you really want :) good luck
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I like how cinnamon tricks my taste buds to having sugar.
  • runsyrun
    runsyrun Posts: 5 Member
    Take it one day at a time. I'm doing a 28 day weight challenge and I'm only allowed to eat sugar on certain days the other days NO SUGAR at all. It's not so bad since its not every day but I tell you what I love sweets (well certain things) and I notice that m not craving them when taking it one day at a time. Good luck with your weight loss!!!
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    I found the best thing to slowly wean off of them.. Cut a little more and a little more out each day till you're primarily just having natural sweets :) but I do allow myself one cheat day amonth to splurge on just about whatever :)
    Feel free to friend me and take it one day at a time.. Never just plunge in that is asking for failure.. You can do this if it's what you really want :) good luck
  • Fruits! That's a good way to help. They are sweet but healthy. Also like one person said, pick days where you have sugar and days you don't. Think to yourself and really ask, "are the calories and negatives with it?" You want to change yourself for the better. To look and feel better. If you can go a day without it, then two days then three days then a week. Before you know it you'll have kicked the habit. If you do eat sugar just burn more than you take in. Be strong and push yourself to do what us best for your body and mind.
  • thanks all!!! wow great advice!!! leah
  • SherleeTxn
    SherleeTxn Posts: 24 Member
    Sugar substitutes over fresh fruits is good. Many sugar-tree ice creams and cookies in the stores. Good luck!
  • searavyn
    searavyn Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat, Leah! I love to drink sweet tea, and since I started adding to my food diary I've realized just how many of my calories are coming from that one thing alone! One day I drank 840 calories of sweet tea - 840!! So I've started only drinking sweet tea at home (my husband makes the BEST!) and drinking unsweet out in public, adding Splenda or Sweet N Low to make it yummy. It's a healthy trade that I feel is worth it, so when I think about that it's easier to order the unsweet.

    I agree with the suggestions for eating fruits, but I don't care for most fruits, so I make smoothies. They are delicious and sweet, plus think of all those great nutrients you're getting. I only use fruit, fruit juice, and ice in mine, so no added sugar there.

    Good luck!!
  • hbar98
    hbar98 Posts: 39
    If you are able, do the 5 minute trick. When you have a craving, look at your watch and say, "If I still want some in 5 mins, I'll have a little." Then go do something else to occupy your time.

    Try that a few times and see if it helps you. Trust me, I know how you feel.