Turbo Jammers 4/6-4/12



  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Good morning ladies! Can I tell you how much I LOVE MFP? I usually hate counting the calories, but it has helped me plan my eating better. We are going to dinner tonight for my dad's birthday. So, I've already planned out what I am ordering. :) I am going to go home and do the 20 minute. Did it yesterday...I was working up a sweat, let me tell you!

    Yeah, I need to give up the beers :) Something I need to research. Is all liquor safe? LOL! I need to find a new drink. Ha!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    That is freakin awesome. Good for you!!!!

    Whitney-TS is tough, but hey 7 minutes is an improvement. You will be able to make it thru soon enough.

    Deedun-I agree booty sculpt is more fun, but if you are really looking for a good, make you sweat kinda workout TS is the way to go.

    Megan-Snow? that's no good. We had that kinda weather last week...but now it's suppose to be 72 today :love: So excited to get outside. I've already sent the kids out to play!

    Well ladies, I'm back to babysitting 5 days a week. I have mixed emotions about that right now. This week should be okay cuz hubby is home as well so he can help. I'm hoping this only continues until school gets out, cuz I really would like to be able to come and go as I please during the summer. The mother is pregnant and due in July so I know I wont have to babysit at all july or august. When she goes back to work and the kids go back to school then I will just have the babies (hers and mine)....cuz the kids will be in 1st grade and be gone all day....that I can handle! Wow I can't believe it's the first of April and I'm already looking towards Sept. WHOA!!! I just want to enjoy my summer.

    So when we went swimming on sunday I think the baby picked up an eye infection. She's had a goopy eye for two days and this morning she's really swollen. I heard that breast milk is good for pink eye....so we are trying that before we take her to the doctor (crazy I know but hey if it works I'm gonna bottle it and sell it :laugh: )

    Anyway I hope everyone has a great day. I'm looking forward to a wonderful day.
  • machonregier
    Wow, Janet that is a huge accomplishment! I hope you are very proud of yourself!! And yes, you must do something special for yourself with your winnings. I'll be curious to hear what you decide to spend the money on:smile:.

    Have a great day!

  • mdebroy
    mdebroy Posts: 30
    Hi everyone,
    I just did my first turbo jam today. It was actually pretty awesome. A little hard to keep up at first but I'm sure it will come. Have you all had a lot of success? Before this I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Got toned but didn't lose much. I am looking for more here. What do you guys think so far?
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone..

    I'm checking in with CP3, I really like it but the music is a litle lacking unfortunetly.. I couldnt finish the whole dvd as I was wiped and I couldnt concentrate on the moves and follow them.. But I stayed til 5 mins after the Turbo so I did over 30mins of a workout... I'm still in awe of everyone who can do more than 1 dvd!

    Also I think there maybe something wrong with my HRM, I know I was wiped but by HRM was beeping away at 137.. Maybe I'm just having an off day :noway:

    Anyways, only 1 day left til I fly into Boston :tongue: CANNOT wait !! Sephora here I come!

    Edit to Add - CONGRATULATIONS JANET!! :flowerforyou: 14lbs is such a brilliant loss ! You have to celebrate!
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    oh dee...music to my ears...sephora! I was thinking this morning I needed to take a trip soon! hahaha!

    I have about 2 hours left of work. Then I'm off to do some turbo jam. Thinking of trying ab jam today!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I just did my first turbo jam today. It was actually pretty awesome. A little hard to keep up at first but I'm sure it will come. Have you all had a lot of success? Before this I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Got toned but didn't lose much. I am looking for more here. What do you guys think so far?

    The steps/moves will come I promise. It gets easier and easier...the moves not the workout. I've been at this for about 8 months and the workouts still kick my butt. You will like Turbo Jam a whole lot more than the 30 day shred (I hated doing the shred, jillian drives me NUTS!)
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hi everyone..

    I'm checking in with CP3, I really like it but the music is a litle lacking unfortunetly.. I couldnt finish the whole dvd as I was wiped and I couldnt concentrate on the moves and follow them.. But I stayed til 5 mins after the Turbo so I did over 30mins of a workout... I'm still in awe of everyone who can do more than 1 dvd!

    Also I think there maybe something wrong with my HRM, I know I was wiped but by HRM was beeping away at 137.. Maybe I'm just having an off day :noway:

    Anyways, only 1 day left til I fly into Boston :tongue: CANNOT wait !! Sephora here I come!

    Edit to Add - CONGRATULATIONS JANET!! :flowerforyou: 14lbs is such a brilliant loss ! You have to celebrate!

    That's funny that you mentioned the music lacking cuz I didn't notice that until just the other day...and I've been doing cp3 for months now. As far as music I think CP actually has the best/motivating music.. Proud of you for getting thru most of the workout.
    Check your settings on your HRM. Make sure your weight, height, age and everything are correct. Also make sure that if you have a chest strap it is on tight and that you moisten the "sensor" areas. If you are doing all of that and it's still beeping at you...then you are out of your zone. If it's a slow beep you need to step up the intensity, if it's a fast beep you need to lower your intensity.
    Have fun on your vacation!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Checkin in with CP2 and 20 minute. Feels great!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey All
    I have a question ~ how are you all logging Tsculpt?? strength training or general aerobics or what?
    I get so confused:ohwell:

    I think I am going to get Booty Sculpt/ Abs and some new gloves - mine are totally gone - I went to walmart last week and bought some wrist weights -(1 lb) and have been using those during my workouts - let me tell you it's only .25lb heavier than the gloves but my triceps really feel the difference.

    For those of you who do 20min - i think it's a teriffic, quick way to get your heart going and get a calorie burn - the choices of exercises in that little gem seem to work everything! It's a great lead in to whatever else you're doing - I just love that one - especially that combo that goes with the song "Keep on Takin me (higher)!! I can't wait to get home, :laugh:

    ok, now it's stuck in my head.....

    Drevans - If bottling it works, go for it!! Too funny
  • wmcnicol
    wmcnicol Posts: 144
    just checking in with the 20 minute work out. Squeezed it in while the kids were napping. Planning on working out more later just had a bunch of energy and wanting to burn it off. haha. :)
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hey janet,
    i wear my hrm during TS and my heart rate definitely gets up there! about 140-145 so it's burning calories. I probably burn about 175-200 in a workout, but I burn low.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi everyone..

    I'm checking in with CP3, I really like it but the music is a litle lacking unfortunetly.. I couldnt finish the whole dvd as I was wiped and I couldnt concentrate on the moves and follow them.. But I stayed til 5 mins after the Turbo so I did over 30mins of a workout... I'm still in awe of everyone who can do more than 1 dvd!

    Also I think there maybe something wrong with my HRM, I know I was wiped but by HRM was beeping away at 137.. Maybe I'm just having an off day :noway:

    Anyways, only 1 day left til I fly into Boston :tongue: CANNOT wait !! Sephora here I come!

    Edit to Add - CONGRATULATIONS JANET!! :flowerforyou: 14lbs is such a brilliant loss ! You have to celebrate!

    That's funny that you mentioned the music lacking cuz I didn't notice that until just the other day...and I've been doing cp3 for months now. As far as music I think CP actually has the best/motivating music.. Proud of you for getting thru most of the workout.
    Check your settings on your HRM. Make sure your weight, height, age and everything are correct. Also make sure that if you have a chest strap it is on tight and that you moisten the "sensor" areas. If you are doing all of that and it's still beeping at you...then you are out of your zone. If it's a slow beep you need to step up the intensity, if it's a fast beep you need to lower your intensity.
    Have fun on your vacation!!

    thanks!! I am trying to pack everything now as I have loads to do tomorrow and have to get the dogs sorted and drive them to their new home for the next couple of days! (You'd swear they were kids by the way I talk!)

    I really enjoyed the moves in CP3, especially the opening, and I like that there was less "skip rope/ jumping on the spot" parts!

    I must read up the HRM manual as I changed a few settings the other day and maybe i messed it up a bit!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Just tagging the thread so I can come back to the land of the living tomorrow. Miss you girls! :heart: I'll try to catch up tomorrow at some point, but the kids all had the green snot monsters at bed time so I'm buckling down for a week of grossness. :sick:
  • rivergirl2
    Turbo Jam is awsome. 24 hour fitness teaches a class that is very close to it. TKB, (Turbo Kickboxing). I don't know how many calories you burn, but I have done both the dvd and 24 hour fitness. It is soo great for your stomach and calorie burn. There are several dvd to it, and each one is geared toward something a bit different. Within each dvd, you will get a one minute turbo, which is a fast pace calorie burning of the entire cd. Some of the dvds will offer 2- 4 turbos. I love kickboxing and have not found any other full body cardio that works as good, burning that many calories. But, mix it up, because your body will become use to the same thing. Do turbo 2-3 times a week, then try other cardio, I like a variety as not to get bored, but all are full body workouts, and three to 4 days a week include cardio and weights. A lot of work , but in the end worth it. As the old saying goes, you will never say. "I wish I would not have done that". Good luck:wink:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Have had back to back phone calls (which so could have waited til after my workout) and now I don't want to do my work. I want to eat, lay in the bed and watch biggest loser, LOL!!!! How ironic!!
    Thanks goodness for DVR. I'm not going to do that - I'm going downstairs and do CP2 or 3.
    I just had to write it down!

    Thanks for helping me be accountable ~ love you guys:heart:
  • rivergirl2
    The moves will definitly come to you. Turbo is much easier than step. The moves are eventually all the same throughout each video. The difference is that some dvds are longer and faster. Take it one step at a time, you will get it. I have been doing it for 3 years, and can go to a class with any instructor now, and know the moves. Once you understand what Charlene calls her moves you will get it. She is very easy to follow. You will see results in your torso, develop balance, and it is great for your core. Good luck:happy:
  • rivergirl2
    Try Crystal light, (Rasberry Ice) and Vodka, and if you need a little pep, add sugarfree Red bull. It is like cranberry juice and vodka. But, Crystal light has no calories. Go easy on the Vodka. But, it is definitly lower calorie than beer. Oh, a good low fat german beer is Becks light, 64 calories. You can also go to the Crystal light website for other cocktail ideas. My friend makes margaritas out of their lime and lemon mix. Enjoy:drinker:
  • amanda15
    amanda15 Posts: 43
    Morning ladies! I did the 20 min abs last night and boy oh boy am I feeling them this morning! :grumble: :happy: Haha! How do you log the ab work out? Also, I have the gloves, but am unsure of when I should be wearing them. Is it with a specific dvd or with any of them?

    I am working a little later today, but hope to get something in when I get home.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Have room for one more? I don't know that I will be posting very often, but I will check in when I can.
    I just started Turbo Jam this week. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet since I am trying to get used to the moves. I did feel it in my butt the next morning, so I am sure it works. I have been sick so I haven't been pushing too hard. I'm ready to feel better and get the burn on. I may attempt the 20 minute today. I've only done the Burn twice so far. I will give it a go and see what happens!