October "5 workout a week " challenge. Any program. Open gr



  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    Not quite sure when I last logged, I was away on the weekend and got only 2 walks in
    Tuesday; went a little over the top with 165 work out minutes divided over 3 activities.
    I am on track with workout numbers and maybe someday I will feel brave enough to face the scale, but today is not that day.:noway:
  • Hey there,

    I got way off track
    No excuse to quit.
    Just 2 workouts this week,
    Will get in a few more before Nov 1st
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Wow ,

    That went fast. The halloween week was a challenge.
    Here's my final log in

    End of challenge Goal Review:

    Completed _4__ weeks.
    Total # of _17_ workouts completed .

    Start Weight: 193
    End weight:191