Time to love me

Hello All,
So it 29th October and yesterday after finishing reading a book called "Why men love *****es" by Sherry Argov. I realise I am a nice girl and I dont love me eventhough i thought I did. I realise, i cant love me becuase I put everyone first. I borrow people money when i cant afford it. Just too be nice. I have lost weight and gain weight but at 214 pounds. I have to make a change, i woke up at watched Ruby( programme about 700lbs woman trying to get to her goal weigh). I need help, i dont want to be over weight anymore and I truly want to love me and make a change. I need help, i am tired of my legs rubbing, having big arms, double chin. It time to put me first.

I wecolme all your help and suggestions


  • jpriantj
    jpriantj Posts: 8 Member
    Hang in there and enjoy the ride.
    Record all of your food and watch what happens.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    As soon as you start loosing weight belive it or not you will go on auto and start loving yourself more! start looking after yourself more and all those nice clothes and new shoes ect will start to kick in! making a effort to put makeup on in the morning or when you are going out ect
    i didn't even realise that i had stpped all of that sort of thing when i had put on a million pounds!(ok not a million but might as well had been)! :noway:
    i am just a little heavier than you at the moment and yes my shoe collection is now growing :happy: and my makeup collection is overwhelming :love: best it's ever been
    it would put a teenage girl to shame :blushing: but hey i don't care i missed all that out when i was "growing up and out" :sad:

    but please remember to exersice too... find one you like and it will be easy!:wink: