what is going on?

I have been with MFP since Oct. 16, I have knocked my calories down to 1400 calories and I work out for 45+ minutes 5 times a week, now the first week I lost 2 #, I stepped on the scale today and found I gained 1#.... I have been busting my butt with exercise and watching what I eat.......my question is, what am I doing wrong, it is way to early in the game to get discouraged and I am WAY TO MOTIVATED TO GIVE UP! Any suggestions?


  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing!

    I have heard from others that when you start exercise your body can retain water around the muscles that you are using - so I doubt you have gained 1lb of fat. Try upping your water intake and keep going - you are doing a great job.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    your diary isn't open so we can't give you too much advice. all I can really say is that 2 weeks is too short a sample size to determine whether there is something you need to do differently. A couple questions though...are you weighing in first thing in the morning (after bathroom; before eating) each time? if not, that could be the issue. Second, when you exercise, are you eating those calories in addition to the 1400 calories, or are you eating 1400 a day regardless of whether you exercise?
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Same thing happened to me when I started. Don't be afraid to eat back your exercise calories because when I finally started to I lost weight! I'm now down 72.5 pounds and still dropping. Stick with it and you'll take the weight off!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Two weeks isn't very long Hon! There are many factors as well, but don't get discouraged yet! It also depends on what type of working out you have been doing. Are you sore after a workout? That tends to make my weight fluctuate up a pound or so all by itself after I have a good strength training session. Make sure to eat your exercise calories back since you get so few every day and drink all kinds of water! Other than that... gotta be patient :) (I've been stuck at my same plateau for a long while now... its hard I know!).
  • Don't get discouraged!! :-) Are you checking your measurements too? I have gained weight (bad eating), but since I do more ab work, my pant size is has dropped. So you may be gaining muscle which weighs more.

  • thanks all for the words of encouragement! I do eat almost all of my 1400 calories, and some of my "extra" calories, but not every day, i stick to a good well rounded food plan, I drink tons of water, I go over on my protein pretty much almost every day, but i still keep within my calorie amount. I may be defiecient in my veggies and fruits, now i think about it, but not by much....yeah, i know it is only a short time but i guess i am impatient.....i just don't understand from basically going from a sedentary lifestyle to what i am doing now it's just not rolling off me...
    again thank you all......i will not give up!!!!!
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    It took more than 2 weeks to put it on. It'll take more than that to take it off ;) Don't worry, it'll happen!
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    One thing to consider is your age. I don't know how old you are but at 51 I find it REALLY hard to lose because my metabolism is slowing. You can still lose but it may take more effort and time. Just know that you are doing your body a favor by exercising and eating right.