
Does anyone out there suffer from pvc too? I was recently diagnosed and it has been bad lately. I feel like I can not breath sometimes and my chest just hurts. I do not have underlying medical conditions, been through all the testing. I need to find a better way to control it, I am sure my trigger is stress, I teach 4th grade and it is a stressful job! :). I work out daily as my stress controller and I try to not bring my work home with me :) Any suggestions would be much welcomed!


  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    what is pvc?
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    what is pvc?

    Wikipedia, bro.
  • timothyjkiser
    timothyjkiser Posts: 85 Member
    If this is what you have...

    A PVC may be perceived as a "skipped beat" or felt as palpitations in the chest. In a normal heartbeat, the ventricles contract after the atria have helped to fill them by contracting; in this way the ventricles can pump a maximized amount of blood both to the lungs and to the rest of the body. In a PVC, the ventricles contract first, which means that circulation is inefficient.

    The following will increase symptoms:

    Drugs such as cocaine;
    Magnesium and potassium deficiency;
    Calcium excess;
    Thyroid problems;
    Adrenaline excess;
    Lack of sleep/exhaustion;

    [Source: Wikipedia]
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    what is pvc?

    Wikipedia, bro.

    i did originally, but didnt want to assume.

    To the OP...have you tried Yoga as a form of stress relief? Many people find it helpful.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    what is pvc?

    Wikipedia, bro.

    Thanks for the reminder, bro. First listing is Polyvinyl chloride.:laugh:

    Coming in second is premature ventricular contraction, which is probably what the OP intended.
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Exercise can reduce the symptoms. Did your doc put you on a beta blocker? I would talk with your physician if your symptoms are severe ... shortness of breath and chest pain should be followed up. Did they talk to you about ablation therapy? I am sure you were told no alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco. PVCs are rarely dangerous unless you have underlying heart disease. Please make your doc aware of your shortness or breath and chest pain. Best wishes!
  • mvandommelen
    I had a heart ablation when I was 14. They have not talked about medicine and I am not too fond of the idea of medicine that could have potential side effects as well. I don't drink, I dont smoke and dont over do the caffeine. I would say right now I have on average 400-500 pvc a day. I do yoga also, I love working out, it is my stress relief!
  • rsingletary82
    rsingletary82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there I get them too. It is worse when I am stressed. One thing we found is part of it was due to an electrolyte imbalance. Try lemon water or Gatorade/Powerade if you don't like lemon. It is not a good as the lemon water but is still infused with the electrolytes your body needs. Has you physician placed you on a holter monitor for observation? With the PVC it should be a flutter feeling not a sharp pain and SOB. You may have something else happening.
  • mvandommelen
    I have done the holter monitor, the 30 day event monitor and the 2d ecocardiogram with doplar, so I have done it all :). I will try gatorade, or lemon water, no one said anything about electrolyte imbalance, so that is a good thing for me to try :Thanks!!!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I have done the holter monitor, the 30 day event monitor and the 2d ecocardiogram with doplar, so I have done it all :). I will try gatorade, or lemon water, no one said anything about electrolyte imbalance, so that is a good thing for me to try :Thanks!!!

    Did you have any luck with the lemon water?