Ideas to change up my workout routine! help please :)

Lately I have been doing the elliptical for 30 minutes (90 seconds steady, 30 seconds really fast alternating). I also have added in weight training for my arms as of a last week.

I feel kind of stalled w/ the elliptical, but hate jogging on the treadmill. When it's warm-ish out I try and get out to power walk/jog, and I used to swim in the ocean before it got cold :)

My question is...what else can I do at the gym? I need new ideas. I feel like my weight loss is slowing because I'm not changing up my routine enough.

What do you all do for cardio workouts? I am debating doing some classes, but am so darn self conscious in them!


  • kristielouisa
    kristielouisa Posts: 27 Member
    I like to alternate between the elliptical, stationary bike and the rowing machine. I've joined a basketball team (not a serious one :P) and I'm also considering starting swimming at the local indoor pool. I'm hoping that's enough to keep me interested!
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    What other machines do they have? It's worth trying different machines to work different muscles, so maybe give the stepper or rower a go. I think the key is not to say "today is cross trainer, tomorrow is strength" etc. I try to, but now and again I just do whatever I want to :o)
  • krystico
    krystico Posts: 104
    Hi, I'm going to keep an eye on your responses. My current and goal weights are similar to yours and I'm running into the same issue - I'm a walker and looking for something "new".
  • Get out there and do those classes that you want to do :) May feel a lil' weird & out of your comfort zone at 1st but you'll be a pro before you know it! I like going to the gym but I also have some Cardio DVD's that I've had fantastic results from. Biggest Loser CardioMax & Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout.
  • kamae
    kamae Posts: 18 Member
    I can't really run too much either, hurts my knees, so for cardio I either take classes or do work out videos...there are tons out there that incorporate strength training and cardio for extreme fat burn, like Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and Zumba videos. I LOVE the Jillian micheals videos because it really gets your heart pumping AND tones key muscle groups. Depending on your experience level, the biggest loser videos are good too. When I was at my max weight (255!!) it was hard for me to do just about anything, they have some good JUMP START work outs that are easy to get into the groove with.

    I was embarrassed at first when I signed up for my first Zumba class, and yes there were some super fit people in there but there were people way worse off than me too. Remember, the point of fitness classes is to GET fit, so don't be shy. I grabbed a friend and made her go with me. That way if you are embarrassed you can be embarrassed together!

    You absolutely have to switch it up. We know variety is key in diet, but it is in exercise as well!!

    Good luck! :)
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    start weight training for your whole body, not just your arms. try the bicycle (although i find them extremely uncomfortable lol) And for sure do some classes. I did circuit classes for months. Just loved them and they kicked my *kitten*. And don't worry about the selfconsciousness. I was almost 300 lbs when i started. and sure i couldnt keep up, but that changed. The only comments I ever got was "way to go" and "you're doing awesome". People who exercise want other people to exercise too and it makes them happy to see other people try. I'm 230 lbs now, i've got a long way to go, but everyone at the gym is always so positive and they always say hi, and how great i'm doing.

    on the eliptical, try going faster for longer, increase the level, or try one of the programs that are installed. or just pick a speed, like 70 rpms or whatever that measures, and go for 45 mins.
  • ali139
    ali139 Posts: 17
    Hey! I completely understnd wht you mean about feeling self concious about classes! There always going to be there for you when you feel ready! As for cardio, have you tried the random setting on the elliptical, or hills. Basically its mixes up your level, or sets levels to seem as if your going up hill. It mixes the intervals up a bit Also have you tried challenging yourself, like say you do 2km (just example) on the elipticall, try beating the time you got the last time you did it, this really works because i'm ridiculously competitive.

    Also try "circuiting" the cardio machines: 5-10mins on each and keep going round till one after the other, mixes it up a bit.

    Also, does your gyms have a punching bag? If so, give that go. I love boxing! If you've not done it before ask someone at the gym and they'll probs show you some basic punches and you're all set. Great workout and amazing stress relief.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,912 Member
    Full body workouts 3x a week with weights. Lift heavy and keep the reps at 6. You build strength and strengthen you bones, muscle and increase your resting metabolic rate.
  • I pretty much have my own gym in my home, so i have alot of choices, but i find that i enjoy w/o to my dvd's the most fun. i purchased some exercise dvds at a site called COLLAGE VIDEO, where they sell all kinds of exercise programs, i picked out what was most interesting to me and i do a specific routine for a week and switch it up for the next week, so on and so on, so far the step dvd kicks my butt you can really sweat, or i read it somewhere today,"i make my fat cells cry"....i thought that was clever