sportline HRM watch- accuracy

I received the Sportline HRM watch as a gift and I tried it for the first time tonight. I think the thing is junk as it said that after 45 minutes of moderately paced walked I had burned 550 calories.... I really don't think that is anywhere near accurate. Does anyone have suggestions on getting a more accurate reading on this? Thanks!


  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    Buy another one, that's the only way to get an accurate reading... ;-)

    Seriously, I bought a Sportline and returned it the day after... way, way, way off.

    Got myself a Polar Ft4 instead.
  • alphasigalum
    I have a polar as well, it's great!!
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member

    I used this online calculator before I got my HRM (Polar FT7, LOVE IT) and when I compared the 2 it is pretty accurate. make sure you read the advice about setting your VO2Max.
  • LeanneCutrara
    LeanneCutrara Posts: 31 Member
    I recently bought the Timex fitness watch and love it.... It tracks steps, miles walked, calories burned and length of activity time....Love it
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks all for the info.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I have a sportline and I love it. I think it gives me pretty accurate results, but when mine goes out I will get a Polar...I wasn't sure if I'd use it as much as I ended up using it so I didn't want to get an expensive one...but I'm addicted, so my next will be a Polar.
  • leilani♥
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it sounds like a calorie burning dream! Note to self: save for a polar. I'd hate to buy a cheap HRM and over estimate on my calories burned then end up eating more than I'm supposed to and end up gaining. Thanks for the info! <3 MFP!
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    I have a sport line and it works great for me sometimes it seems like its on the low side but that is prob because my heart rate was not up enough to burn off the most calories. I will use mine because it was a gift and as long as I know my heart rate is up I will know I am burning some calories. I am busting my butt, eating right and losing weight and according to my sportline I burned 3880 calories this week,the scale does not lie I dropped 2 pounds :)
  • Narvinye
    I'm using Sportline and the manual said to get accurate readings you have to check your heart rate often. If you check it while your doing intense work out but slow down it's calculating your cals burned with the higher heart rate so you may get a very high calories burned number!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I bought one two days ago - i didn't realize that you had to manually check your heart rate... seems like their would be an option to have it constantly monitor it while working out... bc of this - i am taking it back and getting one with a chest strap.