Dear Peeps,

Dear Peeps,

I love everything about you: squishy and sweet, or hard and dry. You are the sunshine of Easter. Little bundles of sugary spring time happiness. But, I urge you, as I see that you've magically reappeared again this easter season; to please do your best to stay away from my hands, because I will eat you....quickly....and in large quantities.

I'm trying really hard to be healthier and stick with my weight loss goals. However, I really don't think it's fair that you keep coming out with cool new colors and shapes (and in Snack packs now?!) to tempt the kid in me at every corner I turn. That's playing dirty pool. I don't hang out in front of you with a horde of six year olds ready to tear you apart, so why should you taunt me? Also, I think that in order to maintain the Peeps population without endangering their existence, you should probably steer clear of Wegmans or P& C until about.......August.

Don't try me. You won't win.



  • aliciask
    aliciask Posts: 24
    Dear Peeps,

    I love everything about you: squishy and sweet, or hard and dry. You are the sunshine of Easter. Little bundles of sugary spring time happiness. But, I urge you, as I see that you've magically reappeared again this easter season; to please do your best to stay away from my hands, because I will eat you....quickly....and in large quantities.

    I'm trying really hard to be healthier and stick with my weight loss goals. However, I really don't think it's fair that you keep coming out with cool new colors and shapes (and in Snack packs now?!) to tempt the kid in me at every corner I turn. That's playing dirty pool. I don't hang out in front of you with a horde of six year olds ready to tear you apart, so why should you taunt me? Also, I think that in order to maintain the Peeps population without endangering their existence, you should probably steer clear of Wegmans or P& C until about.......August.

    Don't try me. You won't win.

  • pam0206
    pam0206 Posts: 700 Member
    :laugh: That's too much.......:laugh:
  • prettyinpink
    prettyinpink Posts: 94 Member
    I am with you on that one!! Peeps are my FAVORITE!! and now that they are at almost EVERY holiday, I am in so much trouble!! haha
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    OH I hadnt even thought about peeps yet this year. Oh my I love them. You decribed them to a tee. Now I want some. But lucky for me I wont be in a store again untill Saturday. Maybe by then I will kill the urge. Thanks for the laugh..
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: That's so funny! :laugh: :laugh:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Dear Peeps,

    I love everything about you: squishy and sweet, or hard and dry. You are the sunshine of Easter. Little bundles of sugary spring time happiness. But, I urge you, as I see that you've magically reappeared again this easter season; to please do your best to stay away from my hands, because I will eat you....quickly....and in large quantities.

    I'm trying really hard to be healthier and stick with my weight loss goals. However, I really don't think it's fair that you keep coming out with cool new colors and shapes (and in Snack packs now?!) to tempt the kid in me at every corner I turn. That's playing dirty pool. I don't hang out in front of you with a horde of six year olds ready to tear you apart, so why should you taunt me? Also, I think that in order to maintain the Peeps population without endangering their existence, you should probably steer clear of Wegmans or P& C until about.......August.

    Don't try me. You won't win.


    Not to mention the half price sales right after Easter..

    God save us...
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    :laugh: grrr Easter=candy. I am so afraid. Peeps are not my problem it's those darn cadbury minis and cream eggs. Guess who'll be doing Easter shopping this year- my husband haha
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    MY mom asked me to pass along to all of you that this year you can have your peeps and laugh in the face of the easter bunny BECAUSE..............
    they have come out with peeps made with splenda this year. Personally, I can't stand peeps, but if you want them without the load of sugar now is your chance!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Peeps are the best!!! I saw some sugar free ones last year... but I wasn't brave enough to try them... to me that just seems like an oxymoran... kinda like diet mountian dew... I just can't bring myself to try them... because it seems the whole point of those items is supposed to be SUGAR!!! :) But maybe if I see myself about to give in to the Peeps this year I will try the SF ones... maybe if they are bad enough I will forget how good the real ones are!!!! :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Dear Peeps,

    Please go away and take your accomplice the Cadbury Creme Egg with you.

    Thank you, that is all.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    So cute
    My fav are the cadbury eggs....YUMMMMMMYYYYY

  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Oh my goodness that was too funny :laugh:

    I'm still trying to SLOWLY work my way through the box of delicious chocolates my bf got me for valentines! Now I'm going to have to contend with easter candy! I think I'll make sure to let him know not to get me anything. At the rate I'm eating the valentines candy I'll have it at least till Halloween rolls around! :laugh:

    Why are all of our holidays so centered on food?!?!!?

    Maybe fresh carrots in the easter basket this year...
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Peeps come my way!! You will be safe from the jaws!!!

    All I can say is ICK!! i cant stand those things...eew.

    If ya'll are tempted by them, send them my way and I'll find a good home for them under the kitchen sink in teh trash.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    THERE ARE SUGAR FREE PEEPS NOW! HOORAY! Just thought I'd let ya know. :bigsmile:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member

    i dunno what peeps are and i DON'T want to know, however, you could all have been talking about cadbury's cream eggs. they have really good advert here in the uk (here today, goo tomorow, if your in the uk) and everytime its on i just want to rush to the store and get a dozen .. :blushing:

    Do you feel the same about other fast food commercials ? that nice steamy pizza, that tasty burger.
    arrrghhhhh i hate it. i could happily go on with life without having to be tempted alllll the time.

    ok, now i need to go to the fridge and pick up a ................... celery stick.. :sad:

  • ligytha
    ligytha Posts: 130
    I like marshmallows, so I liked peeps. Then I read the ingredients. "Carnauba wax". It is used in automobile wax, shoe polish, floor polish, furniture polish, and cosmetics. Thanks but no thanks.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    For me the Robin Eggs will do me in...and to be honest with you I already bought a box so I can enjoy it on Easter!!! My husband loves Peeps and I got him a box already, but he doesn't know it yet...oh well, Easter is just one day a year.

    I lived in Germany for 6 yrs and they have the best Easter candy!!! My daughter lives there now and she is bringing me some next week when she comes down to visit...I guess I am in trouble. :ohwell: