Someone look at my diary and tell me what I'm doing wrong?



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I disagree with the whole too much sodium, if you are going to eat a lot of sodium just counter it with water. Even my dr said that, it really comes down to calories in and calories out. That is for weight loss to be healthy is a whole other game. I eat a lot of beef jerky so I'm over sodium a lot I just try to load up on water, I shoot for minimum of 13 glasses a day but I'm a big fella.. I'm not going to give up foods, I'm trying to make my life more enjoyable not make one part better by killing off another. Watch your calories and realize its not going to fly off over night. Also make sure your exercise calories are accurate as I see you are eating them a lot. If you don't have a hrm that might be a good investment.
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    Also, I dont think anyone has pointed you are breastfeeding bubs you might need extra calories. If your body isnt gettng enough calories that can slow down your progress. But I agree, you have done so well, keep at it!! I tend to eat out at times because of travel and im at university. It can be hard. DO what you need to do to get through your day. Eat out, but make the right choices. Take care of yourself, dont be too hard on yourself, give yourself some time.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    As a few people pointed out, it didn't get there quick it won't come off quick. I dropped 30 lbs in 3 months earlier this year and over 6 months i put 20 of it back on. I am almost back to where I was in march. I wanted to be 250 by July 1 and now I am hoping I am 250 by Jan. Take your time if the scale (clothes, belts whatever) are moving in the right direction then don't worry.
  • jesabee
    Your mostly staying under your cal goal...but you gotta kick the fast food stuff. Too much salt! I hate to say it, but when I eat fast food...even once per week I don't lose anything that week. SuckS, but try =)
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I agree with the sodium thing.... the more salty foods you eat the more water weight you retain. But your weight loss looks like its on track..
  • jesabee
    BTW - I am a very busy mom with a 2 year old and a 7 year old (both boys) and I work full time. Add me as a friend if you like =)
  • tracy337
    tracy337 Posts: 199 Member
    First, you need to be logging your breastfeeding! Your body will need more calories and in turn since your not eating enough that will effect your supply. Second you need to be drinking a lot of water don't forget Milk. Good lean protein, lots of fresh veggies and fruits and you have to make sure your getting fat, healthy fat in your diet like dairy, fish and lean protein. If your not eating a good well balanced diet with a lot of vitamins it can affect the QUALITY of your breast milk as well which can effect babys development. And last, 6 pounds in 10 days! AWESOME! I do happy dance when I get 2 a week lol
  • edwacl
    edwacl Posts: 7 Member
    One word : Sandwiches. If you have not enough time to prepare cooked food, this could be prepared in 5 minutes max. My usual blend would be whole wheat bread on top of lean chicken breast, lots of lettuce, tomato sauce and tomatoes. Things you can add or minus in the mix are mushrooms, cucumber, salmon raw or cooked , sardines , lean beef , pulled pork and moderate amount of cheese or salami. I've cut down eating out a lot just by having sandwiches.

    As a nursing mother, I think you should watch your calorie intake and protein intake too. My friend still look hot although she has 6 kids. Her tips : hungry babie : her baby drink a lot of breast milk. It take a lot of calories to produce milk.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    youre doing fine. Have patience x