antidepressants or exercise...

JulieSD Posts: 567
edited October 4 in Chit-Chat
have you tried either as a way to feel better?


  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Antidepressants can actually work against your weight loss goals, and can even make you gain weight. I take amitryptyline, but for fibromyalgia, not depression. I only take it when I'm really struggling to get a decent night's sleep because my weight loss tends to stall when I take it regularly.

    Definitely start with exercise. If you're not feeling better, talk to your doctor.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    both. i would have to say though that if you just feel kinda blue sometimes and it's nothing too bad, definitely exercise is the way to go. if however, it's chronic and it doesn't go away and it interferes with your life, pharmaceutical intervention might be needed. but dont expect the pills to do all the work. once you feel better, work on why you felt bad in the first place. do some cognitive work. I will have to take meds my whole life, but I am so much more self aware now and can stave off the blues before they start. And when i think it's gonna be bad, i run a little faster, workout a little harder and I feel awesome and kick-*kitten* and my day is better for it.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I do both. The antidepressants help with the binges, I'm convinced. The exercise helps with EVERYTHING!!!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I have tried both. Both worked for me... in combination they work best. Feel free to message me if you have more questions :) I'm happy to help.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I feel better from exercise than I ever did from my anti depressants. I'm not on them anymore because I'm a lot more active and I feel like I don't need them anymore!
    I do still get a bit down from time to time but if I can motivate myself to do something even as small as going for a walk then I know I will feel so much better!
  • Exercise; take classes or try outdoor activities. I honestly think it's the best remedy for depression.
  • Taly7
    Taly7 Posts: 3
    I used to be on antideppressants, which helped the problem, but didnt really solve it.

    It wasnt until I started excercising that I began to feel better about myself, realised I was alot stronger than I gave myself credit for, and I deserved good things!!

    At my review, my doctor decided to wean me off of them.......that was 4 months ago!!

    Ive cleaned out some of the crap in my life, and have kept up my excercise, and I feel great :)

    Excercise has also increased my ability to deal with stress without biting off everyones head!

    Not to say I dont still have my down days, I do - but on those days my friends know to drag me out for a run or to the gym for a class - it clears my head and I always feel better afterwards :)
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    Last year during the Big D I thought about asking my doctor for some antidepressant options but I was able to get though on my own.

    Now that I'm back on top, I find that exercise is such a stress reliever! I feel such a high when i'm done.

    But antidepressants are there for a reason, a tool to help us get from point A to B...To help people find the strength to deal with the issues at hand. I hope that those who do need them are able to ask for the help.
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    I cant speak for myself, but my husband has been working out a lot lately and used to take antidepressants. Working out gives him the endorphins to keep him happy and is no longer on them. But, I think its important to understand that there are different levels of depression and that you should ALWAYS consult a doctor before you make any decisions on medication that you may be on.
  • I currently do both as well. While true that some antidepressants can make weight-loss stall, others have statistically shown people lose weight on them. I gained a little weight with Lexapro, but Wellbutrin in particular has a fairly high rate of people losing 5 or 10 pounds after being on it for a few months. That's what I am currently on, and it hasn't inhibited my ability to lose.
    Also, my therapist has told me that exercise is terrific for raising dopamine levels, and I have noticed my mood has been elevated since I started working out regularly.
    Talk to your doctor about what they think is right for you, but depending on your level of depression one or both may work.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    For me exercise is the key.
    On days I go to the gym I'm great.

    On days I cannot make it, it's awful.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Both. Was on meds for years. Exercise works for me too! It's been a fantastic side effect of getting healthier. The only issue is when I miss a workout...
  • TheGlen
    TheGlen Posts: 242 Member
    I follow this woman's blog ( on my reader. She has overcome "depression through exercise" and has some pretty impressive before/after pictures to boot ( ).

    You might find her story/posts interesting.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I was on anti-depressants..until I realized they made me gain weight. I also realized I could be happy without stressful situations. A change of scenery, getting my priorities in order and focusing on positives vs. negatives helped me tremendously. Exercising and eating right made it even better.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I take prozac daily and exercise most of the time. Exercise really helps my meds last longer. If I miss a day of exercise AND prozac...not very good. I rarely miss both though.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Without antidepressants, I wouldn't have had the motivation to get off the couch or give a damn about what I'm putting in my body.

    I lost the first 25 pounds while on Lexapro, so it's entirely possible to lose while taking them. But since eating better and getting regular exercise, I've been able to stop taking it. Weaning off is a weird feeling... I got brain zaps for a few weeks. And now, I really notice when I don't get enough exercise. It's the same as when I skipped a pill. I get really irritable and highly agitated. When I'm moody now, instead of asking, "Did you take your pill?" my husband asked, "Do you need to go for a run?" Even a 1-2 mile jog clears my head.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Without antidepressants, I wouldn't have had the motivation to get off the couch or give a damn about what I'm putting in my body.

    I lost the first 25 pounds while on Lexapro, so it's entirely possible to lose while taking them. But since eating better and getting regular exercise, I've been able to stop taking it. Weaning off is a weird feeling... I got brain zaps for a few weeks. And now, I really notice when I don't get enough exercise. It's the same as when I skipped a pill. I get really irritable and highly agitated. When I'm moody now, instead of asking, "Did you take your pill?" my husband asked, "Do you need to go for a run?" Even a 1-2 mile jog clears my head.

    When I get all batty, siggy says "sounds like you need an angry workout" and he's right. I do. lol
    I've always had issues. I was put on drugs as young as 15.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I say both worked for me as well. I'm still on my meds and probably will be forever (my depression manifests as hair-trigger temper and anger along with disordered thought about eating) but exercise helps tremendously.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I found that it really takes the perfect med to actually work- way too many and so many neg side effects! Exercise provides my body and mind with a great release - stress, anxiety, etc. Try exercise first, if it is to the point that you are going to harm yourself- always seek other help!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Without antidepressants, I wouldn't have had the motivation to get off the couch or give a damn about what I'm putting in my body.

    I lost the first 25 pounds while on Lexapro, so it's entirely possible to lose while taking them. But since eating better and getting regular exercise, I've been able to stop taking it. Weaning off is a weird feeling... I got brain zaps for a few weeks. And now, I really notice when I don't get enough exercise. It's the same as when I skipped a pill. I get really irritable and highly agitated. When I'm moody now, instead of asking, "Did you take your pill?" my husband asked, "Do you need to go for a run?" Even a 1-2 mile jog clears my head.

    This is SO me. If I miss a day, watch out...
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