Help please

I have been pretty mellow on this site for the last few months as I started working and maintaining all the stuff I do around the house.
I really want to get back into the swing of things and drop more weight. I am down about 23lbs from when I joined here 250 days ago.

I would love to have my ticker show like a 50lb loss by the time I reach 1 yr with MFP. It is only 28lbs away but I feel I can't get back into this. I do not log what I eat. Its bad that I dont i know that. keeping two growing little boys busy all day is hard work lol.

I want to start walking/running after dinner on nights I dont work. The only thing holding me back with that is myself. I can't seem to get past it for some reason. It is getting cooler out so I can take the boys on a bike ride during the day which I will probably start doing more of. We have a bike trailer for them.

I guess I am just looking for some motivational stories, just motivation in general. I just look back and see myself at 145lbs and I thought I was heavy then!! I would love to weigh that now instead of hovering around 178-180...


  • Emberlure
    Emberlure Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm new here, but not new to the process. :D
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    You can do this! Remember, you have the power. Stick to the plan, and don't try to do too much too fast- you will end up hurting yourself. Feel free to add me and message me with any questions, or if you just need some motivation! :D
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    mother of twins here...the only way i get my work outs in is to do them first thing in the morning...before the kids are up....maybe go to bed earliear and consider getting up half an hour earlier to do a video or walk? i love the jillian micheals 30 day shred...three 20minute workouts on that and totally fun to do.

    i also love the rodney yee daily yoga dvd with 5 different 20 minute yoga workouts good for total beginners.

    hope this helps.
  • kayleeblue
    If you don't do it for yourself know one will do it for you. If you don't take care of yourself,,,who's going to take care of your boys??? I'm doing it because I want to see my grandchildren some about you?? Make it happen!
  • Gonzoxx
    Gonzoxx Posts: 27
    Hi kelm ¿want motivation? let's get've already been on the place you want to be know. what im trying to tell you is...YOU HAVE THE GUNS. But i know you know that. Know you say YOU are the one who stop your efforts. well guess what? there's some true on that thought. Many times we think WE are those who stops our journey to get in shape, but there's something the most of us DONT see and that is... WE HAVE THE GIFT TO DECIDE WHAT WE WANT FOR US... im trying to tell you that IS NOT YOU the one who stop your your skill to decide what is better to you, is your will what makes the difference.

    You have two boys to take care you know how impact would be on their memories to see "mom" getting prepared to run or walk, that will be an awesome model to them. You want they to go through the same situation you are facing now? DO IT FOR THEM. Add responsibility to your goals, don't get satisfied just thinking "this is for my body's looking" cause it's true but there's so many reason beyond that...your health, your life, your kids and the example of person they will want to follow in their lifes tomorrow's day. Don't let them down...but most important don't let YOU down.

    I just want to finish telling that it's not you choice to feel a beast hungry on you when you see some junk food, it's not your choice to feel tired on a day you know you have to workout. They are not choices, but it's YOUR choice to eat that junk food, it's your choice to don't workout. What im trying to tell you is DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE GREAT GIFT OF "DECIDING" YOU HAVE. Conquer your elections, and you will be conquering all those obstacles coming up to stand up against you and being BEATED UP BY YOU.

    Sorry for my bad english but i hope you can get my idea. hope my answer might be helpfull to you :)