How are you losing weight working at a fast food joint? *sig

I'm not thrilled with constantly being surrounded by nasty foods that I can't have.. I've been bringing food to work but I still end up eating something..I feel tired and weak like I need food because I'm doing stuff all day. But for real I need ideas on some low calorie things I can have that will actually keep me throughout the day. I brought lean pockets for a while but I always ate something a while later. Then I come home late, eat, then go to sleep. This used to be soooo simple but now that I'm surrounded by food I can't figure out when I don't need the food..


  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    ive been doing this for a month now... the thought of fast food makes me wanna hurl... i dont work for fast food but i would just remember thats how i gained my weight... new leaf to turn over... tell your self if your find yourself wanting it... that is lard or fat... my friend says LARD really loud in her head when she thinks of things like that... i say no your fat enough!
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    i used to work at fast food and i never really wanted to eat it just the smell of being at work made me not able to eat it untill almost a year later , but i work in the kitchen ( i dunno if you do r not ) but i would make myself yummy pastas, rice dishes and take them to fill me up quickly at work.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    When I worked fast food I kept too busy to eat anything. I would usually bring some fiber one cereal in a ziplock bag and eat it dry or an apple or banana or maybe even a yogurt....anything that was quick and didn't require cooking.
  • Chaos5150
    Chaos5150 Posts: 25 Member
    I worked at Taco Bell for two years and I made everyday a workout. Besides being on my feet in the drive through window 8 hours a day, which is in itself a kind of workout since you're always moving, there was a little box in a nook at ground level to put 20's in, so every time someone gave me a 20 I would do a squat. You get lots of 20's, especially on fridays, the 15th, and the last day of the month so those days my legs got a workout. When stocking boxes in the back, I always made sure my back was straight and I lifted and moved properly, insuring my arms got a work-out on those days. Even though we weren't supposed to make our own food, we always did, and luckily TB had lots raw elements. Even though no fast food is ever good for you, I rarely ate the meat there, and if I did it was the chicken. I'm not a meat eater so this was rare. The beans I always ate half a serving, really just to give the food some weight, and loaded up on the tomatoes and the lettuce. whoops! This got real wordy. Anyway, once you get the routine down, you'll find your own ways of staying healthy while working fast food. :)
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I worked at Taco Bell for two years and I made everyday a workout. Besides being on my feet in the drive through window 8 hours a day, which is in itself a kind of workout since you're always moving, there was a little box in a nook at ground level to put 20's in, so every time someone gave me a 20 I would do a squat. You get lots of 20's, especially on fridays, the 15th, and the last day of the month so those days my legs got a workout. When stocking boxes in the back, I always made sure my back was straight and I lifted and moved properly, insuring my arms got a work-out on those days. Even though we weren't supposed to make our own food, we always did, and luckily TB had lots raw elements. Even though no fast food is ever good for you, I rarely ate the meat there, and if I did it was the chicken. I'm not a meat eater so this was rare. The beans I always ate half a serving, really just to give the food some weight, and loaded up on the tomatoes and the lettuce. whoops! This got real wordy. Anyway, once you get the routine down, you'll find your own ways of staying healthy while working fast food. :)
    That's what I did! Taco Bell drive-thru! It is a workout for sure :)
  • Chaos5150
    Chaos5150 Posts: 25 Member
    [/quote]That's what I did! Taco Bell drive-thru! It is a workout for sure :)

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Dedication? I work at red rooster .. I try to bring fruit and then have a protein shake or eggs to fill me up