Need support and accountability

Am not new to dieting, but am new to MFP. I am very bad at motivating myself and keeping myself accountable. I am hoping that by joining this website, your posts will keep me going. Am excited to be here!


  • Violetrascal
    Hey Mary, Im Maria. I am in the same boat with you. motivation stays with me for like 3 days and then away it goes, today is day #3, I had a baby in April, I was on the site last year and was losing weightgreat, then found out I was pregnant, go figure. so Iam starting again.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck. You are going to love it here. When ever you feel like being bad just log on and tell us. We'll help you through.:flowerforyou:
  • FireMama_24
    FireMama_24 Posts: 169 Member
    If you want to add me I will help you
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to MFP....i think you will find this site a wonderful tool for your new life journey. Most people on here dont say
    we are are not dieting, you are making a new life choice!!! diet implies there is an end! this has to be a life
    Please feel free to add me as a friend and I will try very hard to support. I could not have done what I have done without
    my MFP peeps! they have truly become friends!!

    Take care and good luck!!!
  • crr7
    crr7 Posts: 17
    I think many of us have problems with staying motivated. MFP helps just by logging what you eat and your exercise BUT of course getting support of "friends" helps even more. I tried to get some of my friends and family (who were making life changes as well) to join MFP but they would not :( but I will do this!
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,221 Member
    You have acknowledged your challenges..... and still have that great determination!!!! Take care of one meal at a time, one day at a time. You have the strength to do this!!!! Ready, set.....GO!!!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Mary and welcome! I really think you will do well here...please feel free to add me if you like, we are all here to help each other!:flowerforyou:
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Welcome! So glad you joined us; you will love this site. It keeps me accountable and I always have people to answer the many questions that inevitably come up while changing a lifestyle. It sounds like you have a great supporter in your sister. Best of luck!
  • moonfleur75
    Hi Mary! I feel the same way and need all of the support and accountability partners I can get. I am looking at this as a lifestyle change and am on the road to being a healthier person. I know I feel better and have more energy when I eat healthy. Feel free to add me as a friend. The more friends and accountability partners I have the better my chances of succeeding!