when did you notice a difference???

So far i have lost 16lb since starting mfp but there is no difference in my clothes and no one has seemed to notice that i have even lost any weight.. people that know im doing this keep asking am i still doing it so they obviously can t see the difference..
its so frustrating but ill just keep going..

how much weight did you lose before you noticed a difference??


  • clares06
    clares06 Posts: 71 Member
    thats quite a weight loss, especially considering you didnt start off too heavy, youve done great, keep it up.x
    im surprised you havent noticed a difference in your clothing though hun, were they pretty tight to start?? and fitting ok now? ive lost 9lbs, but havent changed clothe size yet, but my clothes are definatly more comfortable. im the same though, no one has noticed my loss apart from my 13 year old daughter! maybe a lil more, and it will really start to show. good luck xx
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    How tall are you? Sometimes its harder to tell on taller people. I've always been pretty small so when I shed about 3-5 pounds then I really notice a difference but I wouldn't pay too much attention to weight, pay attention to how you feel.
  • soulofmyshoe
    soulofmyshoe Posts: 10 Member
    I started out just over 300, and it was probably at about 30 lbs lost that people really started to notice. Nowadays, I can usually count on a comment from someone if I haven't seen them in a few months. As long as you are losing weight and getting healthier, just keep with it and the recognition will come with time. You may even start to get sick of it eventually. I haven't reached that point yet :)

    I think the most important thing is to realize that you are doing this for yourself. That is really what got me on the right path and has helped me stick with it. When the praise starts rolling in, it definitely feels good, but you should be proud of yourself right now for what you have already accomplished, and continue to work hard.
  • Dobesrule
    What kind of exercise are you doing? I have never been a runner but have started jogging 4 times a week about a month ago. I have lost 15 pounds and my pants are quite loose in my butt and hips. Keep up the good work. People will start noticing. Have a great weekend.
  • Auspiciousgirl
    It's probably different for different people... I had a lot of weight to lose (still working on it), and so at the beginning when I had lost 15 pounds I thought it made a BIG difference, but nobody said all that much about it then. For me, it was probably after about 25 pounds that people started commenting.

    Also, some people simply don't comment even if they do notice... either afraid of saying the wrong thing or just not bothering to say anything at all. We all have different people in our lives who will react differently, though, so it's not going to be a perfect number that starts the compliments coming. Some people will be more encouraging than others, and some people will surprise you by how much they support you!

    Whatever your situation, 16 pounds lost is an AMAZING accomplishment, and sometimes our friends don't say the things that we want to hear when we want to hear them. You WILL get the encouraging compliments that you deserve because it's a tough journey that takes commitment, and you are doing a really good job of it :)
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I've gone from a size 16 (almost 18) to a size 12 and no one has really noticed yet. I've also been told there is 'no way' I weigh what the scale says I do. I'm starting to think that I project a skinny image very well. Be glad when reality meets that image :p
  • surveying
    surveying Posts: 25 Member
    When i lost 4st with weight watchers people seemed to start to notice when i had lost 2 stone. I felt my clothes were looser before that but thats when everyone at work started to notice.
  • finest39
    finest39 Posts: 8 Member
    It's not about other people and whether or not you get a positive glance or head nod. This is about YOU!!!!! If the scale is moving you are moving in the right direction. Maybe you should measure your body and you will see changes there. I have people telling me that I have lost enough. Well I thank them for their opinion but I want to Los until I feel good. I don't see whet they see. So anyway KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!
  • NashvilleShelley
    Did you take pictures and your measurements? I still can't tell in pictures but my measurements have changed. Also, I bought a smaller size pants and brought them home to motivate myself to fit into them. When I got home and tried them on...they fit! But I would have sworn that my old size was just right. Maybe go to a store and try on the next size down and see if they fit. No one has said anything to me about losing weight either so don't let it get you down. You are doing awesome!!! : )
  • ldennett
    ldennett Posts: 75 Member
    It took almost 20 lbs before people started to notice but now at 30lbs just about everyone I know has commented when they see me.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    It look about 40 pounds before anyone noticed, then every 10 after that people would remark about how amazing it looked like I was doing... now it's just plain fun to watch people's reaction to my change (if they know me) and what's hilarious is that people that don't know me or didn't know me before, just look at me like I'm a workout phenom and we talk about their fitness program vs mine, food, supplements, etc...

    You too will get to the point where feeling good feels good and big or small, people will be judgemental no matter what and haters are gonna hate on you... just love where you are and what you do, the rest is irrelevant!!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I've lost 23 pounds and if anybody is noticing, they aren't saying so. There is a difference in my clothes, though. It depends on where you lose the weight first, how you "carry" the extra weight all along, how the clothes fit before you started losing........and who your friends are.
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    thanks so much for your kind words... i need to realise that i am doing this for me.. and i felt great about myself untill i tried them stupid dresses on... lesson learned i gonna stay away from trying old clothes on :)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    I noticed after about 20 lbs. Other people didn't really start noticing until around 30 lbs. Before that people would always comment on my hair and if I had changed it. lol
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I think it depends on your body... I hardly lost anything before people started noticing but I am tiny so a little extra weight looks like a lot on me.
    Keep going and eventually you'll get into those dresses!!