I can't believe I just did this

after 2 weeks of being on the healthiest diet I have ever been on and reaping the benefits. I feel soooo horrible. Hubby and I have had a couple of beers tonight that were NOT light beer. Now we have just got done ordering pizza....WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???? I think I am scared to succeed that when things go wrong like drinking a beer I feel like everything else is just ruined for the day. I guess I will have to just pick myself up off the floor and pick up where I left off.


  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Omg! The world is going to end!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,910 Member
    after 2 weeks of being on the healthiest diet I have ever been on and reaping the benefits. I feel soooo horrible. Hubby and I have had a couple of beers tonight that were NOT light beer. Now we have just got done ordering pizza....WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???? I think I am scared to succeed that when things go wrong like drinking a beer I feel like everything else is just ruined for the day. I guess I will have to just pick myself up off the floor and pick up where I left off.
    I don't cut anything out of my lifestyle I like. I just comp the calories with exercise and make sure that whatever I eat is included in my daily calorie count.
    One day ain't gonna kill you and the reason why people regain back weight they lost is because they end up missing the food they like. Make it part of your life, but just learn portion control.
  • southernsweetie1978
    southernsweetie1978 Posts: 107 Member
    Girl, don't be too hard on yourself. You have lost alot of weight already. You should allow yourself guilty pleasure food once in a while so you don't miss it. Just don't go nuts with it either!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    It's just one day, you'll be ok. You can't reverse all the hard work you've done with a beer and a pizza.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    Wow, you've done great. You are down to 198 pounds. Don't let one night of a couple beers and pizza ruin what you've done so far. Just do better tomorrow to make up for it.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    This is one day. Have a couple of slices of pizza and enjoy yourself. :drinker:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    don't let this:
    when things go wrong like drinking a beer I feel like everything else is just ruined for the day.

    get in your way. you can have a beer and not let it ruin your day. don't be afraid of small setbacks. you can overcome them!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    What good is a lifestyle change if you can't splurge every so often? Tomorrow is a new day! :)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    One night isn't going to ruin anything. Enjoy your pizza. Don't feel guilty. Hop back on the wagon tomorrow, but make sure it's an easy, relatively non-restrictive wagon that is easier to stay on....
  • knetterk
    knetterk Posts: 107
    Wow, you've done great. You are down to 198 pounds. Don't let one night of a couple beers and pizza ruin what you've done so far. Just do better tomorrow to make up for it.

    Exactly!! You are FINE!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    don't let this:
    when things go wrong like drinking a beer I feel like everything else is just ruined for the day.

    get in your way. you can have a beer and not let it ruin your day. don't be afraid of small setbacks. you can overcome them!

    Since when is having beer and pizza ONE day after TWO weeks of eating "healthy" a setback? Jimminy cripes sake. :gripforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Just forget it and start a new day. everything does not end with a couple of beers and pizza:smile:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Since when is having beer and pizza ONE day after TWO weeks of eating "healthy" a setback?

    when she says she feels horrible for doing it.

    ...or when because she's had a beer that wasn't in her plan, she now binges on pizza that isn't in her plan.
  • ProudDaddy
    ProudDaddy Posts: 80 Member
    Its not the end of the world. Keep trying..minor set back
  • AriannaTiyen42
    AriannaTiyen42 Posts: 86 Member
    Its okay to have pizza and a beer here and there. The key is everything in moderation! Keep up the good work :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I hate beer, but I eat pizza like once a week. And not always homemade. We're talking calorie-laden Papa John's/Dominos pizza here. If I know I'm going to be eating it, I'll either skip lunch, or eat something super light so I leave enough calorie/sodium wiggle room. I'll also make sure I exercise BEFORE eating it, and will maybe do a little extra so I have even more wiggle room. It's not the end of the world AT ALL. If you don't allow yourself treats, you're more likely to fall off the wagon.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Yes, please pick yourself up. You've done great getting this far! You've proven you can lose weight, and you WILL reach your goal. Tomorrow's another day. Make the most of it!
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    after 2 weeks of being on the healthiest diet I have ever been on and reaping the benefits. I feel soooo horrible. Hubby and I have had a couple of beers tonight that were NOT light beer. Now we have just got done ordering pizza....WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???? I think I am scared to succeed that when things go wrong like drinking a beer I feel like everything else is just ruined for the day. I guess I will have to just pick myself up off the floor and pick up where I left off.
    I don't cut anything out of my lifestyle I like. I just comp the calories with exercise and make sure that whatever I eat is included in my daily calorie count.
    One day ain't gonna kill you and the reason why people regain back weight they lost is because they end up missing the food they like. Make it part of your life, but just learn portion control.

    This is EXACTLY what I do. Example: Tonight I'm getting more than a little buzzed with the hubby BUT I calculated all my drinks, I've exercise twice today, left some calories available for munchies (filling snack if needed) and I will still be under my cal goal for the day. No, this isn't something I plan for every weekend but the point is, it's guilt free indulgence! Making a healthier lifestyle change isn't about totally restricting yourself. It is about finding a balance that you can live with that won't make you feel cheated but will still help you reach your fitness goals.

    Yes, I know drinking isn't part of a healthy lifestyle but I'm grown and the reality is, I WILL indulge in adult beverages. I won't feel guilty about it either. I just make sure I plan for these once a month events. :drinker: :wink:
  • Stay focus don't let the boogeyman man get you down. You can enjoy one day with your husband without guilt (boogeyman) but tomorrow you can get back on track. That the way life, we are not on your best always. Stop thinking like you are on a diet. We are on a journey to get health for our children and husband So if you detour off the journey just get back on the journey of success
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Don't tell anyone, but I had pizza for dinner tonight. I would be having some beer too, but I have a long drive before the crack of dawn tomorrow. Work hard, eat big.