Cold chills after working out - any idea why?


I am pretty new to exercising in any meaninful way. I started the 30 DS in the last week of August at pretty much zero fitness, following six months of illness. It took me longer than the 30 days to complete, but by the end I was able to do all the advanced moves and had lost over 20 inches across my body.

I have since restarted the shred, aiming to do the whole thing in 30 days, doing only the advanced moves (excluding push ups, as I have a shoulder problem that these seem to aggravate, so tend to do the 'ladies/knee' version of those) and have added in the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout, doing 3-5 circuits as well as one level of the shred 4/ 5 days a week and all 7 circuits at the weekends.

Since I have upped the amount I'm working out, I am getting horrible cold chills for a few hours post exercise. I think it feels metabolic, because nothing seems to warm me up eg warm clothes, hot drinks, warm bath and its not an external sort of chill, if you see what I mean.

The coldness feels like it runs down/through my back and is very similar to the chills you get when you're coming down with a virus.

Is this something to do with my metabolism?

Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated.


  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i get like that sometimes after a hard work out I do the #2 and its all better
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Have you tried taking a hot shower afterwards? I get like that sometimes and I blame it on sweat. It is designed to cool your body down, so I like to get it off of me if I start to feel cold. A hot shower does the trick for me.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Do you do a cool-down after your workout? I never feel good when I don't.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Have you tried taking a hot shower afterwards? I get like that sometimes and I blame it on sweat. It is designed to cool your body down, so I like to get it off of me if I start to feel cold. A hot shower does the trick for me.

    this for me too. I need a HOT HOT shower. Feels like your "chilled to the bone".
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    I've had that same problem, too! I can be dripping with sweat and then I'll get the chills! Maybe it's normal? I think it does have something to do with the sweat since that is what our bodies do to help cool us off. It's odd, though, I know!

    *EDIT: Seajolly, I just saw your comment! :) Maybe we are right!
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone.

    I always take a shower straight afterwards - can't stand being sweaty.

    Today I had a quick shower and then a long hot bath, but despite finishing my workout 3 1/2 hours ago I still have the chills.

    I'm sitting here in a warm house, with a mug of decaff coffee, dressed in 4 layers and a pair of fluffy bedsocks and its not helping at all.

    I did wonder if it might have something to do with needing protein after the workout, but had a lovely feta and spinach omelette after I worked out today and its made no difference.

    I didn't get it when I was just shredding, its definitely something that's started since I upped my workouts.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone.

    I always take a shower straight afterwards - can't stand being sweaty.

    Today I had a quick shower and then a long hot bath, but despite finishing my workout 3 1/2 hours ago I still have the chills.

    I'm sitting here in a warm house, with a mug of decaff coffee, dressed in 4 layers and a pair of fluffy bedsocks and its not helping at all.

    I did wonder if it might have something to do with needing protein after the workout, but had a lovely feta and spinach omelette after I worked out today and its made no difference.

    I didn't get it when I was just shredding, its definitely something that's started since I upped my workouts.

    Oh my goodness!! That's awful! I hope you can warm up, soon! That's pretty bad. I'm not sure why it's so severe like that? Maybe you can Google it to find more info? :(
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member

    Oh my goodness!! That's awful! I hope you can warm up, soon! That's pretty bad. I'm not sure why it's so severe like that? Maybe you can Google it to find more info? :(

    Thank you. :smile:

    I haven't googled yet, thought I'd ask on here first.

    Am hoping its just my body getting used to me changing up my workout and making it work harder - I suppose only time will tell.
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member
    Ok, have googled and found another thread on MFP about it.

    Its apparenty not that unusual, particularly after doing a good chunk of intense cardio, especially if you aren't super fit to start with.

    I am already doing pretty much all of the things people have suggested to help it though, so I'll just have to hope it improves as my fitness levels increase.
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I get like that a lot of time after using my treadmill, or after any work out more vigorous than I'm used to. I too think it has something to do with sweat!!
  • momtimesone
    momtimesone Posts: 85 Member
    One down side about losing weight is you get colder faster because your losing all your insulation... JK I get the chills to really bad and use a heat blanket to warm me up. I think its all about sweating and your body cooling down.
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for your replies.

    I don't think I'm at the point of feeling colder due to weightloss yet. I've lost 36lbs but have another 18 to go until I hit my target weight.
  • Your pulse has come down, therefore your blood circulation is low. This plus the sweating cools you down alot. Marcus
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm pretty much that cold all the time, I have a disorder called Raynauds, so I have awful circulation. You may have that as well, unfortunately there's really nothing you can do about it :(
    I'm sorry I couldn't be more help!
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member
    I'm pretty much that cold all the time, I have a disorder called Raynauds, so I have awful circulation. You may have that as well, unfortunately there's really nothing you can do about it :(
    I'm sorry I couldn't be more help!

    That's interesting shovav91.

    My sister and two of her children have Reynaulds, but I've never had any symptoms myself.

    I do have a naturally low body temperature though - its not unusual for it to be as low as 96 degrees. GP wondered about my thyroid being the cause of this at one point, but my bloods have been checked several times and they're always fine.
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member
    Your pulse has come down, therefore your blood circulation is low. This plus the sweating cools you down alot. Marcus

    Sorry, Marcus, I managed to miss your post.

    I suppose that would have an impact. Is there anything I can do to boost my circulation, or will it improve if I keep pushing the exercise?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Have you checked your blood pressure? I tend to agree with Marcus, but I'd check your pressure first.

    There are some yoga poses / stretches that are supposed to help with low blood pressure and warmth.

    Are you staying well hydrated during exercise? Because poor hydration can contribute to a blood pressure dip.

    Would a sauna maybe help (again, assuming you stay very well hydrated).
  • teenysteaney
    teenysteaney Posts: 21 Member
    Have you checked your blood pressure? I tend to agree with Marcus, but I'd check your pressure first.

    There are some yoga poses / stretches that are supposed to help with low blood pressure and warmth.

    Are you staying well hydrated during exercise? Because poor hydration can contribute to a blood pressure dip.

    Would a sauna maybe help (again, assuming you stay very well hydrated).

    Thanks for replying meerkat70.

    My blood pressure is usually normal or slightly low, but not so low that my doctor is ever concerned about it. They have a monitor in the waiting room you can just pop in and use, so maybe I should go check it, as it hasn't been done recently. Thank you for suggesting it.

    I always drink water throughout my workouts and have a couple of good long drinks afterwards as well. Through 1 level of the shred and a full BFBM workout today I sipped my way through just under a litre of water. I drink lots of water throughout the day too.

    Sorry, it must seem like I'm drip-feeding info here. I had completely forgotten about my low body temp and hadn't made a connection, as generally I'm not a 'cold' person and tend not to feel the cold too badly.

    I hadn't thought that low body temperature and slightly low blood pressure might be the cause, but it does make sense now I think about it. I'm now wondering if it isn't just a combination of factors that combine to produce the chills.

    I don't have access to a sauna unfortunately.
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    It may be due to your body releasing catecholamines in response to the exercise (natural response). This causes blood vessels to constrict which would take blood flow away from your skin making you cooler. Just guessing. Warm shower may help.