If your stomach gets bigger...

...I'm assuming it takes a lot more food to feel fuller. Before I got pregnant w/ either of my kids, it would take very very little for me to feel full. Now, 50+ extra pounds later, I have to eat *A LOT* before i feel full. I think this is the hardest part of dieting. I am still hungry on this 1,200 calorie diet!! I tried drinking water, diet coke, etc to make me feel fuller, but it doesn't work. How much longer until it takes only a small amount of food for me to feel content? I really can't wait to see the day when I have trained my body to limit calories. But I'm just afraid that day may be weeks, if not months, from now :(

For those who have progressed, did you have this problem? And how long did it take before you were satisfied with small portions of food?


  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Change your settings to lose weight slower to get more calories. Fill up on fruits and veggies for less calories also.
  • MidwestGirlz
    MidwestGirlz Posts: 78 Member
    Protein and high fiber foods (veggies, fruit) make you feel fuller. If you eat junk and limit to 1200 calories, you will be hungry. I don't know if this is the situation for you - but I know it was mine. Once I started cooking all of my meals and eating healthier, I haven't had any problems staying full.
  • bluangelz
    bluangelz Posts: 33 Member
    I sometimes feel like i need to eat more. What I have done is after finishing my meal I will wait 30 minutes to see if I am really still hungry or just think I am before I get more food. Try it and see what happens. We did this with my son as he did not know when to stop eating. He would always say he is still hungry. He would literally eat til he was sick. Now after 30 min he decides he is not still hungry.
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I agree with filling up on fruits and veggies but I have a hard time doing it!! 1200 is only to help lose weight not be a forever number. If am a little hungry I can ignore it but if I am really hungry my body is telling me something. I wouldn't strave and be miserable but try to make a healthy choice when hungry. Good luck
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    knibble good stuff in between meals has helped me. I eat grapes one at a time throughout the day and I cut up an apple and do the same with it to stretch out the time. I usually am less hungry at supper time. Also really watch the size of your portions. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You should make sure you are eating food for satiety not fullness. You need to make sure you are eating high fiber more dense foods with low carbs. (not no carbs,) I find that when I eat smaller portions of the same foods I used to eat I want more. I just don't feel satisfied. If I eat more fruits and veggies and get creative. I can eat more foods with few calories and I feel fuller.
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    It does take time. Use a small plate at meals and if it is full it can trick your mind into thinking its alot. Try not to make extra food so there wont be more to take. Eat nuts,fruits and veggies. Tea has no cals so try that. How much water do you drink a day? When I first started my weight loss journey this helped me. I often times have found I keep eating passed the full point because I like the taste not because I am hungry.
  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    Hi, try and fill up on fruit and veg, your stomach will adjust but it may take a couple of weeks. goodluck
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Perhaps 1200 calories simply isn't enough food for you. I know it wouldn't be for me. I would be threatening to eat my own limbs if I had to eat only 1200 calories each day. Even if I cut out all my "treats" and only eat completely clean - 1200 simply isn't enough for me. I would slowly add in 100 calories a week and see if it helps. Also, make sure you are getting a NET of 1200 calories vs a total of 1200.
  • I have the same problem. I will lose a few pounds by eating less, and then I will gain them back because I can't sustain eating less. It's frustrating, and I don't have the answer.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I think its better on your body and easier to adjust it by starting at like 1600 calories for a couple weeks then drop to 1400 for a couple then 1200 ... Slowly bring your body down to this amount so your stomach can shrink and you will be used to eating less :)
  • Thanks you guys! Yeah, definitely grocery shopping tomorrow for more fruits and veggies. I barely have any right now =\ And maybe 1,200 isn't enough, I may add more kcals, but add more exercise as well. Thanks again!