5'2" ladies!

Hey there, I have been experimenting with so many different calorie goals and still have not been successful with weight loss! I was wondering what other 5'2" ladies' ages/goal weights/calorie goals are! I'm 19 years old, 132 pounds looking to get down to 115! Thanks!(:


  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    HealthyWayorNoWay Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'2
    My current weight is 119. (I've been 119 for almost a month, trying to break this plateau).
    My goal weight is 110
    I started off at 130 (July 2011)
    My calories intake is 1470-1500
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    What did MFP suggest for your calorie count. Don't go on a quick diet and mess up your metabolism. That's what I did when I was your age and wish i would have just been happy at 132 pounds or if I wanted to lose take it slow . I think sometimes people mess up their metabolism when they really aren't that much over weight if at all.
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 5'2" currently 116.8 pounds, initial goal was 115, but I think I'm going to 110 based on the fat still left on my hips and butt.

    Eatting between 1250 and 1500 calories a day, depending on exercise, with an occasional meal out that puts me up to 1800-2000.

    Lost 8.8 pounds in 7 weeks. Started at 125.6
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I'm also 19. I'm 150 now, and I really wanna hit at least 120.
  • CindiBryce
    I'm 5'3, 18, and I want to return to my weight before I gained 17 pounds within the span of 5 months from binging and overeating. I did lose weight over the summer, only to gain it back (and more) in the fall. My daily calorie goal, for now, is 1340. I plan to lower it to 1200 once I can consistently manage 1340.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2 and a half (very important!) - I'm 127 at the moment, my target is 125 and I'll see how I feel when I get there - might carry on doing as I'm doing and see what happens. 125 takes me to a BMI of 22.5 which I figure is pretty good (I'm 38).
  • ranariad
    ranariad Posts: 18 Member
    MFP suggested 1450 net goal for 0.5 pound weight loss. I weight train 3 times a week burning 300-400 calories each time and when I go running I burn 250 calories. I've tried anywhere between 1000 calories per day (WAY too little) to 1700 calories per day and still no weight loss. For months now. I've heard that some girls discovered they can eat like 2300 calories and drop more weight than when they restricted to 1500 so I was just curious to see do I need to eat even more/less or what?! lol. Sorry, you see my frustration!
  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    HealthyWayorNoWay Posts: 83 Member
    MFP suggested 1450 net goal for 0.5 pound weight loss. I weight train 3 times a week burning 300-400 calories each time and when I go running I burn 250 calories. I've tried anywhere between 1000 calories per day (WAY too little) to 1700 calories per day and still no weight loss. For months now. I've heard that some girls discovered they can eat like 2300 calories and drop more weight than when they restricted to 1500 so I was just curious to see do I need to eat even more/less or what?! lol. Sorry, you see my frustration!
    How long have you stayed at the same weight. You probably hit a plateau.
  • ranariad
    ranariad Posts: 18 Member
    MFP suggested 1450 net goal for 0.5 pound weight loss. I weight train 3 times a week burning 300-400 calories each time and when I go running I burn 250 calories. I've tried anywhere between 1000 calories per day (WAY too little) to 1700 calories per day and still no weight loss. For months now. I've heard that some girls discovered they can eat like 2300 calories and drop more weight than when they restricted to 1500 so I was just curious to see do I need to eat even more/less or what?! lol. Sorry, you see my frustration!
    How long have you stayed at the same weight. You probably hit a plateau.

    Since basically July! Its driving me crazy. I've switched up the foods I eat, the amounts, the exercise I do. I eat super clean, not a lot of processed food at all. Protein levels I try to keep high. Literally tried so many things :(
  • ranariad
    ranariad Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2 and a half (very important!) - I'm 127 at the moment, my target is 125 and I'll see how I feel when I get there - might carry on doing as I'm doing and see what happens. 125 takes me to a BMI of 22.5 which I figure is pretty good (I'm 38).

    Haha yes! the half is VERY important (; I'm sure you'll get there in no time! What's your calorie goal?
  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    HealthyWayorNoWay Posts: 83 Member
    MFP suggested 1450 net goal for 0.5 pound weight loss. I weight train 3 times a week burning 300-400 calories each time and when I go running I burn 250 calories. I've tried anywhere between 1000 calories per day (WAY too little) to 1700 calories per day and still no weight loss. For months now. I've heard that some girls discovered they can eat like 2300 calories and drop more weight than when they restricted to 1500 so I was just curious to see do I need to eat even more/less or what?! lol. Sorry, you see my frustration!
    How long have you stayed at the same weight. You probably hit a plateau.

    Since basically July! Its driving me crazy. I've switched up the foods I eat, the amounts, the exercise I do. I eat super clean, not a lot of processed food at all. Protein levels I try to keep high. Literally tried so many things :(
    Honestly I'm going through the same thing you are. I'm trying all I can to break my plateau, Just don't give up and take measurements even though you aren't losing weight your probably losing inches.
  • tschmelzer
    Hey there, I have been experimenting with so many different calorie goals and still have not been successful with weight loss! I was wondering what other 5'2" ladies' ages/goal weights/calorie goals are! I'm 19 years old, 132 pounds looking to get down to 115! Thanks!(:

    Hi there!!! We are literally in the exact same boat!!!! I need the same type of help :) good to know there is someone like me out there :)
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Totally agree with all of the above. I'm currently 19 years old at 117-119lbs. I lost 10 lbs during the summer eating 1200 and running 30-35 miles per week (and eating my cals back). Since going up to 1400 Cals, I haven't lost inches or pounds. I figure it's because I'm so much less active (still running, but only 10-14 miles per week or so) or I'm just eating more junk food.

    Because my goal is 110 and I notice that I have serious binge tendencies for baked goods, I'm going on a wheat-free diet until I reach my goal. I figure that maybe I'm just subconsciously eating more than I think I am and logging it as less? Idk, we'll see.

    Feel free to friend me for support! :)
  • ranariad
    ranariad Posts: 18 Member
    Totally agree with all of the above. I'm currently 19 years old at 117-119lbs. I lost 10 lbs during the summer eating 1200 and running 30-35 miles per week (and eating my cals back). Since going up to 1400 Cals, I haven't lost inches or pounds. I figure it's because I'm so much less active (still running, but only 10-14 miles per week or so) or I'm just eating more junk food.

    Because my goal is 110 and I notice that I have serious binge tendencies for baked goods, I'm going on a wheat-free diet until I reach my goal. I figure that maybe I'm just subconsciously eating more than I think I am and logging it as less? Idk, we'll see.

    Feel free to friend me for support! :)

    Wow you're a runner? I'm trying to become one! I've worked up to being able to run 2 miles straight versus before I could barely jog down the block. anyways, congrats on your successes. I have a serious binge tendency for baked goods too! I never thought about going wheat free, but I have been vegetarian for a week to see if that'll help any? lol.
  • fambroughe2
    fambroughe2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey ladies. I'm 19 years old, 5'2 and I started MFP at about 118 pounds. I have a very small frame and currently I'm down to about 108 now, but I really want to tone my stomach, thighs, and the love handles I have. I know that to tone you typically need to be down to the lowest weight that you can get to, so my goal at the moment is about 105. I used to be about 98. Currently MFP has me eating about 1270 calories a day, and i typically do weights and a hour of cardio which burns anyhwere from 400-700 calories, depending on what I am doing at the gym at that time. GOODLUCK all of you! and if you need motivation feel free to add me!
  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 5'2" and weight between 95 and 100 pounds. I avoid weighing myself because I become obsessed. In order to maintain my weight, MFP has me on a 1200 cal diet. I weighed 120 4 years ago. I went through a divorce and lost 30 pounds. I drank a lot of alcohol and ate nothing. When I started eating healthy I got to 108 and felt like I looked fat. I have a small frame and, as we all know, the shorter you are the more noticable the pounds are. I began exercising, cut out alcohol and sodas and stuck to a strict 1200 cal diet. I have hit a roadblock and don't lose weight anymore, however, I notice that I lose inches now, clothes fit differently, etc. I had to stop weighing myself because I was obsessed with the number.
    Someone on MFP told me not to do weight training every day, give the muscles a rest. So, I do weightk/strength training Monday, Wednesday and Friday, elliptical on Tuesday and Thursday. I ride a dirt bike on the weekend. Until I started doing the elliptical for a longer period of time, I did not see any difference in the way I look.
    If you want to lose, put in your goal and MFP will tell you your daily calorie goal. I still don't understand eating back your calories so I am scared to do that.
    Good luck. Nice to know that there are other 5'2" ladies here.