Nutrition in November Week 5



  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Here's something funny, a friend gave me some back exercises and one she called the plank but after you said how hard it was I knew that wasn't it!!

    So I googled around and found out she has me doing this easy stretch called "the bird dog!"

    So if anyone needs a easy plank, start with that….by the way I saw what the real ones are and doing a bit of it, don't want to hurt back….will increase as back strengthens.
  • Malumyangel
    Today's weigh in: 189.8!!!

    I think the last time i was under 190 was maybe the end of 2007... It feels good!

    Down 8.6 lbs in October! Can't wait to see how November goes!
    Congrats! not such a slackermommy
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, my rest day went well. Even though I felt a little guilty because it was a weekend and I should have worked out.
  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member
    This last two weeks has been CRAZY for me and my family! I hope you all don't think I've fallen off the edge of the earth! I finally got my weights updated and will try really hard to stay in touch. I have been pretty faithful about tracking my food and exercise, but haven't been very good here.
    I am ready to do a better job in November!!!
    Keep up the great work everyone, I did go back and read everyone's posts!!!
  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member
    A great website for workout ideas is They have an exercise routine for every part of the body.
  • bekkadillon
    bekkadillon Posts: 200 Member

    Great article! Everyone please read at least #10!
  • judykritikos
    CONGRATULATIONS! We know it's not easy or fun.....having MFP and the ppl here to cheer you on.....hopefully that helps. BIG BIG CONGRATS! What a milestone! Keep up the great work.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member

    Great article! Everyone please read at least #10!

    Thanks for posting this!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    A great website for workout ideas is They have an exercise routine for every part of the body.

    Oh my this is a great site! Thanks so much for posting it! Now, I am going to be playing with this site all day!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Okay, Halloween at my house will see somewhere around 300+ trick-or-treaters. I have purchased 15 packages of Halloween pretzels packs to hand out. They are so cute: shapes of bats, pumpkins, and ghosts.

    As to reading labels, I found out Healthy Request soup is not near as healthy as I would like. The sodium is still too high and there is not enough solid food to justify the calories.

    How do I stay away from the trick-or-treat candy. It's probably easier from me than some. My youngest child is 23; so he does not go begging anymore (I hope). And since we are handing out pretzels, there is no candy here.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Okay, Halloween at my house will see somewhere around 300+ trick-or-treaters. I have purchased 15 packages of Halloween pretzels packs to hand out. They are so cute: shapes of bats, pumpkins, and ghosts.

    As to reading labels, I found out Healthy Request soup is not near as healthy as I would like. The sodium is still too high and there is not enough solid food to justify the calories.

    How do I stay away from the trick-or-treat candy. It's probably easier from me than some. My youngest child is 23; so he does not go begging anymore (I hope). And since we are handing out pretzels, there is no candy here.

    We never get any kids at our house. ever. So, we go into to town to trick or treat. We live in the country where walking house to house... you would like get 5 houses in 15 minutes. lol I knew there was someone else who would find that their "healthy" food isn't so healthy. interesting isn't it? I love the pretzel idea. That is so cool! I'm sure my girls will have a ton of pure crap to bring home. We did have a lady pass out apples when I was a kid. That was cool. And someone last year passed out juice boxes.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Somebody has more talent than me! So cool! I just checked the spreadsheet and someone made a section that calculates percent lost! How cool! How did you do it so it changes itself? I can do it manually, but I forgot the code for excel to do all that cool stuff. I have been out of school WAY too long I guess!

  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member

    Jenn..we also live in the country :wink: Have to drive into town so my
    lil guy can go door to door. He got braces a few months anything
    chewy, crispy, hard has to be taken out. And whatever is left over, he
    only gets 2 pieces a day, at the end of the week....goes to my coworkers :devil:
    (evil laugh)!!
    Found out that my sugar cravings are diminishing! Who would have EVER
    thought that was a possibility??? Went to my nephew's wedding Saturday,
    had 2 bites of cake and ended up with a sugar headache...ugh! Don't even
    want to think what will happen if I get into my son's candy bag!!:sick:

    Hugs to all!
  • Pam37841
    Pam37841 Posts: 286
    I was just looking at the spreadsheet and saw that a few have added their measurements. I will add mine later today or in the morning.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    I live in the country too but not far from town 1 1/2 miles. First year I bought a small amount of candy and no one came so now we sometimes drive to town just so we can see the cute little kids dressed up, I miss that.

    My kids are grown and have kids of their own, live out of state so I just see pics on FB.

    Pam I am cutting down on sugar too and yesterday with rest of apples I had promised my husband apple pie, so I made two froze one and cut half the sugar it called for. I ended up having one piece and felt sick to stomach but I saw this as a good thing! My body is telling me it doesn't want that stuff!
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Ever since friday I have been having HORRIBLE EATING DAYS. :(
    Friday was pretty much shot as it was. Alcohol, Cake, and Pizza. Enough Said.
    Saturday was OK, but since my friend was still on her cheat, she asked if I wanted McDonald's, and of course I had a happy meal. Another day shot.
    Yesterday wasn't HORRIBLE, but it could have been much better.
    Today I was soooo busy with school and meetings and homework that I skipped supper and had a BAGEL in class. Even my prof was like, "Is that your SUPPER? You must have been really busy today!"
    Then he gave us Halloween treats for showing up to class on Halloween night. (He's an awesome prof!!)

    Someone PLEASE kick me in the butt for doing so horribly :(
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Here is a long distance KICK IN THE BUTT! Really what I think you need is permission to mess up once in a while. You just have to climb back up out of your hole and get with the program. When I have days like McDonald's (or even too much wine or Halloween treats), I just resolve to do better the next day and add some additional cardio minutes. None of us is a machine, we all slip up; it's how you handle it that matters.
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the kick in the butt!! Today is the new start of being back on track!! :) I do allow myself to slip up sometimes, I just never do it for so many days in a row, lol!!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Somebody has more talent than me! So cool! I just checked the spreadsheet and someone made a section that calculates percent lost! How cool! How did you do it so it changes itself? I can do it manually, but I forgot the code for excel to do all that cool stuff. I have been out of school WAY too long I guess!


    I thought that might help motivate :smile:

    For the life of me I can't remember the proper code so as weights are added just correct the last cell used and it should be accurate. I also put the auto code in for total weight loss (except for kg sry guys) so all we have to do is enter our weight and the rest is done for us.

    so I still think planks are evil lol I managed 1min 32 sec and thought I was going to die lol