Help!! Please!! Need Motivation

HI MFPers,

I have been on this site since the beginning of the year. The first few months I made so many awesome changes in my life and got so close to my goal weight..2 or 3 kilos away!

The last few months I have been so up and down. I'll have a few good days of food and exercise then a few bad, then a few good, then one REALLY bad, then 2 good days, then 2 bad weeks....and so on!!!!

I've let life pressures and emotions get in the way of my eating and exercising habits and now i'm so angry at myself. AT LEAST I still haven't had a cigarette!

So anyway.....I'm really angry at myself, which might be a good thing because now I'm super motivated to get back to how I was a few months ago. Fit, sleeping perfect, happy with my body!!! Just needed to make this post to get it out!!

So I need as much motivation, support as I can on here!!

Thanks!!! :-)


  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    My friend,

    Great job in your request. You are doing it all yourself. At times we have to get angry at ourselves so that we succeed. You have done all the right things here yourself. You are now motivated to go forward in the right direction. You go now and do what got you here!!!!
  • harempants
    harempants Posts: 11 Member
    Just remember, you are strong, and you are absolutely worth the effort. Mind over matter (or over food, in this case).