Physically Sick when Exercising... what's up??

JennaK Posts: 43 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been very discouraged lately. After a few months of exercising no problem, I have begun to feel really sick when I exercise. I get light-headed and nauseous. I've had to up and leave spin class twice now. It's embarrasing and frustrating. The instructor came over to me and was like what is wrong with you because apparently I went white as a ghost. I'm eating right, drinking water, etc. so what's up!? argh!


  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    I have been very discouraged lately. After a few months of exercising no problem, I have begun to feel really sick when I exercise. I get light-headed and nauseous. I've had to up and leave spin class twice now. It's embarrasing and frustrating. The instructor came over to me and was like what is wrong with you because apparently I went white as a ghost. I'm eating right, drinking water, etc. so what's up!? argh!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well, you may be eating according to MFP, but that doesn't mean you're eating right for YOU. It sounds like you're bonking. What are your pre-/post-workout meals? How long and intensely are you exercising? Are you replenishing electrolytes? Taking a multivitamin?
  • I have been very discouraged lately. After a few months of exercising no problem, I have begun to feel really sick when I exercise. I get light-headed and nauseous. I've had to up and leave spin class twice now. It's embarrasing and frustrating. The instructor came over to me and was like what is wrong with you because apparently I went white as a ghost. I'm eating right, drinking water, etc. so what's up!? argh!

    Guess what I am also feeling just the same, but I thought thats cause I am having Hypothyroidism.
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Well, you may be eating according to MFP, but that doesn't mean you're eating right for YOU. It sounds like you're bonking. What are your pre-/post-workout meals? How long and intensely are you exercising? Are you replenishing electrolytes? Taking a multivitamin?

    If I go to spin class first thing in the morning I have a glass of water and a banana or an apple, and afterwards I try to make sure I have a balance carb/protein meal. Spin class is fairly intense and last 50 mins, but I was doing it fine before. I take a multivitamin twice daily as per the directions, as well as an extra B12 vitamin (I'm deficient!).
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well, you may be eating according to MFP, but that doesn't mean you're eating right for YOU. It sounds like you're bonking. What are your pre-/post-workout meals? How long and intensely are you exercising? Are you replenishing electrolytes? Taking a multivitamin?

    If I go to spin class first thing in the morning I have a glass of water and a banana or an apple, and afterwards I try to make sure I have a balance carb/protein meal. Spin class is fairly intense and last 50 mins, but I was doing it fine before. I take a multivitamin twice daily as per the directions, as well as an extra B12 vitamin (I'm deficient!).

    Ah, are you a veggie? (That's not totally relevant, just curious because of the B12. :laugh: )

    If you can make your pre-workout meal larger, that would probably help. Maybe get up earlier, eat a heartier meal, go back to sleep and then wake up for your class. The post-workout meal won't help with the bonking while you're riding. Alternately, you could invest in some simple carbohydrates to munch while you ride, like a Clif shot or something similar. A G2 would supply some carbohydrates and electrolytes. I've bonked before and I got the same ill feeling and paleness, then I fainted. :sick: Oops. That was before I knew any better. :blushing: But if your calories are too low overall, you'll feel crummy when you work out until you increase them to a level that supports your activity.
  • joonieB
    joonieB Posts: 101
    Are you pregnant? Sounds so similar to how I feel at the beginning of a pregnancy--a few weeks before I even find out. Maybe you are anemic?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Are you pregnant? Sounds so similar to how I feel at the beginning of a pregnancy--a few weeks before I even find out. Maybe you are anemic?

    She's anemic for sure if she's deficient in B12. I doubt she'd have an iron deficiency while taking a multivitamin.

    Pregnant!!!!! :devil: Haha, just kidding. :wink: I really think it's just because of the teeny breakfast.
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Well, you may be eating according to MFP, but that doesn't mean you're eating right for YOU. It sounds like you're bonking. What are your pre-/post-workout meals? How long and intensely are you exercising? Are you replenishing electrolytes? Taking a multivitamin?

    If I go to spin class first thing in the morning I have a glass of water and a banana or an apple, and afterwards I try to make sure I have a balance carb/protein meal. Spin class is fairly intense and last 50 mins, but I was doing it fine before. I take a multivitamin twice daily as per the directions, as well as an extra B12 vitamin (I'm deficient!).

    Ah, are you a veggie? (That's not totally relevant, just curious because of the B12. :laugh: )

    If you can make your pre-workout meal larger, that would probably help. Maybe get up earlier, eat a heartier meal, go back to sleep and then wake up for your class. The post-workout meal won't help with the bonking while you're riding. Alternately, you could invest in some simple carbohydrates to munch while you ride, like a Clif shot or something similar. A G2 would supply some carbohydrates and electrolytes. I've bonked before and I got the same ill feeling and paleness, then I fainted. :sick: Oops. That was before I knew any better. :blushing: But if your calories are too low overall, you'll feel crummy when you work out until you increase them to a level that supports your activity.

    I will try that and hopefully that helps. I want to be able to work out without someone carrying me out of the gym! :blushing:
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Are you pregnant? Sounds so similar to how I feel at the beginning of a pregnancy--a few weeks before I even find out. Maybe you are anemic?

    That would really curb my weight loss goals! haha.... to the best of my knowledge, there is no bun in the oven :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Haha I'm sure they'll start charging you a carrying fee after a couple more incidences. :wink:
    Gummy bears/jelly beans/Smarties (the hard candies, not the European M&M's) all contain dextrose which is what you'll get in the ClifBlocks and other comparable but expensive fitness supplements. I like Transformers gummies. :bigsmile:
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Haha I'm sure they'll start charging you a carrying fee after a couple more incidences. :wink:
    Gummy bears/jelly beans/Smarties (the hard candies, not the European M&M's) all contain dextrose which is what you'll get in the ClifBlocks and other comparable but expensive fitness supplements. I like Transformers gummies. :bigsmile:

    How about cadbury mini eggs?? I'd love to have an excuse to eat them (well more of them actually! ):laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Haha I'm sure they'll start charging you a carrying fee after a couple more incidences. :wink:
    Gummy bears/jelly beans/Smarties (the hard candies, not the European M&M's) all contain dextrose which is what you'll get in the ClifBlocks and other comparable but expensive fitness supplements. I like Transformers gummies. :bigsmile:

    How about cadbury mini eggs?? I'd love to have an excuse to eat them (well more of them actually! ):laugh:

    I love those!! Unfortunately since they're high in fat they're not going to do you much good as they'll digest slowly and probably cause a lot of GI discomfort.:ohwell:
  • JennaK
    JennaK Posts: 43 Member
    Haha I'm sure they'll start charging you a carrying fee after a couple more incidences. :wink:
    Gummy bears/jelly beans/Smarties (the hard candies, not the European M&M's) all contain dextrose which is what you'll get in the ClifBlocks and other comparable but expensive fitness supplements. I like Transformers gummies. :bigsmile:

    How about cadbury mini eggs?? I'd love to have an excuse to eat them (well more of them actually! ):laugh:

    I love those!! Unfortunately since they're high in fat they're not going to do you much good as they'll digest slowly and probably cause a lot of GI discomfort.:ohwell:

    Ahhh cruel little heavenly mini eggs... high in fat, high in deliciousness! :happy:

    I'm going to try spinning tomorrow m orning... hopefully no incidents! :blushing: Thanks for the advice:flowerforyou:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Haha I'm sure they'll start charging you a carrying fee after a couple more incidences. :wink:
    Gummy bears/jelly beans/Smarties (the hard candies, not the European M&M's) all contain dextrose which is what you'll get in the ClifBlocks and other comparable but expensive fitness supplements. I like Transformers gummies. :bigsmile:

    How about cadbury mini eggs?? I'd love to have an excuse to eat them (well more of them actually! ):laugh:

    I love those!! Unfortunately since they're high in fat they're not going to do you much good as they'll digest slowly and probably cause a lot of GI discomfort.:ohwell:

    Ahhh cruel little heavenly mini eggs... high in fat, high in deliciousness! :happy:

    I'm going to try spinning tomorrow m orning... hopefully no incidents! :blushing: Thanks for the advice:flowerforyou:

    I know!! Aren't they just the creamiest and most delicious things ever? The candy shell is so sweet and the chocolate has such an amazing flavor. Mmmmmm :love: Good luck tomorrow! :drinker:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Well I will pass on the cadbury's I can't stand those makes my teeth hurt just thinking of them :laugh:

    Anyway, you need fuel. song is right, you need to bulk up your pre workout meal with a better carb, protein balance so it will last. A piece of whole grain bread with some peanut butter, oatmeal, or similar foods will help you.

    Fruits before an intense cardio session can actually lead to your ill feelings or a sudden need to run to the bathroom, especially a morning banana...

    Although you aren't running you should check out, they have a whole section on great meals to have before a run or intense cardio session and a follow up section on what to eat within an hour of your workout.

    good luck, of course if none of our advice helps go see your doc :flowerforyou:
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