A lesson learnt.......

It's my birthday tomorrow. We went to a hotel for the night on Friday to a dinner dance, and had a 4 course meal, followed by a full English breakfast the next morning. Last night we had friends over, and went to an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet.

At the hotel, I made good choices for the 4 course meal, and was pleased that I ended up less than 200 calories over for the day - not so at the chinese restaurant last night, where I went more than 800 calories over!!!

The result this morning is that I feel bloated and uncomfortable - looking back, I used to eat like that ALL the time - no wonder I was gaining weight, looking awful and feeling miserable.

I don't want to go back down that trail, so what's done is done, no point in worrying about it - today is a new day, I'm back on track, and I've made the decision NOT to go out for the meal that hubby had planned for me tomorrow - he understands my reasons why and I'm glad he's there to support me.

Amazingly, I'm only a pound up at the moment - yes, I HAD to get on the scales to check, but I can exercise that off this week.

I've learnt a valuable lesson - I CAN make choices, and I don't have to let one little hiccup ruin the hard work I've put in so far!

Onwards and downwards!!!!!


  • kp_88
    kp_88 Posts: 53 Member
    Great positivity!!! We all make mistakes! You are doing great!
  • Chaos5150
    Chaos5150 Posts: 25 Member
    We all fall off the health wagon, all we can do is jump right back on. Good Job!!
  • jseelim
    jseelim Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, you got a great attitude! It's right not to dwell on our past mistake, instead take it positively as lesson learned and move forward. You are setting good examples for us to follow. Keep up the good work!
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    Just because you broke one egg doesn't mean you need to break the rest of the dozen!!
    Great attitude!!

    ....by the way the one pound up might just be water weight from the sodium in the chinese! Drink lots of water to flush it out!
  • Divamomma
    Divamomma Posts: 66 Member
    Stay Possitive You'll Do Great Just Keep Working Towards Your Goals!! One Step at a time we All have Good & Bad Days Just Focus On Your Target!!:) You Can Do IT !! GOOD Luck!! Add Me If You Like :)
  • Karen_145
    One off day once in a while isn't so bad (it's probably great for our sanity). We just can't eat like that every day. Nice recovery!
  • Bluestar083
    this is for good, this healthy eating. and some days you may not make the best choices but 90% of the time you will-and the weight will stay off!
    you are doing so well-and great point about feeling sluggish and realising you use to always do that to yourself. its not just about thin, its about health.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I've been to the pool this morning for a swim and an aqua aerobics class, followed by a walk around our superstore, stocking up on groceries.

    I feel a lot more in control again now, and I don't feel as bloated, having exercised some of those calories away!
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    onwards and downwards

    I love it and may have to borrow that one from ya. The most important lesson I am learning on my journey is to "keep going", even when you have stuffed your face (and regret it later), or you get injured and can't work out, or you do everything right and the scale doesn't budge. Just keep going!!