Time to find some friends and encouragment!

Hey guys! I have been doing this for a couple weeks now and love it, but I have not gotten around to posting on here yet. SO we here go. I'm 22 years old, tried WW on and off through out college but was never fully committed, due to stress, and work load at school my weight went up and down through out the four years in a range of 10 lbs, so frustrating. Now that I have graduated and starting a new chapter, I found this and it is finally something I can stick to! Feel free to add me!


  • thegirlwholived96
    Hello! My name is also Samantha. I've had the same problem as you! I do regular exercise in dance class, and eat healthy, but I feel as though it doesn't work. Starting My Fitness Pal today will hopefully bring about some changes, and I can't wait to get started. Good luck,

  • kimber_av
    I hear yah girl! I'm a full time student and I work almost full time. it has really taken a toll on my body. It's nearly impossible to keep a healthy lifestyle when your schedule changes every 15 weeks! I'm graduating in December (hopefully haha) so I've decided to try and start the changes now. Cannot wait to have more time for myself and a more set schedule!

    Good Luck with everything!
  • SamanthaRiccio
    SamanthaRiccio Posts: 24 Member
    Hey! Nice to meet you! Have you tried Zumba? Its super fun I do it a couple times a week and its a great work out!
  • SamanthaRiccio
    SamanthaRiccio Posts: 24 Member

    That was exactly my problem, the constant change every couple months! I always lost weight at school because I wasn't eating consistently because of stress, and gained it when I came home because of my moms meals haha. I have finally decided until I move out I need to just eat what I want and when I want it. Good luck with graduation though!!